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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. Turns out Donald and the people in his movement were even bigger snowflakes. Dude can't even take a slightly critical news article without throwing a fit. I've started to realize that the entire movement is about projection.
  2. No, I wouldn't...no need to project. I don't care about him anymore now that he doesn't play for Villa. He could score a hattrick and I wouldn't care. The only recent former Villa players I care about are Benteke and Albrighton and Benteke only because he's my favorite player currently playing. Everyone else, it's like they were never here. Edit: I see that you mean if other people praised him. In that case, that's another false equivalency. What would people even say apart from maybe 'he could still do a job here'?
  3. It's not even like I was exclusively posting about people's weird obsession with him anyway, in fact the one on the previous page was the first one. All of my posts in this thread since he left were about miscellaneous things like Steve Bruce's comments, or Burnley fans' opinions on Matt Lowton.
  4. Yeah, he doesn't have to be exactly the same for him to be the modern day version. There are so many similarities to 1930's Hitler that he renders Godwin's Law obsolete.
  5. It's not the same at all. I'm not posting about Westwood.
  6. So, I'm also obsessed with him is what you're saying?
  7. How is he already campaigning before the end of his first month though
  8. I swear the seasons cycle in difficulty. Championship was hard as hell. First session on the prem was surprisingly easy, finished 3rd. This season I'm struggling to finish in the top 6, even though I improved my squad.
  9. Not the biggest fan of Maher, but this was pure savagery.
  10. How is it dishonest to not say it's one of the most effective press conferences of all time? Forget about how dangerous that is, it didn't even make sense. I don't think he even understands the term dishonest. To go back to that Obama presser, the media aren't supposed to be sycophants. And castigating them at every turn for not being sycophants is dangerously close to facism.
  11. That's still a huge far cry from undermining the press in public and deliberately trying to ride the public's trust the media. He actually just tweeted that the press are the enemy of the people.
  12. I liked Trevor Noah's take better
  13. That German paper should be mercilessly sued. A retraction and apology is not enough, they did their damage and they knew it. Another example of fake news, the way the term was intended before it got hijacked by Trump and his cult. They are the main consumers of fabricated news, and even when they find out it's fake they don't really care and continue to believe it. Fake news to them simply means news I don't agree with. It's all horrifyingly Orwellian.
  14. I feel no shame in admitting that I do this. All the time.
  15. Social media for all of it's nice social perks has turned out to be a complete scourge. Turned us into vapid, borderline sociopaths.
  16. Curiously checked out Obama's last press conference to see the difference and my god. 1:50 really stood out as a stark contrast to what we witnessed yesterday.
  17. He completely Conway'd that question. Also he can't seem to finish a thought without launching into another.
  18. The President of the United States. It is just surreal.
  19. Did he actually say Iran is the world's top sponsor of terrorism with a straight face? Barely 5 minutes in and this is incredible.
  20. Can we talk about how he had a heavy, wrestling intro-esque song play as he walked into the room. Sounded like a Dragonball Z soundtrack. He really is President Camacho come to life
  21. Man, you really gotta be on top of ur players' contracts and actively renew otherwise they'll get snapped up by other teams for free. I found out the hard way, losing Cresswell for nothing, now I only have 1 LB.
  22. Martial is the spiritual successor to Embolo.
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