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Ive been banging on about how Locks are the coolest class on the game forever now (we are. black magic is the best thing ever, admit it.) but it seems Blizzard agree. Scroll down to Warlock, and highlight the text as if you were going to copy and paste...


i suggest you look closer..

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Oh, and must study this:

Hi !

I hit 60 lvl not so long ago.

While farming Incendius I thought that maybe I should try complete Attunement to the Core quest. Doing whole BRD takes a lot of time. I could solo this quest as a druid, so why not to try solo it as a warlock :)

After first bad try I went to AH, bought some greater fire prot potions and tried again.

This time I mamaged to do it :)


alternative download location:


As stated in the movie I have crappy gear, mixed blue/green with no FR on it. I guess with high FR doing it is a piece of cake ;)

All comments are welcome :)

Cos im **** it up royally at the monent!


I think the **** just got lucky with his run to the window!

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Does anyone have the patch that could mail it to me?

Its like a 1 meg patch! You must have a very frail machine for that to **** it up...

So you've mailed it to me?

My machine locks up as soon as I hit the "Restart" button, exactly the same as the last patch. It doesn't launch the downloader.

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^^Just Incendius. Me and Tarj pissed on him.

and BTW (people other than Risso) n00b Zabusak has joined PDX, if I'd still been in the guild that would have been the last straw. Just gquit Riss, if you want you can apply with me to VT Villans, apparently they are at SM at the moment.

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Have they got a tabard though Dan?!

I am going to quit Pdark, probaly tonight, but I want to wait until Pdarxoemmi or whatever his name is on, and let him know what I think of his lousy guild.

Did the Test of Skulls with four people from a guild called Hegira, who looked a pretty good outfit. They're not recruiting at the moment, but the four I was with said they'd put a word in for me.

Like Dan says, the fact that someone like Zabusak has joined shows what a crap outfit PDX is. That's the third guild I've seen him in in two weeks.

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Soloing BRD? Sounds a bit difficult that!

During the entire instance he only kills three things. Incendius, and the two elementals near Incendius.

The rest of it is sneaky dodging and cheeky shortcuts!

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Have they got a tabard though Dan?!

I am going to quit Pdark, probaly tonight, but I want to wait until Pdarxoemmi or whatever his name is on, and let him know what I think of his lousy guild.

Did the Test of Skulls with four people from a guild called Hegira, who looked a pretty good outfit. They're not recruiting at the moment, but the four I was with said they'd put a word in for me.

Like Dan says, the fact that someone like Zabusak has joined shows what a crap outfit PDX is. That's the third guild I've seen him in in two weeks.

Hegira are very good, a relaxed guild, from all accounts, they only need Druids though apparently. And don't expect to get a guild from shouting out, or asking members. All the decent ones want formal applications, its like applying for a **** job!

I don't really think we need to be in the same guild, if needs be we can all experience end game in different ways / with different people. Its like college friends all going to different Universities!

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Why is it so hard to get into a decent guild? I know you can only have so many in MC and BWL etc, but you just make those first come, first served. Other than that I'd say it's surely better to have as many people as possible (providing they're a decent player) that way you stand more of a chance of getting a group together without having to shout out.

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I only need SC Pants from the Baron and SC Chest from Drakki, after that, thats it, I will have no-more blue gear left to farm. I need to get a guild and me and you riss will find it hard because our classes are ten a penny.

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I know Dan, and it's crap. Like I said I can't see any reason not to have as big a guild as possible really, as it just gives you a better chance of getting any sort of group together. So does it really matter if you have 20 rogues or 25 shammies whatever? Not all of them will always want to do MC at the same time etc, and you can always weed out the weaker links etc.

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I'm starting to see where the casual gamers versus hardcore arguments come from. I wish there was more stuff to do end game that wasn't dungeon based. Sometimes I'd just like to log on and be able to do stuff without having to wait around for a group to form, then spend ages getting everybody to the dungeon, then an hour or two inside. Battlegrounds bore me rigid to be honest as well, I really can't see that there's any skill to it at all.

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I'm starting to see where the casual gamers versus hardcore arguments come from. I wish there was more stuff to do end game that wasn't dungeon based. Sometimes I'd just like to log on and be able to do stuff without having to wait around for a group to form, then spend ages getting everybody to the dungeon, then an hour or two inside.

You've just summed up the main reasons I quit (apart from being a s*** tank of course :winkold: )

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Yeah, starting to question whether it's worth carrying on myself. Have to ask myself am I still enjoying it, or is it just an endless quest for ever better armor? It's the fact that you have to about 20 bloddy UBRS runs, which will just lead onto endless MC runs. I now seem to spend all my time shouting for groups in Orgri, or on the bat to Badlands.

I used to love questing, and finding new areas of the map, and fighting the allies you'd bump into on the way, but it's all starting to seem like a grind tbh. Might have a few days off and see if I miss it.

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Nah, If I can find a guild I'm convinced that MC and Onyxia and maybe BWL wipes will carry me through to the expansion pack, when questing and exploring will begin again. I still enjoy doing Strat and UBRS, and theres always allies to gank in Gadgetzan. I'm not going anywhere, though until I have a guild I might be on less.

