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Everything posted by villa-revolution

  1. This relegation thread will be in meltdown later this evening when the Pie eaters win 2-0 tonight!
  2. Sunderland v Saints should be frenetic to say the least. Both teams like to press like to press high up the pitch so it should be fascinating. The positive for us though is that we will definitely still be above one of them this weekend even if we lose to Chelsea & so one of them is going into the last day madness whatever the outcome. Personally I would like a Saints win, which means that I've already jinxed it!.
  3. Fret not guy's they are all being heated in the dustbin in my backyard! Something somewhere tells me Con is beginning to feel the HEAT!
  4. I'd like to see them in the Turd Division!
  5. Yeh! - Everybody is saying that 5 games in 15 days will catch up with Wigan & they will run out of steam. I for one would not be in the least bit surprised if they won all 5 matches including the FA Cup because that is what i've come to expect from this nightmare excuse of a football club! They really are bugging me this season!
  6. Not sure how many fans are going to take this but Ryan Shawcross who plays for those anti-footballers at Stoke looks a really solid defender. I scrutinised him close this evening against Sunderland & he really reads the game well & makes some very timely interceptions. Personally I think he would be ideal to slot in alongside Vlaar to solidify our creaky defence. Anybody know his contract details or if he is even available?
  7. There is some good news I believe. Can someone confirm that Wigan V Swansea, Norwich V Albion & QPR v Newcastle are all live television games next week. The reason I am claiming it as good news is that it at least might give the teams that we need to do us a favour an incentive to not to try & lie down building sand castles & disgrace themselves in front of millions of Nationwide & world wide viewers. Or am I clutching at straws?
  8. Sorry to disappoint you but Monsters can't write!
  9. There's playing a simple game and being simple - not having the talent to do anything other than what you're doing. Which category Westwood? The assist for the second goal against Norwich is a good sign for me he can be more than a get-and-giver who is reasonable defensively, and make key passes from open play. If he can continue to do that, he has a good all-round game. This is important because Delph is better defensively than Westwood so if we got in someone with more creativity and as much defensive ability as Westwood, Westwood could have his spot nicked.. So if Gary Gardner were to gain some form, Westwood got injured and Gardner got a chance, Gardner-Delph partnership could take over. Equally, if Gardner is as good defensively as Delph and is better creatively, we could have Westwood-Gardner. Con - I could do with a new Gardener! Have you seen the state of my back yard now after having had to throw out all your Hoof 3 Ashley Westwood charts! Also, please can you ask wee Barry Bannan to come & fetch his ball that also landed there after his last piss poor Corner kick! Roll on November the 5th!
  10. Einstein Here..........E =MC2.............................This Relegation battle according to my calculation is 6 to the power of Fulham x the square root of Sunderland + 3 bottles of Newcastle Brown less a trip to Wigan Pier minus the cube root of Aston Villa when the Saints go Marching in = Bollocks! I'm going to bed! It's doing my F***in Head In!
  11. I may be wrong but this I believe is something that the majority of `Holte Enders in the sky` will have happily done at some point during their life time devotion & membership of the `Chosen Few` I first did it in 1972..................There I was standing outside the old Trinity Rd Car Park right next to where the old ticket office used to be just after we had beaten Swansea City 2-0 in the old 3rd Division ( Great Days!) When, there, suddenly, out of the blue, coming across the Car Park were Fred Turnbull, Chris Nicholl & my all time first Villa hero Pat McMahon. ( Most fan's loved Bruce Rioch at that time.) Filled with that intangible youthful excitement imagine my sheer delight when I got all 3 of their autographs written down on a piece of paper that a passing supporter had kindly given to me. I treasured this memento for years & scurried off immediately to play football with my mates in Aston Park feeling as high as a kite & pretending to score a goal like Pat McMahon, just exactly as he had done so that day against Swansea. Over the years I subsequently collected a number of Autographs & sometimes not always Villa. I once had a go at Gary Newbon heckling him whilst other poor misguided fools were clamouring for his signature. (Hilarious now when I look back at it) Anyway,over the years, you just grow out of it ( as you do) however, I vividly recall one elderly fella' getting Peter Withe to sign upto at least 25 autographs against his new portrait photo collections when I attended the 25th Year Rotterdam Celebrations held in the Holte Suite in 2007. So VT Posters! Who was your first Villa player/ Management etc etc autograph & which one was your most treasured ever & whose if anyone would you truly wish to own today? Mine would be Ooh Aah Paul McGrath, I said Ooh Aah Paul McGrath! No Question! .
