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Shouldnt take to long in AB or WSG. Im currently rank 6 or stoneguard, but i dunno if will bother turning bloodguard or rank 8, since im not shadow anymore.

But every damage dealing caster should think about going to rank 8, if not rank 10.

Rank 7 or blood guard rewards : Lock Boots Lock Hands

Rank 8 rewards: Lock chest Lock leggings

I would probably have made rank 8 this wednesday or next if i hadnt turned my talents around. No point for me having any of that stuff now. And the quality or the gear is pretty much the same, dont matter if you are mage priest or lock.

Get rank 10, which was my plan :cry: and you get the most wicked shoulder armor. Champion shoulder armor! Shoulder pads

TBH. if you ever meet a lock, shadow priest or mage in officer gear, you are generally ****. With my officer gear i would have had 5000 hp and 6000 mana... just wait until i get my staff, and i will return ;)

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I had to force myself into some dreaded AV yesterday to try and retain my Seargant staus, I should get it back now. Oh and Tarj, maybe I might beat you in a duel now youre not shadow? Lets give it a try.

Yesterday was funny, I took my level 1 bank alt from the Valley of trials up to Org and started challenging people for duels. They were trying to break their crit records on me, quite successfully too.

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Great day’s play yesterday!

Firstly I logged on needing one solitary Bl**d *f H*r**s. Crossed the path in Premier League, and there was one right there, with an ally just about to open it.

So I frost shocked him to get his attention, ninja’d the blood then scarpered while the two elites gave him a kicking! He he he.

Then I did a UBRS with a group full of noobs, you know the sort who run straight over all the eggs, and then get knocked back into the egg room afterwards. There was another shammy called Htieu or something, who was an uber noob. He was skinning absolutely everything in the middle of battles, desheeping with chain lightning, pulling too much agro etc etc etc. Anyway we downed gyth and the elemental shoulders dropped. Another shammy had them, so it was out of me and Ubernoob. Rissok rolls 7, Ubernoob rolls 92! Noooooooooo! Then Ubernoob says, “give em to Rissok!”

WTF?! No idea why he did it, but cheers anyway! Great player!

Then did Scholo for my last Skin of Shadow. Explained to everybody first that I only needed one and they said I could have it, and it duly dropped near Rattlegore. Epic legplates FTW! I was ML for the first time since THAT UBRS run, and made doubly sure not to **** up. Some right whinging clearings in the woods though. Gandling dropped a dagger called Witch Blade or something, clearly a shadow priest or lock blade as it does +shadow damage and extra spell power, and the rogue in the group wanted to roll on it. When I told him he couldn’t he got all in a strop and started mouthing off that he was going to report me to a GM! Then someone else rolled on the Scourgestone, but didn’t have the trinket, so when I gave it to the next highest roller, he went mental too!

Him: “I won it, give it to me!”

Me “I can’t”

Him:” Ninja”

Me: “Jeeeeeesus!”

Being ML really isn’t worth the hassle is it?! Oh and Gandling dropped Beaststalker hat for the 8th run in a row. Do you think Blizz want more hunters to do instances??!

Anyway got my epic pants and they look cool, with amazing stats, so I now officially never need to do the Baron run again. To be honest there’s nothing really left for in UBRS either, apart from Finkle’s skinner and the remote chance of a better shield or axe. LBRS is done too, Scholo I only need the hat, so I need some new ideas now.

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I need to do some BG too, to keep Sergeant status, but I really can't be arsed. I don't mind AB, but AV gets on my wick. I know some people love it, but to me it's just doesn't improve your gameplay that much for the time spent in there. Much rather do a 5 man tribute run where you need tactics and to think about stuff, rather than running round zerging allies.

There was some rumour of a mass Ally invasion on Orgri yesterday, did anything happen?

And does anybody know a good place to look for a decent 1h axe or mace, as I'm outgrowing mine now.

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What I mean is, you shouldn't be concerning yourself with 1h, you should be helping heal us lot with your staff, not trying to outdamage the rogue!

