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Can you re-link the engineering guide. The main reason I want is for the jumper cables, as a vanisher they could come in quite useful.

Also a few of the cool things to make would be quite nice.

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What you need

50 Rough Stones (AH Guide 40s)

86 Copper Bars (AH Guide 5g85s)

40 Linen Cloth (AH Guide 1g)

30 Coarse Stone (AH Guide 2g)

135 Bronze Bar (AH Guide 11g)

60 Wool Cloth (AH Guide 3g)

20 Silver Bars (AH Guide 1g50s)

40 Weak Flux (Vendor) (35s)

20 Heavy Stone (AH Guide 1g)

20 Medium Leather (AH Guide 30s)

20 Gold Bar (AH Guide 4g)

40 Iron Bar (AH Guide 3g)

40 Solid Stone (AH Guide 3g)

40 Heavy Leather (AH Guide 2g)

160 Mithril Bar (AH Guide 24g)

20 Mageweave (AH Guide 1.5g)

100 Dense Stone (AH Guide 7g)

200 Thorium Bars (AH Guide 40-50g very variable)

140 Runecloth (AH Guide 15g)

Total Price: ~125g purely from AH.

Goto Orgrimar

1 ) Skillup to 30 with your Rough stones with "Rough Blasting Powder" (1x Rough Stone)

2 ) Skillup to 50 with "Handful of Copper Bolts"(1x Copper Bar)

3 ) Make Arclight Spanner (6 Copper Bar)

4 ) Skillup to 65 with "Copper Tubes" (2x Copper Bar, 1 Weak Flux (Vendor))

5 ) Skillup to to 75 with "Copper Modulator" (2 Copper Bolts, 1 Copper bar, 2 Linen Cloth)

6 ) Skillup to 85 with "Coarse Blasting Powder" (1x Coarse Stone)

7 ) Skillup to 90 with "Advanced Target Dummy" (1x Copper Modulator, 2 Copper Bolts, 1 Bronze Bar, 1 Wool Cloth)

8 ) Skillup to 105 with Silver Contacts (1x Silver Bar) - Can mix with Practice locks than can be put on AH.

9 ) Skillup to 125 with "Bronze Tubes" (2x Bronze Bar, Weak Flux) and "Large Copper Bombs" (3x Copper Bar, 4x Coarse Blasting Powder, Silver Contact)

10 ) Skillup to 145 with "Heavy Blasting Powder" (1x Heavy Stone) or Whirring Bronze Gizmos (2x BRonze Bar, 1x Wo0l Cloth)

11 ) Skillup to 155 with "Bronze Framework" (2x Bronze Bar, 1 Medium Leather, 1 Wool Cloth)

12 ) Skillup to 160 with "Gold Power Core" (1x Gold Bar)

13 ) Skillup to 175 with "Iron Struts" (2x Iron Bar)

14 ) Skillup to 185 with "Gyrochronatom" (1X Iron Bar, 1x Gold Power Core) and "Solid Blasting Powder" (2x Solid Stone)

15 ) Skillup to 195 with "Advanced Target Dummy" (1x Iron Strut, 1x Bronze Framework, 1x Gyrochronatom, 4x Heavy Leather) - Keep these for repairbots

16 ) Skillup to 205 with "Mithril Tube" (3x Mithril Bar)

17 ) Skillup to 215 with "Unstable Trigger" (1x Mithril Bar, 1 Mageweave, 1 Solid Blasting Powder")

Goto Gadgetzan and learn master engineering and back to Org.

18 ) Skillup to 235 with "Mithril Casing" (3x Mithril Bar) and "Mithril Frag Bomb" (1x Mithril Casing, 1x Unstable Trigger, 1x Solid Blasting Powder)

19 ) Skillup to 250 with "Hi-Explosive Bomb" (2x Mithril Casing, 1 Unstable Trigger, 2x Solid Blasting Powder)

20 ) Skillup to 260 with "Dense Blasting Powder" (2x Dense Stone)

Buy Thorium Grenade and Thorium Widget from the vendor in the Engineers house in Orgrimar

The rest will be gained from creating Grenades and Thorium Widgets all the way to 300. If your a hunter, you can also make Thorium Shells from 285 onwards.

