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Naysonftw explored both Ironforge and Orgrimmar tonight without getting killed by guards. Yep, the trial account is back!

I always wondered how the gold spammers got so many trial accounts without buying a thousand copies of the game, or having a man on the inside to nick a boxful of the trial account leaflets.


Now i know. Blizz dont really scream about the website, but its there and free to use. You can have an Alliance spy if you want. Only thing is because of the gold spam they nerfed trial accounts big time.

You cant whisper anyone unless they whisper you first, or you happen to be on their friends list or in their guild. You cant use /1 or /2 either.

You can find where lowbie Alliance players are and go off to gank them though ;)

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Level 8 human priest

Hopefully on Tarren Mill server so we can gank and camp the **** out of him.

Did some late night Nesingwary ganking last night with some guildies. You have to question some players intelligence though. One ally ressed in excatly the same spot around 15 times while surrounded by four level 70's. No effort to res further away or even escape. He was still being camped when I logged.

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Level 8 human priest

Just re-roll a Dwarf and become the best priest race available.

You look like a **** ugly midget, but after they have given fearward around, nerfed it, they have given Dwarves the new ability called Chastice which basically makes Dwarves once again imbalanced.

Im **** furious that Blizzard never ever learn, **** stupid words removed.

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No no and no again!

If you must be Alliance and a Priest, go Draenei.

Symbol of Hope: http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=32548#comments (party based mp5)

Inspiring Presence: http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=28878 (party based +hit aura)

Two kickass raiding buffs. Best PvE racials for Shadow Spec by a mile. Dwarves get Desperate Prayer if you are PvP focussed, but if you are PvP focussed you should be Undead imo.

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Nah for a PvP healer nothing in the game is better then Chastice. Its utterly imbalanced.

And SoH is shit for a shadowpriest. What are you on about? Dev-P is the best shadowpriest racial in the game.

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Nah for a PvP healer nothing in the game is better then Chastice. Its utterly imbalanced.

And SoH is shit for a shadowpriest. What are you on about? Dev-P is the best shadowpriest racial in the game.

Draenei have Chastise too Tarj.

If you want to go into raiding, being able to give your group an extra 1000 mana every five minutes on top of your VT and giving your entire group +1% chance to hit with spells makes you the perfect DPS caster support player. Fantastic racials.

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Nah for a PvP healer nothing in the game is better then Chastice. Its utterly imbalanced.

And SoH is shit for a shadowpriest. What are you on about? Dev-P is the best shadowpriest racial in the game.

Draenei have Chastise too Tarj.

If you want to go into raiding, being able to give your group an extra 1000 mana every five minutes on top of your VT and giving your entire group +1% chance to hit with spells makes you the perfect DPS caster support player. Fantastic racials.

Honestly you dont have mana problems with a shadowpriest in the group anyway, so the mana regen is BS. End-game raiding now is based on dmg output and not the mana dependent shit which was previous.

And Dranei doesnt have DP which makes them nothing compared to a dwarf. Chastise is stupidly imbalanced.

But still they claim its Belfs and Humans who needs racial buffs. Fantastic. Tell me when i get use for ToW and DP as a healing priest EVER.

Nerf chastise, but oh we cant because Alliance and dwarves have to be easymode.

Oh and btw for a shadowpriest to use that Dranei racial to save mana he has to move out of shadowform, because without checking i can guarantee you that racial is holy school. So to cast it he have to spend close to a 1000 mana. Great isnt it.

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Earth Shock going onto a Diminishing Return in 2.3. Thats one hell of a hard nerf.


* Zul'Aman is a 10-player, level 70 outdoor instance located in the Ghostlands. Players will be able to confront six new bosses including the Forest Troll Warlord Zul'jin.

* Guild Banks have been introduced. The Guild Bank will allow players with the appropriate permissions to store items and money for use by the rest of the guild.