Speaking of healing, in instances now I've started equipping my chance to crit gear, as well as downing the odd Mongoose, with Dragon buff this gave me a chance to crit of 31%, and its fun because it makes the healer work for a living, as I get aggro off even the most competant Tank! I know this is wrong, but its fun as hell, and is as close as I'll get to combat rogue without a respec. The thing about being a combat rogue, is you lose all your stealth abilities (except actually going stealth at base level) which means you can't sap, and you can be easier detected, but you will always outdamage the Mage

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It depends on the group Dan. The UBRS group yesterday had only one priest and a druid and me, so I had the staff out and helped with healing. If there's plenty of healing I use a 1h plus shield and get stuck in. Horses for courses. I really need a good buff on it though, want to save up for +22 int. With a shield I have about 5000 armor now, but if I get the int enchant on staff I'll have over 300 int which is great for healing and casting.

In Scholo last night I had Dragonslayer buff, and I was critting at about 37%! Nearly every other lightning bolt crit, which was nice. We had another shammy in the group called Fungal, who was helping his mate, and he was entirely decked out in Tier 1 and 2 epics, absolutely awesome. That was the definition of overpowered!

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I still love the overpowered stuff.

As far as i can tell now, the following are overpowered according to WoW players:

Shamen - "can do everything, and can do it all well, even casters can melee with the best of em"

Hunters - "massive DPS, ranged and melee snares, powerful pets, mail armour" (i dont get the mail armour myself, admittedly)

Druids "10k armour, can heal themselves, cant be crowd controlled, and can run off if loosing?!?"

Epic Geared Warriors - "1k, 1k, 1k, 4k, *dead*"

Shadow Priests - "healing bitches arent supposed to be able to fight!"

Soul Link Warlocks - "cloth wearers are supposed to die in 2 hits!"

So, 75% of the game are overpowered at the moment. And only the really really populated classes (Rogue, Mage, Paladin) arent. Ok!

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So what do I do next?

I'm completely done with Baron and LBRS, and haven't got much reason to go back to UBRS apart from a slight chance of Finkle's skinner and the fire res cloak. Scholo I still need the elements helm, and my shammy epic q, but I don't think stand a chance of doing that for a while, as it has to be a 5 man raid, with 2 priests to stand a chance.

I suppose more ZG and MC is the logical step, but I only really have the time for those at weekends.

I suppose some BG's is another idea, but I just fancy some old fashioned ganking!

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I still love the overpowered stuff.

As far as i can tell now, the following are overpowered according to WoW players:

Shamen - "can do everything, and can do it all well, even casters can melee with the best of em"

Hunters - "massive DPS, ranged and melee snares, powerful pets, mail armour" (i dont get the mail armour myself, admittedly)

Druids "10k armour, can heal themselves, cant be crowd controlled, and can run off if loosing?!?"

Epic Geared Warriors - "1k, 1k, 1k, 4k, *dead*"

Shadow Priests - "healing bitches arent supposed to be able to fight!"

Soul Link Warlocks - "cloth wearers are supposed to die in 2 hits!"

So, 75% of the game are overpowered at the moment. And only the really really populated classes (Rogue, Mage, Paladin) arent. Ok!

Hunters piss me off, they have about 10 different ways of keeping me at distance, so I can't get anywhere near them, even if I do get past their pet. While they hold me at range, they shoot the shit out of me and theres nothing I can do. So why do a class that are designed to do damage at range, and therefore should be killable in melee, get mail armour?

Paladins, why the **** does a class that can shield and heal themselves, get PLATE armour? WTF is that about. I don't care what Locks say about how easy they are to kill, Paladins, like Hunters, are a joke. I'm not playing the OP'd card, I just think theres been a complete lack of brains used in working up those 2 particular classes.

Oh and Riss, do a search and find out what Fire res gear is out there for Shammies, then go farm it. Then go apply for guilds that do MC like Precious, Dark Guard, Century, Wowrush etc

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Thing is Dan, Paladins, like Warriors are designed to be killed by magic, not melee.

As a Warlock or a Priest or even a Mage how he finds the Paladin fight, and he should say "easy", they have no range whatsover (even less than a Rogue, belive it or not) and if you can attack their mana pool, then they are absolutely screwed.

****, they just got buffed in 1.9 to stop us pathetic cloth wearers toying with them.

Hunters cant be killed so easily by casters. Or melee.

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As long as the hunter doesnt suprise attack you, you normally do fine. Or priests do anyway. Just dot em, fear pet, shield yourself and heal yourself until the dots kill em. Might be worse for people without priest shield though.

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I don't do very well against hunters, as I've very little way of getting away from the pet, as I can't fear or stop it moving. The best I can hope for is to slow it with earth bind and try to get into range of the hunter himself before the pet catches me. Hunters and warriors are probably the hardest classes for shammies I'd say.

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