Should look at making around 35 Thorium Widgets first, as they are used for most high level recipies, and are used in bombs. Also if your planning on getting the fire res trinket, its worth going to booty bay and getting the truesilver transformer recipe (2x Truesilver, 2 Elemental Earth, 1 Elemental air) and making 3 of these on your way to 300.

Also worth noting, of that 125g, you'll be able to vendor/AH most of the spare $!@% for around 40-80 of that.


Mind Control Cap is ace.

Any time you see two alliance, you can make them fight each other.

Just always make sure you MC the healer. He is likely to take more damage in a one on one with the other Alliance, you might get some buffs off of him, and he will go down like a sack of shit when the MC is over.

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Just after you logged Dan (and i mean seconds) Shaetano and Lacroix and some others summoned me and Limpid to an area called Mount Hyial.

Ive never heard of it before, but its one of those unfinished areas where you arent supposed to be able to get to.

Its a big spooky looking crater, with a ruined building over one side.


We jumped!

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Finally dinged tonight, thanks for all the help guys.

Jumped off something very high into felwood.

Saw off the Ally attack on xroads with 29 HKs.

Got kicked twice because the UI was using more than 48MB (or something). Guess I'll have to turn off even more addons.

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You can just change the amount of memory your game allows addons in the addons screen. There is a box in the top right corner.

And i think we did well at the crossroads. Considering we were outnumbered 3 on 2 most of the time, and their two Paladins both had Epic weapons! Id say we more than won.

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Just after you logged Dan (and i mean seconds) Shaetano and Lacroix and some others summoned me and Limpid to an area called Mount Hyial.

Ive never heard of it before, but its one of those unfinished areas where you arent supposed to be able to get to.

Its a big spooky looking crater, with a ruined building over one side.


We jumped!

Thats cool. So how did they originally get there then?

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Application going good Dan... be sure to explain the ganking carefully...dashers are a bit tight on the ganking bit outside instances and at flight-paths methinks

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So we now have (in order of dinging)

Nayson - Lock

Dan - Rouge

Tarj - Priest

Me - Shammy

Sam - Priest

Limpid - Mage

and with Juju and Tarq coming up on the outside, that's a pretty nice looking gank squad!

Sam and Limpid, don't worry, the feeling of "what do I do now" that comes from not having XP to graft for any more soon passes!

Anyway I thought I'd do a quick guide to Blackrock Spire for Sammy and Limpid, as although they probably haven't realised it yet, they're going to be in there a lot!

Anyway, the place is split into two, upper and lower, both entered through the same portal in BRM. Lower (or LBRS) is 5 man, and probably the easier of the two, and upper (or UBRS) is more difficult.

The main quests in LBRS are geared to getting the key for UBRS, starting with the q "Warlord's Command" which starts from a bloke on the watchtower in Kargath. This means killing the main bosses in LBRS (which we mostly did at the weekend). You then have to go back again and again to get gems which drop off the main bosses, with various other quests in between. I won't lie to you, it's a royal pain in the arse, but worth doing.

Limpid, as you probaly saw one of your main jobs in LBRS is to sheep, but also to nuke once the tank has got a load of agro. You should also have a load of water ready made before you start, as all mana users will just trade you without saying anything usually.

UBRS is a lot harder now they've made it 10 man and not 15, and the main q's are geared towards getting your BWL key. A lot of the tier 0 armor pieces drop here, so it's well worth doing, but it's maybe worth doing later after you've had a few practise LBRS runs. Limpid will be able to AOE a lot more in UBRS than in LBRS.

Sam, now you're 60 you might want to consider speccing out of shadow, as most five man runs will want you to main heal, as most endgame instances are based on

Priest (main healer)





Hunter if there's absolutely nobody else about!

