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Am on an rp server and have a lvl 42 lock alt, and now my main as a lvl 39 rogue, both on alliance. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you have any tips for me lvling my 39 rogue in the quickest amount of time. Also, do any of you recommend any good addons? I had Cartographer, but it was causing problems in my game (such as slow-down). Now, I just have FuBar and MetaHud. Is Questhelper any good? I was thinking of downloading it if it will help me to lvl faster. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks. Also, The_Rev, what is the addon called that makes the portraits look like yours in the screenshot on the last page? Been looking on curse for an addon that does that, but can't find one.

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Questhelper is excellent mate. Id really recommend it.

As for the unit frames? They are both (thats the stupidly high Paladin triple crit shot, and the one of my Mage) AG_UF. Bit tricky to set up id say. I can offer X Perl as very good user friendly ones. They have a neat energy ticker feature for Rogues too, so you can essentially attack out of stealth with 120 energy.

I couldnt play the game without Omni CC . I honestly dont know why it isnt part of the default UI.

I really like Parrot scrolling combat text too. I could probably link a ton more addons i find useful, but if your PC is wheezing when you install cartographer, id probably better not!

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Just some "fun" builds if you are bored of full affliction Jay:

Fire Destruction Immolate, Incinerate, Conflagrate if you need it. You can max improved searing pain if you want but its a solo/pvp spell.

The old level 60 raid spec This only requires level 61 (ive added Dark Pact) and its about shadowbolts. You can stick the next points wherever you want. Demonic Embrace is probably a good place.

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ED is a word removed.

I bought this game and have a level 9 rogue.

Not the smartest are you? You could have not insulted me and not given yourself away, but hey ho.

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For those interested - Kael down yadda yadda...

Did you get to use any of the legendaries? Or just spam teh mind flay?

First couple of times yes,then not for teh kill.

You can spam flay with the orange stuff as well...

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/cast [target=mouseover,help] insert spell name; [target=target,help] insert spell name;[target=targettarget, help] insert spell name; [target=player] insert spell name

I really like this macro. Good for healing and (friendly) dispelling/decursing.

If you target no one, it will heal/dispel/decurse you (depending on the spell name you put into the macro)

If you target a friendly player, it will heal/dispel/decurse them.

If you target no one but mouse over a friendly player on screen, or a friendly players action bar, it will heal/dispel/curse them.

If you target or mouseover a mob, it will heal/dispel/decurse the person who is tanking it.

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