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Spurs - Arry's gone but we still dislike them...


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Corrupt, a liar, completely egotistic, arrogant, disloyal, club destroyer.

What a load of bollocks.

* Corrupt: what has he ever been found guilty of? Answer - nothing. But I'm sure you "just know" he's corrupt, in the same way that some other football fans "just know" that Wenger is a paedophile.

* A liar: what has he lied about (apart from maybe feigning denial of interest in signing a player that he later has signed)? Answer - nothing.

* Completely egotistical: this conclusion is based on what, exactly?

* Disloyal: do you mean unlike O'Neill, who walked out on Villa just days before the season began?

* Club destroyer: Yep, the heart and soul of Spurs is being wrecked by the prospect of playing against Real Madrid in the CL QFs, no question about it. How did we ever let Harry drag us down this far?

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Corrupt, a liar, completely egotistic, arrogant, disloyal, club destroyer.

What a load of bollocks.

* Corrupt: what has he ever been found guilty of? Answer - nothing. But I'm sure you "just know" he's corrupt, in the same way that some other football fans "just know" that Wenger is a paedophile.

* A liar: what has he lied about (apart from maybe feigning denial of interest in signing a player that he later has signed)? Answer - nothing.

* Completely egotistical: this conclusion is based on what, exactly?

* Disloyal: do you mean unlike O'Neill, who walked out on Villa just days before the season began?

* Club destroyer: Yep, the heart and soul of Spurs is being wrecked by the prospect of playing against Real Madrid in the CL QFs, no question about it. How did we ever let Harry drag us down this far?

I will make two points...

Disloyal= Portsmouth and Southampton, not sure why O'Neill has any relevance to this?

Club destroyer= Bournemouth, Southampton and Portsmouth. All got into financial difficulty after 'Arry. Or is it some massive coincedence :o:o:o:o:o

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Corrupt, a liar, completely egotistic, arrogant, disloyal, club destroyer.

What a load of bollocks.

* Corrupt: what has he ever been found guilty of? Answer - nothing. But I'm sure you "just know" he's corrupt, in the same way that some other football fans "just know" that Wenger is a paedophile.

There's dozens of stories about his dodgy dealings. No he's never been convicted of anything, doesn't mean it hasn't happened

* A liar: what has he lied about (apart from maybe feigning denial of interest in signing a player that he later has signed)? Answer - nothing.

plenty, mostly to do with transfers. "I'm not signing Kaboul, he's going to Villa", promptly signs for Spurs. Suddenly it looks like he stole Kaboul from under our noses. All to make him look better.

Claims credit for VDV, when he admitted at the time it was all Levy

plenty of similar incidents

* Completely egotistical: this conclusion is based on what, exactly?

the fact that he never stops bleating on about himself.

2 points when he got there. Turned the club around. Spurs fans have never had it so good. Blah blah blah

What he says is true, doesn't stop him feeding his ego though.

* Disloyal: do you mean unlike O'Neill, who walked out on Villa just days before the season began?

Yes, exactly like that. Thankyou for providing a comparable example.

He leaves clubs at the first sign of trouble, leaving them knee deep in the shit he helped create.

Pompey to Soton back to pompey. He tried to get out of Pompey to Newcastle and then couldn't elave quick enough when Spurs came along.

If he got a better offer than the Spurs job he's be off in a flash.

* Club destroyer: Yep, the heart and soul of Spurs is being wrecked by the prospect of playing against Real Madrid in the CL QFs, no question about it. How did we ever let Harry drag us down this far?

credit where it's due. he's doen a great job at Spurs. I've neevr said anything different.

But look at Bournemouth, West Ham, Portsmouth, Southampton. Yes he's not entirely to blame but he certainly had a hand in the financial trouble those clubs have had. And as mentioned he jumps ship as soon as the shit hits the fan.

I've addressed your points in bold above.

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Just to add to this debate, I cannot stand Spurs, their manager or fans. They are all made for each other and I personally hope redknapp leaves spurs in the same state he has left other clubs he has been at.

