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Right lads, who wants to help me get MC attuned tonight? If you three can help, then I can just get a bunch of randoms together for the rest of the group, safe in the knowledge that we've got 4 kick ass members at least!

Want to do another tribute run too.

edit: Want this shield from DM. **** ace.

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I was just thinking that not enough of "the kids" post on here often enough. Ie Limpid, Juju and Samisdead. Where are you all up to level wise, must be getting towards 50 now? It's a shame we've lost Sie and Si, and apparently Bicks because we'd have a pretty formidable group in a month or two.

And on that note Hi everybody...

Am currently at lvl 49.The same as Limpids age.

I am applying to The Old Grudge atm,mostly because of their over 25's policy.But would def prefer a VT guild sort of thing...


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Level 49?

Oo, that means you are a honourable kill for the ?? alliance players now.

Anyone 48 and above is fair game without being called a gank as far as im concerned. If it drops a soulshard, it dies. :twisted:

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Anyone else thinks that Sion sounds like a recovering alcoholic? Have you realised that theres so much more to life? Do you do cartwheels in fields and sit and watch the sunset?

Oddly enough there is truth in Sion's words. Melodrama aside, throwing in the towel on WoW does make you realise just how much time you've been pissing away on it and how much of your 'normal' life you've been neglecting. It borders on unhealthy.

In saying that though, Vanguard does sound incredibly good....

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Why dont you start a Vanguard thread, and let us who still is enjoying this brilliant game, to keep this thread.

I've mentioned it because I thought it could be something we could all play together again when (or if :winkold: ) everyone else gets bored with WoW.

Its not out until later in the year so I won't mention it again for a while Mr.Grumpybollox. :D

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On Saturday, 1.10 changes for every class were revealed on the Taiwanese Official World of Warcraft Forums. There have been several threads going in an attempt to understand these changes and translate them into English. The following is a compilation of forum posts and translations of the Taiwanese forums as well as the links to the original posts. It can be assumed that the English versions of these posts are forthcoming. With the release of these upcoming changes it would seem that 1.10 will be on the test realm very soon. Tuesday perhaps?

Credit for most of this translation goes to


Level 60 Night Elf Hunter

Guild: Incandescent Dawn

Realm: Suramar



1. Execute - Execute will work with Sweeping Strikes again. If the target of the Sweeping strikes proc has less than 20% health then they will take full execute damage. If they are above 20% they will take a normal swing of your weapon in damage.

2. Whirlwind - When used with Sweeping Strikes, it will only hit one extra person (on top of the 4 from whirlwind) This will only use up a single Sweeping Strikes Charge.

3. Flurry - Fixed a bug where all ranks of this talent were not properly being triggered.

4. Retaliation - Fixed a bug where this skill was not functioning correctly as a melee attack.

5. Intimidating Shout - When it is resisted by the main target, it will no longer apply its fear. The fear is now limited to 5 targets.

6. Flurry - The speed improvement from Flurry will only be applicable for the next 3 swings.

7. Sweeping strikes - The damage from the extra attacks generated by Sweeping Strikes will now take into consideration the armor of the target being hit with the extra attack rather than the armor of the person you are swinging at. (Ie: No more swinging at mages to do massive damage to plate wearers)




1. Slice and Dice: If you attempt to use this skill when your target is dead, you will get an error message. This skill cannot be dodged, parried or missed.

2. Sap: When sap is resisted, Lightning Shield will not break stealth.

3. Remorseless Attacks: This talent will not trigger when you kill a monster that does not yield experience, or a player that does not yield honor points.

4. Distract: this skill will no longer trigger Lightning Shield from Shamans.

5. Blade Flurry: The damages of the extra attacks will now be determined by the armor rating of the secondary target.

6. Blind: Blind is no longer considered a melee attack, and cannot be parried or dodged.



1. Multishot - The attack power of this skill has been normalized. All ranged weapons will now use 2.8 as the standard multiplier. Weapons that are slower than 2.8 will see their damages reduced slightly, and weapons that are faster than 2.8 will see their damages increased slightly.

