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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. Brilliant. Ref ruined the game, but we battled and were handsomely rewarded. I’ve decided I think we deserved to win, really. You know why? ’cause their goalie wears number 11. F*** right off, you ****.
  2. And I’m perfectly fine with that, and it’s perfectly in sync with what I think should be the rules. That, and common sense, says let that one pass. But, it’s hard to believe that wouldn’t be given against us or in favour of one of the media darling clubs. It’s all just a mess.
  3. Well, that’s just a flat out lie, isn’t it? Like I said, I’m fine with that not being a pen, but we’re not getting fair and equal treatment. It’s ridiculously inconsistent, which completely defeats the point of VAR in the first place.
  4. I’d say we edged the first 30 mins, then they dominated the next ten, before we got back into it. Mike Dean has been his usual self. That is, a smug word removed who doesn’t seem particularly interested in the game of football. Ruins the rythm of the game, and gives every 50/50 decision in their favour. I’m fine with the Saiss handball not given as a penalty, but you’d like to get equal treatment and for these things to even out at some point. We can beat these, but we need to be a little sharper on the ball and make better decisions in the attacking third.
  5. El Zen


    December has become November, Part Two. Foggy, wet, dark and muddy. In my mind, it used to be snowy and fun. I’m probably just getting old.
  6. El Zen

    General Chat

    It’s the first rule of Fight Club.
  7. 2024? That is shocking. An absolute shambles. Watching them play, they have some decent young talent coming through, but those contracts will hurt their chances of building a top, top side any time soon.
  8. Oh, absolutely, they’re in trouble, but getting rid of Alba, Pique, Busquets and, yep, Messi and, yep, Griezmann, should free up a tonne of wages, should it not? That is, if anyone will take them.
  9. Time to reset and rebuild. Write this season and the next off while you cut wages and develop younger talent. They won’t win much for a couple of years, but they have to do get rid of expensive, old underperformers, no matter have much their names are enshrined in club history.
  10. Watching the CL, you kind of think it’s a Premier League problem and not VAR in itself.
  11. He could have just pointed and said «that guy». Is he a massive racist? Probably not. Is he an idiot who should have a good think and a lesson in communication before he referees a game of football again? Yeah. Definitely.
  12. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    I read an interesting book called ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’, you may have heard about it. Anyway, it’s written by an American history professor, and he explains how he basically has to spend a lot of time «unteaching» crap his students have been taught, and read in their high school textbooks, and what he sees as an extreme lack of critical analysis going on in American class rooms. I’m not qualified to judge, but it was an extremely interesting read anyway, and if it’s anywhere near as bad as the book would have it, it’s not good news for the future of American democracy.
  13. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    And my initial point, if that wasn’t clear (I can see that it perhaps wasn’t), southern racists sure as heck aren’t going to vote for a Democrat because he’s jewish
  14. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    Yeah, all of that is true, but really doesn’t counter anything I said. See above for clarification, if needed.
  15. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    No shit. Still, though, anti-semitism is a huge issue on the American far right, and has long traditions in southern racism. I still think my point is 100 % valid, and that Osoff’s judaism will be used against him by far more voters than will say «oh, good, a jew, I’ll vote for him, he probably hates the muslims as much as I do». I really can’t see being jewish being an electoral advantage in the American south.
  16. Absolutely farcical. Use some common sense, ffs.
  17. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    Sure, but anti-semittism is rife among southern racist types, and Old Conservative Christian White Man sure beats Young Liberal Jewish Man among in their game of bigotted top trumps.
  18. The straight lines collectively form the Mason-Dixon line, which essentially was a compromise to solve an old border dispute regarding the colonial claims of Lord Baltimore and William Penn(-sylvania) (famously marking the boundry between North and South, Union and Confederacy, and free states and slave states.) The panhandle that looks like it should be (now West) Virginian simply follows the Potomac River.
  19. Well now the game’s postponed, for sure.
  20. It kind of sucks for us, but safety first if possible and it saves me having an awkward discussion with the wife on how to spend a rare friday night without kids
  21. I don’t think that’s necessarily the case, but the main is to reduce the influence VAR has on the game. If you keep it, don’t use it unless there is genuine controversy and doubt on the ground.
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