* Experience: The amount of experience needed to gain a level has been decreased between levels 20 and 60. In addition, the amount of experience granted by quests has been increased between levels 30 and 60.

* All items have had their bonuses to Weapon Skill Rating converted to a new stat called Weapon Expertise Rating. Each point of Weapon Expertise reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by .25%.

* Healing reduction effects will now affect all health drain spells and abilities (e.g. Mortal Strike will reduce health gained from Drain Life).

* Healing: Almost all items and enchantments that provide bonus healing now also provide a smaller number (approximately 1/3) of bonus spell damage. There are a few items and enchantments where this was not possible, such as random-stat items and Zul'Gurub enchantments, but this is now the case on virtually all other items.

* On Kill Effects: Items and abilities that trigger on killing an enemy will no longer trigger on using an ability that kills your pet.

* Silence and Interrupt effects now have diminishing returns when used on PvP targets.

* Weapon Skill: All items and abilities that granted weapon skill have been changed. In most cases, they were converted to expertise or expertise rating. Ranged attacks do not benefit from expertise, so ranged weapon skill has generally been replaced by critical strike bonuses or hit bonuses. In a few cases, talents have been changed to other effects to avoid granting players excessive amounts of expertise.

* A new flight path has been added to the Rebel Camp in northern Stranglethorn Vale.

* Flying units can see ground units and vice versa at any altitude.

* Players no longer gain the moving AOE radius bonus if they are jumping.

* Client spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your player is already casting another spell. This eliminates the need for /stopcasting in macros to compensate for latency.

* Vendor Discounts: All vendors with an associate faction now give discounts at all levels above neutral.

o Friendly: 5% discount

o Honored: 10% discount

o Revered: 15% discount

o Exalted: 20% discount

* Quest givers who have available daily quests will have a blue exclamation point instead of a yellow one.

* Pets will try to get behind their targets when engaging in melee combat.

* You can now obtain a tiny Sporebat pet with exalted Sporeggar faction.

* An Azure Whelp pet now drops from the blue dragonkin in Azshara.

* If you are seated and try to use abilities that require you to be standing, you will stand up and use them. This can be disabled with: /console autoStand 0 .

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I dont think you are ever going to get a class past level 8 are you?

THERE IS NO "BEST" CLASS. You have asked several times now, and cant seem to accept the answer. Everything has strengths and weaknesses. Some classes are fantastic in groups and not so hot on their own (Warrior being the obvious example). Some classes are very good at one thing and very bad at something else, while others are more "rounded" in they have fewer strengths and fewer weaknesses.

Ultimately you have to decide what you want out of the game. There are three basic roles. Tanking, Healing and Damage Dealing. Tanking is PvE only, and it involves being the guy who keeps the big scary monster away from the squishy damage dealing classes who are killing the monster before the healers (who are keeping the tanks alive) run out of mana.

If you want to PvE, Tanking and Healing are more in demand than Damage Dealing, as damage dealers are over populated.

Warriors can deal damage in PvE, in fact they are very good at it. Problem is everybody hates Warriors who want to deal damage (im not exaggerating, its probably the most unpopular thing you can do on the game)

Warriors are exceptional in organised PvP. They need a good gear and a good team behind them, but a well geared, well played Warrior is an unstoppable killing machine. A poor one is a free HK.

Priests can switch between Damage Dealer and Healer easily too. It might need some different gear, and will cost some gold, but its very possible. Damage dealing priests are a lot more welcome than damage dealing Warriors too. Shadowpriests are much loved by other mana using classes.

Your best bet is to decide what you want. Have a read of this: http://www.wowwiki.com/Class

Dont be scared of thinking you have picked the weakest class. Believe it or not, the game is very well balanced. Every class has a role in game, both in PvP and PvE.

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D1... shhh shhh

And... i can't be arsed to re-roll another new priest so i'm gonna re-roll a warrior and rip the **** into you all on Arathor

You have to roll on the same server.....if you want to see/play with us.

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