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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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In the Sunday Mercury today Graham Hill writes that the consortium are holding a meeting with their bankers tomorrow with a view to putting funds in place and insist their bid is not dead. Hill says that the Comer Bros. are pressing ahead with their plans to persuade chairman Doug Ellis to sell up, are mystified at the timing of Villa’s announcement and insist they are making real progress with their plans.

He adds that sources close to the proposed bid feel they have now reached the point of no return after ploughing so much time, effort and cash into the project. Neville said last night, “I am still very optimistic of clinching this transaction”.

This all makes me suspect that the deal is getting too close for our chairman’s comfort and that despite what he claims, he is looking to annoy this consortium so much that they do pull out.

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Women not well know for their insight into football, but the missus just said that maybe Ellis knows it will happen but hates the fact any new boys will instill a good feeling especially if they can give the manager funds etc. So he's delaying it until after the transfer window has closed.

OK its bollox but this is AVFC and who knows

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To add fuel to my earlier post. In the Sports Argus Bill Howell wrote that our chairman was ready this week to offer a final ultimatum to Brian & Luke Comer to meet one final deadline. But he was also gripped with an overwhelming desire to call the whole deal off regardless. He claimed that our chairman is understood to have grown impatient as a series of deadlines have past and not been met. A source said, “The chairman has had enough. It is another 2 days here, another 3 days there. And still there is no sign of an offer. He has had enough and is ready to pull the plug on the whole deal”.

Now for the funny bit, Bill Howell adds, now Ellis’ patience appears to have snapped. He has had to keep one eye on the takeover and a painstaking due diligence book-keeping process while also trying to run every aspect of the day-to-day running of the club. And whose fault is that I wonder?

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i think your right drat they are holding out to end of transfer window,on the other hand im not too convinced that our irish builders are our best option now that its clear we are up for sale maybe some rich arab with deep pockets can buy us we need qaulity players and dont think the investment the comers will give us will be enough :cry: think we need at least 20 million to get us up to speed as the squad now is not good enough,ok i know we have got some good prospects in the reserves but they have still got to develop and we cant expect them to come in now i mean davis has been brilliant but my thoughts are he needs a rest but dol cant give it him while im on the subject milner needs a rest too :) he was dire yesterday having said that im villa through and through and whatever happens that will never change

villa till i die

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who?? and it must be true its the mirror, they love us.

Well, this ties in EXACTLY with what I posted on here after the Everton game.

Ellis doesn't want to sell to Comers he wants a 'footballman'. Now this is the first time the names come out but Ellis also indicated he would listen to a Norwegian bid.

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I think thats hat Ellis would love. A connection with Norway was mooted and said about 2 months ago and was intimated to be Ellis's preferred seller. I guess the questcion is how much have they got on the table and how does that compare to the Comer bid ?

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