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Cant believe you got the cash to travel the world :shock: Ive been looking at the prices for that, and no way :/

Get a job while still living with your parents slacker!

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Mmm should have saved some a couple of years ago i guess. Well if you are such a rich bastard, buy me the trip :twisted:

Anyway, if you plan to travel the world when will you come back? Isnt those travelling packages normally 3 months?

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Or 6, especially if you plan on working down there, I'll be back by September though as my mates going to Uni then.

On another note I intend to go to Scandinavia some day for the hawt women so will drop by and say hi then.

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So by down under do you mean the land of criminals, Steve Irwin and deadly bugs in your trainers, or just everything south of France in general?

When do you start? Surely you must have some kinda travelling plan?

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Yes theres a plan, though its still in the planning phase as it stands, nothing will be booked til Jan, still getting many recommendations from mates who have done it/are still down there.

I don't quite see the point you are making, yes there will be plenty of time for me to play wow before and after my trip, the point is that I don't want to.

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Nah i think you misunderstood. I was more wondering as i probably will come to Brum sometime before April. And you know i need a guide :lol:

As far as WoW's concernced. Well thats kinda funny cause i quit my subscription a long time ago. It ends 26th, but i will more then likely renew it because Tangsham, Kinxer and a couple of mates will be online a fair bit until January.

Im actually dead bored with everything atm. Only stuff i find fun is Arena with you lot and some occational alt levelling. Its amusing really cause WoW has turned into a habit without really beeing that interested.

Everything has its end, and its strange because you really dont wanna quit something which you have had so much fun with.

But its safe to say that the game isnt what it was. And its weird cause when you play another game on xbox, PS, whatever and experience something new that gets you hooked, you just realise how long its been WoW felt like that.

Anyway, its really noticeable now how everyone is growing bored with the game at the same time. The only reason ive been online the last 2 months has been PvP'ing and gearing up for 3 vs 3, and that happend :lol:

I wont kid myself though. Even if i quit i will try out WotLK.

What countries have you friends been working in btw? Ive been wanting to do the same shit myself, but the lack of money stops me. Is there any chance you can head out a place like you plan and simply work your way through?

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So you will basically work and spend most time in Australia and then spend the money you make there to travel the rest of the world? Or are you heading there cause you know several people there?

Couple of girls i know went to some kinda media school there, but that was more a student thing over 3 years.

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The idea is that you work there to afford your plane home. You still need the money to get down there. I intend to do as little work as possible, but if required, with that Visa I can work. My mates are in NZ and Sydney and I will leech off them as much as possible. We won't actually hit Oz til at least a month into our trip because of stop offs on the way down. The beauty of travelling though is you make as much of it up as you go along. No point booking all of it, if a place is a shithole you want out of there asap, if its great you will stay longer. If you run out of money you get to OZ asap as thats the only place you can "legally" earn money.

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Sounds quite awesome. I thought you ment the regular world travelling package at the start with arrivals and shit already pin pointed months before you travel.

So are you going with friends? And your mates down there, are they students?

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