  12. I know, thats why were at an advantage. But to just pick a set of results and call them freakish is ridiculous. Wind the clock forward a week - we will know the results of the games. Whatever they are - if I was to sit here now and say that they will happen - it would be as freakish of a prediction as the set of results that everybody is calling freakish. Take Southampton Stoke out because its not letting me do an accumulator Norwich to beat baggies Villa to lose to Chelsea Wigan to beat Swansea New to beat QPR Sunderland to beat Stoke A set of results that would put us right in the mire £1 returns £33 Change the Wigan game to a draw (would still make our pos precarious) £1 returns £70 Change Wigan back to a win but Norwich to lose and New to lose £1 returns £66 But the entire set of results needed for us to go down is freakish. This is my whole point. But thats only because there is a lot of them. The same amount incidentally as the entire set of results we need to stay up No, not at all. We need a large number of results to go against us to go down but only need a couple of these results to go the other way to stay up. Right, and put those couple of results in with the rest of the random results that will occur from now until the end of the season and you have a set of results that will be as freakish as the set needed to take us down. I totally get what your saying in that for us to go down, were reliant on virtually the whole set of results going against us and thats correct. But for a couple of those results to go our way (and stay up), it means another result has occurred. All I am saying is that you cant group together that many results and say they are any more freakish than another set. They would just be more unfortunate in terms of Aston Villa. The problem that we have here as nail biting brickin it on the edge of a nervous breakdown Villa supporters is all down to Murphy's Law. That set of freakish (not really) results means according to Murphy..............If it can go wrong it will go wrong! Now pass me another sedative please!
  13. The rat being that it wasn’t “at one time” it was at different times, unfortunately, methinks. But, yes you are just being honest and fair, generally. I think what’s happened is that more of the players have been playing well at the same time, basically. Every single one of them has ability, and Westwood definitely so. From all of them the effort’s been there, consistently, but now they believe more in themselves collectively and individually and the system after a fair bit of mucking about is one that suits them. We’re also seeing in individual games one or two players each game really playing at the top of their form - whether it be Westwood, Gabby, Benteke, Lowton etc. When you have that, and the rest are steady you have a good chance, as you say - Not rocket science. I disagree Blandy, there was definitely a time when I was going through player threads and the vast majority (Ive listed) were being praised. I was saying, they cant all be playing well - we are getting murdered every week. Now there will have obv been different posters rating different players but for me that just highlights how easy it is as a fan to get carried away with the form of players and ultimately be incorrect (as they all cant have been right). There is no doubt about it that Westwood has NOT been good all season (as some have suggested) and I am struggling to remember the games where he has stood out as the top form player (as you suggest). I believe Westwood is one of those players who fly under the radar & because of the simplicity of his game he often goes unnoticed. He is a key & integral part of what Lambert is trying to do. Westwood is the water carrier of the team who smoothly goes about his job , keeping the ball moving & keeping us ticking over. It is a testimony to his ability just how well he has stepped up to the plate & made the transition from League 2 look so easy. Great prospect in the making!
