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Mobile speed camera vans


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What's the deal with these things? Driven past two recently and wasn't sure if I was over the speed limit or not so shitting myself slightly as to whether I'll get a speeding ticket through the post. I've heard so many stories about these vans (there's not always a camera in them, they will accept 10% over the limit etc) that I'm not sure what to believe. Anyone know more info on them?

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I got done by one of them the other month .. I'd slowed down for the main speed camera on the A3 Hook underpass and then speed up again as you do :winkold: and the sneaker fu**ers had parked a mobile one a few hundred yards behind it on the blind bend .. as I've been clean for years though I got away with a speed awareness course

was lucky really as on my way out of London I just had one of those premonitions as I came back to the hook underpass and slowed down , sure enough they had moved it to the other side of the road .. not so sure they would have been impressed had I got 2 tickets in the space for a few hours

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I came back to the hook underpass and slowed down

A nice Sumner drive out in the new Morris? Honestly, I expect the camera van were only obeying new orders....

Tenous, but it still made me smile. :)

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