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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. McGinn's suspension might end up being a blessing in disguise. We've come out of it with 4 points at a minimum and guaranteed 4th at the end of this game week. He'll be fully recharged now you'd hope.
  2. Well if we lose tomorrow they'll have a game in hand and will have cut our 3 point lead to 2. Getting City out of the way and keeping our 3 point lead in tact would be absolutely massive.
  3. I remember that League Cup game. 4-2 AET. Was when Benteke was starting to come into his own.
  4. A point would render Spurs' game in hand almost moot (depending on how much they score). Would be huge.
  5. A point would be amazing. When was the last time we got at least a point at the Etihad? Has to be 2009 at the latest. Probably more like 2007. Which is crazy.
  6. It kind of shows how incredible (for better or worse) the internet is. In just a few short years the word mutated from being something used almost exclusively among African Americans, often tongue in cheek ("Stay woke" was a funny joke for a while), to an overused pejorative among middle aged British people and everyone in between.
  7. I thought we were conserving ourselves in the first half yesterday. Letting Wolves have the ball and not really pressing them too much. It seems like Emery always has an eye on energy levels. You can tell he's a seasoned campaigner. 14 European campaigns in a row, I imagine he's got this rotation thing down to a science at this point.
  8. Exactly. Best season of my lifetime. The odd loss we suffer occasionally doesn't even phase me. In the grand scheme of things we're already like 3-5 years ahead of where I thought we'd be under NSWE.
  9. Feel like he's got another Conference League winner in his locker
  10. How would that not be surprising? I'd be surprised if Arsenal won 9 in a row let alone that shower of shite. I'd be positively flabbergasted if they did that. Like, 10 in a row is our all time club record to put it in perspective. It's a wild thing to say.
  11. So you watched them today and your conclusion was they could *checks notes* easily win 9 in a row? United. Zero goal difference Manchester United. This is technically an opinion yes, but it's not a serious one.
  12. He was Grealish before Grealish before those 2 ACLs
  13. Tight hamstring according to the commentator
  14. Digne no doubt shaking his head on the bench
  15. Missing preseason with injury should never be understated. Next season I imagine Kamara will look as off as Moreno does now for a while
  16. Those types of fouls should be more than yellow cards. This is why I support those calls for an "orange card"
  17. That's about as heated as it's going to get fit the foreseeable future
  18. Kind of looks like a Fulham kit. Adidas kits just kind of look cheap on teams that aren't Bayern/United/Arsenal really
  19. Seems to try to shoot on sight and/or dribble around 3/4 players when there are better options on. Even when he gets tackled for the umpteenth time, he still does it. Reminds me of like 2005/6 Ronaldo
  20. Southgate celebrating like it were the Euro knockouts 'cause he knew he was going to get slammed all week by the fans and press
  21. I hate when players do that. Chilwell got skinned fair and square but couldn't take it so he had to pull the winger back.
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