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Well, I thought I'd come back for a bit.

An hour later after the buggy download that kept telling me there were errors and stopping, when there clearly were not.

And then my ui was shot to pieces - How many new revized downloads were needed! :-(

It all came back to me why I stopped in the first place!

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MY Pally aggroed 6 mobs yesterday, from Tarj's point of view, me bubbled running out of the Hilsbrad bushes with a trail of farmers shaking their brroms at me must have looked like a moment that needed the Benny Hill music.

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I did a similar thing with my Paladin. Must have been half a dozen mobs, miles from the nearest safe path. I ran until i was low on HP, bubbled, healed to full, ran some more, got hit some more, pulled more mobs, used lay on hands, ran some more, drank a pot, ran some more, blessing of protection, ran some more, made it to the path and just gasped.

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Okey had a fun run into Mech this morning. Dropped a recipe i didnt get, but i got me some new shoulders.

Anyway, so after trying on my new shoulders i got a couple of record heals.. notice this is without trinket etc.


Okey that was pure show off, but now to the good part.

After pulling a fuckload of mobs it got quite stressful, and i had to dispel/heal at the same time. Might be the early morning, or the fact that i didnt expect it, but suddenly one of the mobs had spell reflection. The lock had ofc used his UA, but did i notice that? NO.

Check this, it made me cry. (Sorry about not underlining the combat log etc. No good with editing shit.)


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Usually when you get MC'd your spells hit harder though. I think i took Shack out with a 4k non crit Shadowbolt at Nefarian once. *)

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