If he ever becomes England manager I may have to consider following Scotland or Wales such is my dislike for the man who complained about some fans at VP being disgusting and swearing but forgot to mention this was in retaliation to him being abusinve and insighting the crowd before hand

He has double standards and I cannot stand anyone who has double standards

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If he ever becomes England manager I may have to consider following Scotland or Wales such is my dislike for the man who complained about some fans at VP being disgusting and swearing but forgot to mention this was in retaliation to him being abusinve and insighting the crowd before hand

Same. I'd honestly find it difficult to enjoy England doing well if it was him in charge.

If there was a manager in the world i WOULDN'T want to manage Aston Villa, it owuld be Harry Redknapp.

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Corrupt, a liar, completely egotistic, arrogant, disloyal, club destroyer.

What a load of bollocks.

* Corrupt: what has he ever been found guilty of? Answer - nothing. But I'm sure you "just know" he's corrupt, in the same way that some other football fans "just know" that Wenger is a paedophile.

* A liar: what has he lied about (apart from maybe feigning denial of interest in signing a player that he later has signed)? Answer - nothing.

* Completely egotistical: this conclusion is based on what, exactly?

* Disloyal: do you mean unlike O'Neill, who walked out on Villa just days before the season began?

* Club destroyer: Yep, the heart and soul of Spurs is being wrecked by the prospect of playing against Real Madrid in the CL QFs, no question about it. How did we ever let Harry drag us down this far?


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The anti Redknapp arguments are stupid. If you don't like him fair enough, but it seems pretty silly to try and convince yourselves that you are right about him based on tit bits you've read, when it's quite obvious that people who actually know him properly and spend time with him, very much like and respect him. When it suites fans they will dimiss what they read in the papers, or rumours they've heard or books they've read etc and rightly say it's usually pure speculation. Yet when they want it to support pre concieved thoughts, then suddenly it becomes true. Harry is obviously a popular guy and is probably as well liked a manager as there is in football amongst those in the game. If you want to ignore this and convince yourselves you are right about him than that's upto you, but don't bother trying to defend it and criticise people who don't hold the same opinion. Next we will hear a typical messageboard lie, when some poster comes along and say something like "i've got a mate who knows him personally and says he's a complete clearing in the woods!"

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Corrupt, a liar, completely egotistic, arrogant, disloyal, club destroyer.

What a load of bollocks.

* Corrupt: what has he ever been found guilty of? Answer - nothing. But I'm sure you "just know" he's corrupt, in the same way that some other football fans "just know" that Wenger is a paedophile.

* A liar: what has he lied about (apart from maybe feigning denial of interest in signing a player that he later has signed)? Answer - nothing.

* Completely egotistical: this conclusion is based on what, exactly?

* Disloyal: do you mean unlike O'Neill, who walked out on Villa just days before the season began?

* Club destroyer: Yep, the heart and soul of Spurs is being wrecked by the prospect of playing against Real Madrid in the CL QFs, no question about it. How did we ever let Harry drag us down this far?

I will make two points...

Disloyal= Portsmouth and Southampton, not sure why O'Neill has any relevance to this?

Club destroyer= Bournemouth, Southampton and Portsmouth. All got into financial difficulty after 'Arry. Or is it some massive coincedence :o:o:o:o:o

This is what I mean when I say people go to effort to criticise him. Anyone can look into the situations with those clubs and see Harry didn't ruin them. Bournemouth and West Ham have both managed to bankrupt themselves since years after he left. No one at Southampton blames Harry and the problems were there before he arrived. And it's not hard to see what happened at Pompey. Look at the players he bought and see how much they were sold for. The club was fine before Gaydamak came along. Peter Storie sorted out the contracts etc. But you choose to ignore these obvious things and decide Redknapp destroyed the club.

At Bournmouth he spent £1.2 million and recieved £1.7 million back in transfers. During his time at West Ham he spent £52.09 million and recieved £77.01 million back. So his transfer spending actually profited both clubs, but as I've said, even without him they've both managed to destroy themselves financially.

And as for him being disloyal, I think you'll find he has changes clubs and incredibly few times for a guy who has been in management so long. It's such an odd things to accusse him of when you compare him with other managers.

If you don't like him then it's upto you, but I don;t see why people go out of their way to justify they dislike of him by coming up with lists of petty, faux reasons. If you don't like him you don't like him, but don't bother pretending it has anything to do with Bournmotuhs financial situation etc.

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