  14. Wigan take 5 points more than us from Swansea (H), Arsenal (A), Villa (H) Well this is easy enough for them. Beat us and Swansea. Anything against Arsenal is a bonus. Sunderland take 3 more points than us from Stoke (H), Southampton (H), Spurs (A) Sunderland just need to win one of those, which they should. Probably Stoke. Newcastle take 2 more points than us from QPR (A), Arsenal (H) I think this maybe one of our best ways out, Newcastle are shit on the road and I could possibly see QPR getting a point. Norwich take 2 more points than us from WBA (H), Man City (A) Norwich will be going flat out against WBA, that's a massive cup final for them. They have no other option but to win. Southampton take 1 more point than us from Sunderland (A), Stoke (H) Easy. Beat or draw stoke. May even get something at Sunderland. They are a good outfit. Forget this scenario saving us because it will happen. My comments are in bold. And assuming we'll lose to Chelsea and get beat by Wigan (both quite likely). I don't know how anyone can relax on here the fact is we bloody can't. I think the fact we are in form, got 40 points, won our last 2 matches is proving a bit of a red herring to many, including the bookmakers. This is the spectre that looms large for me & I will not relax until it is otherwise. You just know & feel that it is all coming down to that last day at bloody Wigan isn't it?
  15. Hey Omariqy, how's it going, great result for our boys yesterday. What's the latest regarding Dale Stephens as I believe your the ITK on this one? Ps - sorry it's slightly off topic but that Hoofmeister is bloody potent!
  16. Redmong! No thanks! No sha scum around here thank you very much!
  17. So far so good. Win well, win ugly... In the words of that well known Beer Ad: "Good Call" Keep bringing us good luck Kiwivillan....................so hope you are right!
  18. Pelle...........So your the naughty boy! And there's me & Avflife coming close to a ban & poor old Con taking all this stick. What were you boys all drinking in Scruffy Murphy's last monday night v Sunderland? Hoofmeister 3 It will now need one off Con's hoof 7 charts to get you off the hook from this outrageous confession !
  19. Come on Con.............time to come clean............you were, weren't you. Please own up, no need to be coy, because I'm trying my hardest here to stop Avflife getting a further ban here. What did Gabby send you out of your scull on? It was those 3 sneaky Pts of Hoofmeister wasn't it? In that case, please can you save some for me & Avflife so that we can finally make head or tail of your charts! Mind you, it will take a lot more than 3 pints mind. more like 50,000 Cheers! - (Hoofer to you) :cheers:
  20. Yes John, you are quite correct. Also I can confirm that it was indeed that unsavoury tunnel incident that you refer to that led to his Villa demise, Rumour has it that as they left the pitch Becks allegedly turned to Alpay & said, " You're not singing on Victoria's next Album, no way!" The rest as they say is history!
  21. Talking Common sense AVflife - that's 15pts your upto now! Keep this up & you will be banned 4 life & banished forever to sit & study charts that clearly identify the true meaning of a class 3 Ashley Westwood hoof. Ours is not to do or die, and not to be a naughty boy!
  22. If you lose I will be celebrating. If you win I'll be jumping in the Grand Union Canal! Already done that 3 years ago lol PaulC? Which one? The jump or the bet? Please confirm! If it's the jump I'll have to think off throwing myself over the white cliffs of Dover! PS - Please don't tell me you've done that one as well! I actually fell in the Stratford canal. It was very muddy and went too near the edge and slipped in lol Cheers for clearing that up..................................Dover it is then!
  23. What are you going on about, hoof, how was it a hoof, it was a placed pass for Gabby to run on to and outpace Bassong. If I didn't have 5 warning points I would be saying slightly more than this Comical post though You don't now have 5 warning pts! It's now actually 10 after the above shocking outburst! How dare you!
  24. Enckelman is still without doub't our worst Premiership keeper. Scott Carson was superb up until he had that nightmare game for England against Croatia at Wembley & is still mentally shot to pieces because of it to this day. Last I heard he was plying his trade in that wonderful backwater of football known as Turkey. As for Balaban, R Bear is 100% correct in his assessment & therefore with no goals whatsoever Balaban is now included in this crap team alongside the hideous lame donkey barn door Heskey and I am seriously considering making him captain too. On second thought's that remains with Bannan!
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