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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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Thanks. I know MON is brilliant at motivating and making the best at what hes got, although he does need players and the whole issue needs to be sorted out as soon as pos. Im still thinking about AV06, there not out of it and also they say they have billionaires backing for 30 mil for MON before the transfer window closes.

(Dam the guy who invented the transfer window lol)

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Thanks. I know MON is brilliant at motivating and making the best at what hes got, although he does need players and the whole issue needs to be sorted out as soon as pos. Im still thinking about AV06, there not out of it and also they say they have billionaires backing for 30 mil for MON before the transfer window closes.

(Dam the guy who invented the transfer window lol)

As you are new you wont have read a lot of what has been posted in here beforehand. The general feeling in here is that we have waited so long to get rid of Ellis, what's the harm in waiting a few weeks more. In other words, don't let Padfield win just because he will give a shortterm £30m in this window. Lerner offers so much more. We need to think medium to long term. Padfield wont win by throwing a quik buck at the team - and it wont impress Ellis and Co.

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Rival warns Lerner over Villa bid

A rival consortium says it is putting together a £70m bid to buy Aston Villa - £7.4m more than the package offered by American billionaire Randy Lerner.

The Villa board has accepted Lerner's £62.6m package and recommended his offer to the club's shareholders.

But Nicholas Padfield QC, of the AV06 group, told the Independent newspaper: "This is by no means over.

"We are indefatigable in our efforts to secure the club because we have the club's interests at heart."

There are believed to be four consortia interested in taking over at Villa, with local businessman Michael Neville and Sven Goran Eriksson's agent Athole Still heading the other two.

The decision of long-standing chairman Doug Ellis - and the Villa Board - to opt for Lerner's offer appeared to have placed the American as firm favourite.

But Padfield, a deputy high court judge, added: "We are not American, and want to fly the flag."

Padfield refused to name the people behind his consortium but maintained: "I'm not prepared to go into details but certainly we have billionaires."

He went on to add that "irrevocable undertakings" given to Lerner will become void if another bid of 5% or more above Lerner's is made, meaning any offer over £66m will be given consideration.


I'm not impressed. Which flag will it be? The Swedish one?

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As you are new you wont have read a lot of what has been posted in here beforehand. The general feeling in here is that we have waited so long to get rid of Ellis, what's the harm in waiting a few weeks more. In other words, don't let Padfield win just because he will give a shortterm £30m in this window. Lerner offers so much more. We need to think medium to long term. Padfield wont win by throwing a quik buck at the team - and it wont impress Ellis and Co.

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By the laws of the LSE, we cannot be given details of any bids that even come in for consideration.

Then if a formal bid is made (as Lerner did) then they (AVFC) have to inform the LSE before announcing it publically.

if so haven't AV06 broken LSE rules by making public parts of the Lerner bid and if so when do we expect a PR from Lerner saying so.

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No, but saying they have a £30m warchest is making part of theirs public, which surely breaks the rules - in a desperate attempt to get public backing.

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and extremely unprofessional

In addition I would say slagging off another bidder becuase he is "not British" if not racist actaully demonstrates a very poor business acumen.

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In takeover battles, different bidders will brief the press against their rivals all the time.

Yeah but saying "were not American" and "we want to fly the flag" , when they released a statment the day before saying they had Billionaires from America , Middle East and Europe as backers sort of defeats the object to say the least .

I am sure this statement and statement alone just proves what a half arsed moron Padfield is .

Like someone said in another thread Padfield is trying as hard a possible to save face over this , his backers have employed him to get a bid in , as of yet he's done nothing apart from potty mouth the one bloke that has done his job properly and HAS put a bid , For some strange reason i really dont think Padfield will be payed by his backers over this do you ???

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I've copied this over from the other thread since I think its sums up how I feel over on this thread at the moment.

"Have you had discussions with Mr Ellis on those two particular points?"

"Nope, I've had no discussions with Mr Ellis at all and I think all of us find it rather surprising that Doug Ellis in particular and nobody from the club has bothered to tell us exactly what the position is...... either with regards whether any formal offers have been made, which they believe they have not, or indeed what the position is as regards appointing a manager."

The above quote is taken from the Radio 5 live interview with Padfield. His own words that I've typed out.

A couple of things struck me which is why I went back to listen to this interview again.

First - Padfield makes the comment he is surprised Doug or someone at the club hadn't contacted him. His tone alone indicates to me he is angered by this.

Why should Ellis or AVFC talk to them at that stage? Rothschilds were talking to them, acting as they rightly should as the liaison between the parties, and as the inital point of contact surely this is all AV06 could expect at this point.

Second - AVFC would have to announce any formal offer to the LSE before any other announcement is made.

What on earth makes AV06 and Padfield think they should be given this information?

When so many fans understood these rules, its shows they are naive at best, not at all competent in their bid at worst.

Forgot another point I meant to add. I don't think Ellis would like the comments that he hadn't got back to AV06 either and that would likely put him off them.

Again his own ego coming into play

Frankly the more I look at AV06's attempts the last couple of days, the more I beginning to wonder if they are good enough to even place a bid.

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Lerner hasn't, not seen a negative word about Neville or AV06 at all in the press.

Exactly and why should he , he's put his money where his mouth is , he's done his homework and he's done his job , otherwise he wouldnt of had a bid accepted

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Right can i get a few points cleared up that i have been thinking about and don't know (they may have been mentioned but i might have missed)

Next Wednesday the 10 days is up if no other bid then Randy is the winner. Correct?

The 21 days is for getting all the shares together, what for example someone doesn't want to sell their shares. Say for example i have 100 but i want to keep them, will this effect the TO at all ( i am assuming not ) just wondered how it worked out of interest.

After Wednesday(10 days) is up, is that like Lerner taking the keys after buying a car stage and Doug is history its not his car anymore?

Apologies if these points have been covered i have lost track of some of these massive threads.

Thankyou thumbsup.gif

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In takeover battles, different bidders will brief the press against their rivals all the time.

Lerner hasn't, not seen a negative word about Neville or AV06 at all in the press.

He's not desperate though :)

It's the other bidders who are having to play catch up in every aspect of the deal from paperwork, media profile, fan liaison and support.

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