And Limpid, do your Crystal Water q as quick as you possibly can, as most people will give you funny looks if you hand out that sparkling water shite!

As well as BRS, there's also Stratholme (Baron and Scarlet runs) and Scholomance too, where the rest of the tier 0 armor pieces drop. In Feralas there's Dire Maul (North - probably the most fun instance I reckon) plus east and west.)

Then there are ZG, AQ, MC and BWL but these are really guild only runs. So Dan can't do them at the moment!

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So we now have (in order of dinging)

Nayson - Lock

Dan - Rouge

Tarj - Priest

Me - Shammy

Sam - Priest

Limpid - Mage

and with Juju and Tarq coming up on the outside, that's a pretty nice looking gank squad!

I seem to have hit a brick wall with regards to lvling. I really need to make a big effort now. I got a fair bit of xp last night in ZF with the help of most of you lot. Touble is I've got an accountancy exam next month which I should try and pass at the 3rd attempt. who am I kidding WOW is more important :)

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Touble is I've got an accountancy exam next month which I should try and pass at the 3rd attempt.

I've got to start doing mine again soon, which are you sitting?

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I need to do this water q then - it's DM so I guess a 5 man.

We have to go to the library, then a water elemental in the east, then back to the library.

Any chance we can do this tonight? 8ish?

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I need to do this water q then - it's DM so I guess a 5 man.

We have to go to the library, then a water elemental in the east, then back to the library.

Any chance we can do this tonight? 8ish?

Sorry, I'll be at the match!

I'm really tempted to take up engineering, as it looks a lot of fun, but skinning/leatherworking just makes me too much money. I sold a Black Dragonscale Shoulders set yesterday for 95G that cost me next to bugger all to make now that the drop rates have been upped in UBRS. Even if I was to buy all the mats I'd still probably make about 30G on it.

And yesterday somebody sold me the book "Frost Shock and You" for the paltry sum of 30G, so that should turn a tidy profit too. I love it when people don't know the true value of things!

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Ill help you on the Water quest Limpid.

If we get get a decent group together, we can do the Tribute run, where you get some really tasty loot out of the tribute chest and the one boss in there you dont have to kill, the ogre king drops some nice stuff too.

Its probably the best way to get good stuff, as the blues that drop in there are some of the very best on the game, and you can do a clean run in less than one hour.

For that, id say you need:

1 Rogue. (dps and stealthy lock picking)

1 Warlock. (dps and crowd control of the demons. And Healthstones will be nice if there is no Shaman as a second healer.)

1 Tank (warrior or druid, but id prefer a warrior)

1 Healer (so you can stay the **** out of shadowform Sam ;) )

1 random DPS (Mage will be fine here, as the Warlock can offtank with his Voidwalker if we dont have a second melee, and you can never underestimate the power of a good sheeping!)

Anyway, i did this for the Dashers last night. Video of the Hexxer kill. We got him down without losing one player, which is nice considering he is supposed to be the hardest boss in Zul'Gurub, and one of the hardest bosses on the game.


You can watch me slack and **** up while everyone else does all the work!

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Touble is I've got an accountancy exam next month which I should try and pass at the 3rd attempt.

I've got to start doing mine again soon, which are you sitting?

Cima P1 - Management Accounting - Performance Evaluation. I failed it last time by 2 but I had just installed WOW :-) But I did P4 at the same time and passed that.

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Hi - yep, Voodooface has rejoined us, I think he's simply noticed the number of guys now hitting the high levels, it seems someone new dings 60 daily now. Theres 171 of us at last count, so small, but no fall out.All levels including my sister, who is a l21 warlock!

But they seem nice guys, and thats the important thing. Im too old to be screamed at by 15 yo's "heal ffs"

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I can see the attraction of being in a guild at that level Juju, and if Tarj, Nays and (hopefully) Dan weren't in the Dashers, I'd love to join a guild like that. I think they've got their first ZG run coming up soon (Voodoo said) which would be good, working out the tactics from scratch.

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