2. Aimed shot - (Same as above)

3. Improved Aspect of the Hawk - the duration has been increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds. The speed improvement will not start until the second shot has landed. This was changed to fix a delay problem in the talent.

4. Hunter's Mark - (this is where I couldn't really understand what it said...something about the caster will not be listed under the mob's "threat list", and something about a debuff...)

5. Claw and Bite - pets using these skills will now gain appropriate amounts of threat depending on the rank of the skill. Previously, only rank 7 and 8 were causing the right amount of threat.

6. Beastial Wrath - will not generate any threat for the caster.

7. There will be new wild boars showing up in Premier League with Rank 6 Charge.



1. Lightning shield - Environmental Damaging effects (campfires) will no longer eat charges of Lightning shield.

2. Grounding Totem - this totem will no longer absorb the following effects: Frostguard, Hammer of Titans, Annihilator, The Chief's Enforcer, The Judge's Gavel, Blacklade of Shahram, and Bonereaver's Edge.

3. Flurry - the speed bonus will only exist for the next 3 attacks.

4. Healing Wave - mana cost reduced by 9%.

5. Shamans will now be able to use equipped items in ghostwolf form.



My translation with others feedback. (updated up to Moirain's post on page 2)

=-=-=-=-=1.10 Priest Change posted on WoW Taiwan offical forum=-=-=-=-=

Translation by Drenden, Kallistae, Jediah, and Moirain, and a druid (hehehe).

1. Free Respec.

2. Decrease cost on all training skills.

3. Prayer of Fortitude has an increased range and area effect.

4. Holy Fire is now a non-talent trainable skill. First obtainable at level 20.

5. Mind Soothe is now an instant spell.

6. Shadowform: reduce physical and ranged damage. See talent trees for more info.

7. Feedback (Human): See Eyonix's post for details. When using Feedback, the human priest will surround himself with anti-magical energy. Any successful spell cast against the priest will burn mana from the attacker and deal Shadow damage.

8. Elune's Grace (Night Elf): The ranged damage reduction from Elune's Grace will be increased, both its duration and mana cost will decrease, and the spell will also increases the priest's chance to dodge. This spell now has a cooldown.

9. Shadow Guard (troll): will become an instant cast ability. The tooltip will also be updated to reflect that damage caused by the spell causes no threat. Such is already the case, however, is not currently documented.

10. Inner Fire: (see Eyonix's post) Inner Fire will provide more armor than before. The duration will also be increased to 10 minutes but now the effect will be removed when the caster endures twenty successful damaging melee or ranged hits. mana cost is increased.

(11-14, see Eyonix's post)

11. Desperate Prayer (Human and Dwarf): Reduce cooldown time.

12. Touch of Weakness (Forsaken): will become a 10 minute self buff which is triggered when the caster become struck by a melee attack. The effect will otherwise remain the same. mana cost greatly reduced.

13. Hex of Weakness (Troll): will apply a -20% healing modifier in addition to its normal effect. The healing debuff does not stack with the warrior's Mortal Strike ability, although the damage penalty will stack with either Touch or Curse of Weakness. mana cost greatly reduced

14. Star Shard (Night Elf): Starshards has been redesigned to work similar to Curse of Agony, dealing lower initial damage which increases as the duration continues. The mana cost will drop substantially for all ranks, approximately 30%. and the spell damage will be increased aproximately 17%. All ranks of this spell will have a 6 second channeling duration.

15. Lesser Heal: mana cost reduced by ~9%.

16. Heal - Rank 2, 3, and 4 reduce casting time to 3 seconds and more (see notes by Moirain and Jediah).

17. Greater Heal: reduce casting time to 3 seconds. (see notes by Moirain and Jediah)

=-=-=-special note by Jediah=-=-=-=

#16 and 17 both include a part about them being reduced in mana cost by 10%, and also, since the cast time has been reduced, they won't benefit with +healing or +dmg/healing gear as before.


