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Everything posted by CI

  1. Pullis is changing things to win this game & Eck ??
  2. CI

    Stephen Ireland

    How longs left on his contract?
  3. CI

    Stephen Ireland

    He's taken the piss since the day he arrived Whinging, spoilt, lazy clearing in the woods A hate the fact he's a Villa player
  4. CI

    Stephen Ireland

    He's a rocket polisher.
  5. I think & hope we'll have Gabby his entire career, he could go on to smash Aitken's record
  6. I wouldn't believe a word Bent speaks or twatters. The guy is a mercenary
  7. LAWRO : Stoke were on a really good run until they were outplayed by Manchester City on Wednesday but Potters boss Tony Pulis made quite a few changes for that game and I think he did so with this match in mind. Matthew Etherington didn't play at the Etihad and he will be back, as will Ryan Shawcross, who was suspended, and possibly Peter Crouch, who was ill. Villa's performance against Liverpool last weekend was disappointing but they should have got something out of their game against Arsenal in midweek. If you are a Villa fan, you must be wondering why they can't play the way they did against the Gunners regularly, and be ultra-competitive. They just weren't competitive at all against Liverpool and it was the same in their home game against Manchester United at the start of December, which is quite unusual for a team managed by Alex McLeish. Villa lost all three of those games, but it was only the Arsenal game where they gave it a good go, and also gave themselves a better chance of winning it. They really have got to go to Stoke and play the same way. But because it is Stoke and because I don't know whether Darren Bent is going to be fit for Villa, I am backing Stoke to get back to winning ways. Prediction: 2-1
  8. Views like this often come from those who have never played, or understand the game Petrov gets through an amazing amount of work, which usually goes unnoticed by the layman. He's been out best player this season
  9. Surely the logical move would have been to appoint Sid & KMac rather than panic and appoint McLeish, thus avoiding compensation and a high risk, volatile appointment that will probably end in a seven figure pay off
  10. On what basis was Eck appointed Every angle you look from it's a bizarre choice
  11. They are the black cab drivers of the footballing world Want to know anything, ask a steward (especially the ones who work in corporate) they are deffo ITK
  12. Throw into the blender the fact that Lerner is just back from the middle east and the plot thickens
  13. How is Steve Kean still employed, can anyone tell me ? I feel for the guy but surely he has to go ?
  14. OMG, is that a serious question! Because we pay to attend and hope for some entertainment!! When it ain't happening we have every right to make our feelings known or go home early
  15. Who are our scouts ? Are they still consultants like Ian Storey Moore? Also, is Glenn Roeder still on the payroll ?
  16. Looking at the fixtures I think we'll only fall to about 14th with Sland and Wolves going above us Swansea does become a MUST win game though
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