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Everything posted by villa-revolution

  1. We seriously need to do something about employing 500 stewards for that single lone Wigan fan that comes here every season!
  2. For me, all serious prospective bidding for the monster starts @ £40M otherwise we would just be ripping ourselves off. & I'd tell all prospective bidders where they can go to as well! Unless ofcourse Spurs want to give us Bale & £20M too The real problem though is potentially having to put up with an unsettled player if/when the big bids do finally emerge. Bottom line ..........Benteke is a massive asset to us & I'm glad he is currently on our books.
  3. Here's another baseball analogy..............................3 strikes & your Out! (Ouch!)
  4. Better still, just replace him with any player from Rag Arse Rovers because let's face it..........No one could be shitter!
  5. 1. So are Man City! 2 So do Wigan as against Man City who also needed to win 3 Wigan will be on a high mentally after winning the Cup. Also, Arsenal have won 9 times out of 10 at home to Wigan so fa so that suggests Wigan have a 1 in 10 chance tomorrow night to win. Based on the same logic Wigan can win that 1 in 10 tomorrow & lose the next 9 straight after! Also will be interesting to see who will be brickin' it the most between ourselves & Sunderland if this relegation nightmare still exists at 9-45pm tomorrow evening?
  6. And can I call my first witness Zhan-Zhuang your honour?
  7. Better to have 2 grand and feel like shit than feel like shit and not have 2 grand. A classic case of better be rich & miserable than poor & miserable!
  8. I'm totally shocked! Why couldn't she just have said I've been seeing a lot of our milkman lately!
  9. Have sent you my answer on a postcard as you request! Have sent it out 2nd class so that should be with you anytime soon once postman Pat finds his black & white cat & his tea break is over!
  10. I personally never have & never will back money against my teams misfortune. I'd just feel like Judas Iscariot & would probably hang myself off a tree! (Yippee I hear you all say! ) However, to try & be fair to those who do feel comfortable with this I would say that just because you pay say £150 housing Insurance that certainly doesn't mean that you want your property to burn down to the ground does it? The best insurance policy for us though is to just simply not lose next week if that is ultimately what fate decrees that we have to do.
  11. If we could just tighten up in defence then the away fans might not have anything to cheer about!
  12. Every body seems to be overlooking the fact that a Spurs defeat today is irrelevant. Arsenal will need to beat Wigan no matter what the pre-match circumstances quite simply because they need to qualify 3rd & above Chelsea in order to avoid having to play a Champoins League Group qualifier. The bottom line is that both teams will be up for it on tuesday because of their own high pressure agenda's & therefore the outcome cannot be taken for granted. As one poster stated earlier a Wigan win would be neither unsurprising or inconceivable & it would be foolish to deny this possibility at this stage.
  13. The worst thing is that due to yesterday's totally inept display & all the speculation & bullshit surrounding Mancini's future that Man City team might also not be overly concerned with how they perform against Norwich next week. Like us they just need next season to start asap!
  14. The biggest positive for us in today's fixtures is the "Wigan effect" Most of the sensible posters on here Know that it is foolish & indeed a touch arrogant just to simply state that Arsenal will wallop Wigan on Tuesday night or draw at a minimum because they might not. The good thing is that for today at least the spectre of a real Wigan revival may play on the minds of Sunderland, Norwich & Newcastle & one of them may implode due to the monumental psychological pressure that the "Wigan effect" has cranked up. I'm pretty sure that that is what we are all hoping for but if results do go against us today then that heat is really gonna be cranked up to fever pitch so God help us all if this is not all over 9.45pm Tuesday night.
  15. Not for me mate. I don't need them. I am 100% convinced that Wigan will not beat Arsenal on Tuesday. I tell you what though if your shitting it and need my share of bog roll then be my guest help yourself. No Thank's. Best you keep them, just in case that over confident arse of your's doesn't get caught short anytime soon!
  16. He didn't help us through the tough times... he created the tough times, and then dragged the tough times out much longer than they needed to be by not retiring from the game. I've admitted many facts about his game numerous times. Fact 1 = he can't cross Fact 2 = he can't shoot Fact 3 = he can't head Fact 4 = he can't defend You forgot fact 5 = He's totally shit! Fact!
  17. Let me know if he needs a lift. Good man ArteSuave! Here's a tip for you, don't arrange to pick him up from a corner Also, if you have any unforeseen mechanical problems simply use me as Plan B & I will willingly give Bannan a one way piggy back all the way up to John O' Groats if necessary!
  18. Apparently Wigan are better (not my idea just the thoughts of some on here). Nobody has said that. Stop dragging the debate that way. Lies. Oh no, someone has called me a liar. What should I do? Well, I could be pedantic and say I called the 'people thinking wigan are better' lies. But hey. Let's keep things in perspective. No one is suggesting that Wigan are a better team than Arsenal because logic & common sense tell you they ain't. However, Wigan are more than capable of upsetting the odds in a one off game & especially if it is just written in the stars that they are gonna fluke a win. Wigan's total unpredictability is their biggest psychological advantage in a survival fight & that's what plays on the minds of all of their rivals in the dogfight. They have previously proven that they will not be out psyched! Remember also Wigan have not lost one single Premiership Relegation battle yet & it could well be that they will escape again. As long as it is not at our expense then I don't give a toss!.
  19. If you are a realist you will know that nothing is surprising in football. Also by your own logic they beat a Man City team that are a much better side after 36 Premier League games than Arsenal. Also, everybody seems to think that the Wembley pitch is energy sapping but after today's result I would have thought it would be awe inspiring. I've said from day one that Martinez is the master of psychology & he will use this win & milk it to the maximum. Bottom line (Pun intended ) Bog Rolls all round in Norwich, Sunderland, Southampton, Newcastle & B6
  20. Was that Mancini's prematch team talk today?
  21. Have you passed him down your Teflon Gloves?
  22. Should be okay. The whole town of Wigan will have spent all of their dole money on the day out at Wembley so won't be able to afford a ticket for their last league game. Pacbuddies, it's not the people i'm worried about it's the whippets! Have you seen them sneak under the turnstiles? Take plenty of sausages and trail them along the pier. That should keep the whippets at bay for a few hours! Nice one Pacbuddies!
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