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Everything posted by CI

  1. Do we know if RL is attendin g Brown's games ? Is he pumping any cash into them of late ?
  2. I've a feeling the Swansea - QPR game is going to be dreadful
  3. Clark was Class tonight, very Barryesque
  4. Makouns Grin, bang on the money son
  5. CI

    Brad Guzan

    Brilliant tonight from Guzan, demanding his 18 was great to see Long may it continue
  6. For me tonight was very much like a MON away game Brilliantly organised, very hard working and dangerous on the counter attack Whats not to like about tonight ??
  7. If something had clicked we would've won that easily. Stoke were poor today and unfortunately we didn't capitalise on that. we made them look poor
  8. I get the sense something has clicked within the camp, as if they now all know whats expected as a minimum
  9. Did we really watched the same game? 2nd have must be really improvement. I just saw 1st, had to go to sleep i missed the 1st half but was happy with what i saw 2nd half We tamed Stoke and made them look crap (which they are not)
  10. I thought CC was awesome tonight Long may he stay in the starting XI
  11. starting to think Bent is deffo off
  12. Its something to build on. If we fight like this each game, the fans will get behind the lads
  13. Listening to Tony Pullis's post match words, what an absolute gent, respectful to Villa as a club He's doing a brilliant job at Stoke and he seems a genuine man, not many left in the game
  14. Quick mention for Fonz who did really well when he came on
  15. I honestly thought we battled hard for a great point at one of the toughest places to go I fully expected us to crumble, we didn't I'm delighted
  16. One of our best performances this season Real fight & commitment & we looked very organised and dangerous on the break Like it
  17. Great Point Great Commitment from everyone tonight, I actually take lots of positives from this game
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