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Belgian guy

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Belgian guy last won the day on July 19 2013

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About Belgian guy

  • Birthday 09/11/1995

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  1. i am still here i just don't post comments that often.
  2. I think it is for the best that he got his transfer. It wasn't healty anymore the way we depended on 1-2 ppl. he got his move we got the money to invest and make the squad more strong. i agree that he could do better then liverpool but if they wer the only one who wanted to pay the money villa wanted i understand his decision. Its not that he leaves us emptyhanded.
  3. they wer the only one who activated the clause :S And liverpool is still a big name in Belgium. You can't blame him tbh.
  4. man it hurts to see him in that shirt...
  5. i am getting really upset about all those fecking liverpool idiots who act like CB is not good enough for them...
  6. As matter of fact there is no such thing as "french fries". Fries wer invented in Belgium they call it french fries because they tought that the french speaking belgians were french ppl.
  7. Meh... he could do much better then liverpool... I am sad he left Villa but i am happy as well for him. Lets hope that Villa spends the money wisely. I will remain on this forum. I don't like the liverpool supporters. I don't like their misplaced arrogance.
  9. Benteke vs Lukaku battle of the 2 beasts
  10. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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