=-=-=-=-special note by Moirain=-=-=-=

the translation about "heal" seem to be saying about mana/heal efficiancy increase and also that Greater heal, since cast time is lower than 3.5 seconds , no longer receives the entire +healing effect from gear. :(


18. Vampiric Embrace: traget resisted the damage will not have healing effect. (nothing new)

19. Power Word: Shield: "now getting 10% of dmg/heal gear." (Thanks to Kallistae)

20. Holy Nova: increase mana cost and no cooldown time.




Im guessing...

1. Frost Ward will now automatically be used when it becomes refreshed if already activated.

2. Fire Ward will now automatically be used when it becomes refreshed if already activated.

3. Detect Magic had a problem where it increased the aggro levels of mages. It has been reduced to not cause so much hate anymore.

4. Ignite now only stacks with criticals from the original mage. It does not stack together with other mage's Ignite criticals.

5. Increased the range of Arcane Brilliance.



1. Blessing of Light - different ranks are no longer stackable - the ability for this to stack was not intended.

2. Judgment of Righteousness - Accuracy Increased (note: i want to say 100%, but i am not quite sure how it works)

3. Righteous Fury - Wil now cause appropriate extra threat with all holy damage.

4. Holy Shock - Can now be used with Divine Favor and Illumination.

5. Holy Shield - Mana cost reduced by 15%, and +spell items will now affect this spell.

6. Eye for an Eye - Can be triggered while mounted.

7. Blessing of Sacrifice - This blessing can no longer be used to save the target from dying due to other spell effects. (eg. You can no longer Blessing of Sacrafice a Warlocks Pet and have him use 'Demonic Sacrafice' to have both Master Demonologist and Demonic Sacrafice buffs enabled at the same time)

8. Seal of Command - Can now properly trigger when the paladin is silenced.

9. Improved Seal of Righteousness - Tooltip updated to reflect actual usage. This talent increases 3-15% damage for both seal of righteousness and judgment of righteousness

10. Lay on hands - range increased.

11. Divine Intervention - range increased.

12. Holy Shield - tooltip updated to reflect extra damage done.

13. All improved blessings have their ranges increased.

14. Holy Shock - mana cost reduced.

15. Monsters that are immune to scorpid sting will now be immune to vindication as well.


1. Curse of Agony - No longer interrupts spell casting.

2. Soul Fire - Returns a soul shard to the warlock if a target that yeilds experience or honor dies within 5 seconds of the cast.

3. Rain of Fire - Now correctly triggers Pyroclasm.

4. Master Demonologist - Is now applied when a minion is banished or not under the warlock's control.

5. Curse of Doom - Can no longer be cast on targets who are Mind Controlled.

6. Shadowburn - No longer returns a shard if resisted or from targets that do not yield experience or honor.

7. Curse of Weakness - Mana cost reduced.

8. Curse of Recklessness - Mana cost reduced.

9. Mobs that are immune to Fear effects are now also immune to Death Coil. (Note: This does not say 'Players are able to break the effect of Death Coil with Fear Breaking Effects.' It says that mobs (NPCs) that are not fearable, will no longer be affected by Death Coil)

10. Suffering (Voidwalker) has an increased radius. The tooltip has been updated. New warlock talent calculators will be on the site soon.



1. Healing Touch Mana cost reduced by 9%.

2. Ferocious Bite: cannot be parried, dodged, or resisted?

3. No cure poison in Moonkin.

4. Gift of the Wild - Now has an increased range

5. Rip - now a bleed effect.

6. All shapeshifts can use items!

7. Soothe animal and Rebirth are now affected by Nature's swiftness.

8. You can no longer die from shifting out of bear at low health (MoTW bug).

9. Pounce no longer causes its DoT if missed or blocked.

10. No idea.

11. Players will no longer be immune to snares for 1 second when performing a shapeshift.

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