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Mod i got for PvP a while ago (for purging heal over times off of Dr00ds mainly) turns out to be very nice for PvE too.

All of Raggys cooldowns and shit displayed. Time of next AOE knockback, time to submerge for sons, and all the other crap too. Its like the shouts raid leaders give out, only in real time and always there to see. Good for DPS and casters especially. Can i get that last couple of nukes in? Is it worth casting another dot? (etc)

Down near the bottom right of this screenie (critline clocking 2 new records for the curse of agony dot ticks in a row, hence the shit in the middle)

Might be of interest if you want it. Good fun when you are fighting people who put heal over times on themselves and you have the ability to purge/dispell too. :)

Obviously if they dick around with the timers in 1.10, an updated version will be needed, but its just one of those little things that sits on the screen, not getting in the way, and gives out useful info for those of us who dont have instant cast attacks and who do have dots. (link)

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Class types? Well, whatever tickles your fancy obviously. But a rough guide (just my ill informed opinions):

Druid - shapshifters, great healers can tank* deal melee damage, stealth (go invisible) and do magical (ranged) damage. Probably the most soughtafter class at level 60 at the moment.

Hunter - excellent soloing, ranged damage dealers, have a pet to help them. Can they offer enough to a group to be truly satisfying at endgame though?

Mage - they blow things up. do shitloads of damage, die a lot if they get hit (but are very good at not getting hit if you know how to play) and they make food and water. Be prepared to be asked for food and water by everyone you meet..

Priest - out and out healers, or are they? best healers in the game, but **** good at fighting too. Everybody loves priests in groups. Very much needed endgame.

Rogue - invisible ninja type kickass damage dealers. Up there with a mage in terms of how much hurt they can give out. Cant take a great deal of damage, but very good at not getting hit (the ability to be invisible most of the time helps a lot!) Completely and utterly overpopulated as a class though. There are about 1000000000000 rogues on Deathwing.

Shaman - can do a bit of everything. Great at fighting, Good at healing if you spend points there. Can be a damage dealer, a healer, utility, and their only real weakness (as i can see at least) is that they dont really excel at any one area. But the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Are they overpopulated though? (Im sure Riss will answer)

Warlock - Black Magic Rules. Warlocks are great fun.

Warrior - Designed to take a kicking, and keep the baddies away from the weak casters and rogues. But can give out quite a bit of damage themselves. Percived as being a bit underpowered until level 60, when they become unstoppable killing machines (unless you are a mage) but quite often forced to become a tank* by the game mechanics meaning you have to play to what a group wants, and not yourself.

*to tank. To just take the punishment that the monsters are giving out.

Stopping the monsters getting to your more fragile buddies is more important than trying to kill said monsters. There is quite an artform to it. A lot more than meets the eye. But it seems to be one of those things you will either love or hate doing.

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Used Fraps (recording), VirtualDub (compressing the recording) and Windows Movie Maker (editing) for it.

Actually figuring out what button does what took longer than anything else.

Im going to try and make a proper one sometime. More for the challenge of making a video than anything else. Might do us at Chillwind!

btw, how is the music cheesy?

Its probably the most iconic computer game fighting music of all time!

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