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It's a chain of quests that start with the two goblins just outside of Kargath on the left, just past the rock elementals. You basically have to kill so many of each type of elemental. Not hard, but takes a while, and if you're grinding there anyway, it's a good reward.

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I never got that trinket, I must have chosen another reward. I'm sure I did the quest. Doesn't really matter as we rogues have sprint anyway.

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I'm at my fathers house for a few days, but if you can wait til Friday, I'l post you some to help. I can let you have 25g on a nil interest basis, but the mount will cost you 90g. 72g to purchase and 18g to learn.

I think i'm going to be way short on the gold front :cry: The loan will be much appreciated Ju, as is the offer of help.

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Funniest moment yet on WoW.

Dan, TRL and myself had just ganged up on a level 30 elite, and saw him off with hardly a scratch, here's a picture of us wallowing in our new found glory:


A little bit further along, was his MUCH harder mate, but buoyed by our recent conquest, bravery got the the better of common sense.

As we all prepared to attack, it noticed Dan and killed him stone dead in a split second. Cue the now not so heroic me and TRL running like the clappers to the hills out of harm's way! Well I guess you had to be there!

Sweet sweet revenge!


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Even better, photographic evidence of Staff of the Ninja in use! Actually, I haven't used a one hander and shield in ages.

Had a go in AQ20 last night. I was only in for Buru the Gorger, but it seems a good instance.

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After swimming out 9 miles to see Hydraxis late last night, I got this whisper:


He went offline straight after, anyone care to take a guess at what it was all about?

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Some scam or other. Probably got some amazing epic that he'd send to you COD that was wrapped up, and would troll sweat or something!

After reading that site I posted above, I'm going to create a troll female alt, make her run round in her undies, then try to fleece unsuspecting adolescent geeks out of their gold. ;)

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Whats the biggest, baddest, badboy boss in the whole game btw? And what does he drop?

I had a little bit of a play on the Alliance side this morning.

Meet Bubblehearth, the level 6 human Paladin:


Now its on a RP(PvE) server, so getting ganked in the field isnt a problem. You can just walk up to ?? Horde players and dance with them. Even when i was flagged on the zepplin tower, it was only the guards that killed me, players didnt seem interested. Perhaps its a RP thing?

Anyway, i still think its quite an achivement getting from the Human Spawn point near Stormwind City all the way to Undercity at level 6, taking the Scenic Route too:


So, hardest boss? Well, taking the royal chamber at Undercity might be it.

You have to get into Undercity for a start. Lots of very high level guards about, and Horde players trying to kill you (even on PvE servers you get flagged if you go into the other sides cities)

You have to fight your way down to the start of the Royal chamber. When you get to the start of the Royal chamber, there is a big corridor which is basically a pinch point where you have to pass 14 level 61 elite guards, they attack in pairs, though its highly likely that a raid would pull lots of them at once. They can attack with melee and ranged weapons.

Once you have made it up the corridor, and no doubt half the horde would be on your arse too now, you get to the chamber. Inside, there are a lot more level 61 elite guards. Also the three people who portal you to Battlegrounds, who are level 62/63 elite, and not one but two bosses. Varimathras, a big level ?? demon (worldboss level), and Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, some Elf who will attack at the same time.

Killing those would be quite an achivement!

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Only if they are specced soul link, and deathcoil isnt on cooldown.

And perhaps a few bottles of water from a mage to help speed things up..

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OK I've nearly got the mats for a +22 int enchant on my staff. Thing is, I don't know whether to keep Staff of the Ninja and put it on that, or farm DM North till I get the same staff as Nays has. Mine has better +int which is great, but Nay's has +crit and higher DPS. Any advice?

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Up to you.

For me, my most important stats are:

Stamina > Spell Damage > Intellegence > everything else.

I dont need spirit, cos of lifetap for mana regen, or demon armour for passive health regen (plus drain life, deathcoil, healthstones if needed)

+ Crit is completely over rated i think. Perhaps if you are a crit build rogue or warrior, or have the mage/warlock supercrit talent points, then yeah, go for it, but for the rest of us? I cant see the attraction of sacraficing your basics for it.

For a healer, id take Trindlehaven Staff and +22 int over the Ogre magi. Id say Ogre Magi was more suited to offensive casters (ie Lock and Mage) while Trindlehaven is more for healers. Dropping a +22 int enchant on it would mean you have 52 int from your staff alone. Apparently 59.5 int is +1% crit for a caster.

Anyway, ive been looking for videos of people taking down city bosses. Here is one of the Alliance visiting Orgrimmar, and killing Thrall, and Vol'Jin (the Trolls Thrall, who sits in the same room) and a shitload of Horde too.

Im sure you will love the soundtrack they chose..

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Looks like there's going to be anew boss in UBRS, in the beast's room, called Lord Valathak or something. Apparently he's going to be a bit like a ZG boss, ie goes mad and bad when you get him down to 20% and he enters phase 2.

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