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The other night I had a run through places like Stonetalon and Ashenvale again, god the Ashenvale music is gorgeous. I don't mind series of quests, but why do they all have to be group based? Why not have q's that take you to places like Ashenvale and Thousand Needles again, and that you can do solo? There's too much emphasis on getting groups for UBRS and Scholo etc. It's been a complete nightmare trying to do Test of Skulls, as nobody will help out if it isn't a dungeon. I've now managed to get the first three skulls, but still need the final one. After that, what is it, another trip to find Rexxar and more UBRS runs to get the blood. Great.

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Quick question for you all (think i can guess who will say what but just humour me).

Did you prefer

a) 1-60?

B) or 60 and beyond?

Cant find much difference tbh.

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1-60 I think Si. I loved exploring and moving into new areas, and doing stuff with you guys. I loved the first few weeks of being L60, but it's getting to be a grind now.

Saw this on the official forums, sums it up quite well:

Warning: this post might have a slightly negative ring to it.

So, there you are. You need ... say, the Draconian Deflector, the Painweaver Band or your "tier 0" set chestpiece from UBRS, so obviously you have to go do the place to get what you need. Multiple times, most likely, given drop chances and the number of people to roll against.

So, you have to gather a group. Not just the usual 7ish people for Strat or Scholo - no, as many as 10~15ish. You ask on guild. And then you ask on guild again. Usually met either by awkward silence or finally one honest guy:

"Dude, the place sucks and I've done it 85 times, I'd rather poke my eyes out with an icecream cone. Twice".

So, fair enough. PUG time.

And from there on ...

- you need enough people. Usually not the biggest problem.

- you need a decent class setup. This is where it gets interesting. Or rather; this is what usually makes it take 45 minutes. You get to the point where you have your

... 4 warriors (who are argueing about valor chest and of course all need the Deflector which you also need)

... 4 rogues (one of which obviously only joined if he could be guaranteed that DR MH is his)

... 21 hunters (who have annoying bat-type screeching pets)

... 1 druid (who is standing around in catform, wearing shadowcraft and responding in Italian when you ask if he minds healing)

... 1 mage (who has not done the quest for crystal water)

... another 21 hunters (who also have annoying bat type screeching pets)

... 4 paladins/shamans (who are all bragging about how much dmg they did last strat run)

... and did I mention 21 hunters?

So, realizing that you won't get through the place without some healing, you ask:

"Hey [shamans/paladins], you guys mind healing this?"

After which you get any of the usual responses:

* No response, since everybody went afk waiting for the group to get sorted.

* "LOL SHAMANS CAN'T HEAL! WF FTW!" (from a shaman)

* "LOL PALADINS CAN'T HEAL! SoC FTW!" (from a paladin)

* or, if you're extremely lucky and happen to have a competent player of said class in the raid who says "Sure, we can handle it" it gets followed by the inevitable "LOL PALADINS CAN'T HEAL WE NEED 70 PRIESTS!!!!" from everybody else in the raid.

Finally, finally, FINALLY - the miracle happens. Somebody's got a priest online. And he only wants 20g to show up ... if he can get to bring his 21 hunter buddies along, that is.

So well, one way or the other you end up with something resembling a group sorted out. And then it comes; crashing from the sky "Who's got a key?"

The answer, of course, is noone.

So ... who has a guildie with a key online? noone. Well, or if someone does then the guy is either in AV after queuing for 8 hours, or busy tanking Nefarian.

45 minutes and a 15g opener-fee later: wahey! group is gathered! door is open! let's go!

(Or well, let's wait for everyone to actually start moving their fat asses out of IF/Orgri ... once they're done spamming for summons and finally realize there's no warlock in the group, that is).

You're in the instance. The majority of the raid gathers up. You ask for buffs. The mage casts AI on group 3. Nothing more happens. You ask again. Nothing happens. So well, whatever.

Then we've got ...

- the egg room arguement.

- the egg room Leroy.

- the "omg you ninjad father flame!"-arguement.

- the Anvilcrack arguement.

- the "jump! no don't jump"-arguement.


- the Dragonrider Boots-arguement.

- the hunter winning the "Band of Rumination" because it has crit on it! - oh wait, it doesn't. It's spellcrit, retards [sorry to any intelligent hunters, but on my paladin I saw this drop 4 times and lost it to hunters who couldn't read ALL FOUR TIMES!].

- the D'R MH-arguement (because the rogue agreement of course didn't hold)

- the Brilliant Chromatic Scale-arguement.

- the pleasure of seeing a priest beat your roll on the Chromatic Carapace - AGAIN! - because Blizzard still hasn't bothered putting a "Classes:"-tag on it.

- the seven players (all of them rogues or hunters) that suddenly all have urgent business and real life emergencies to tend to just after the Rend event.

- the wipe at the beast because people refuse to clear the mobs outside (that they have to kill later anyway) and someone gets feared into them.

- the "Pristine Hide of the Beast"-arguement.

- the wipe on the patrol appearing over the bridge because people can't understand what "Patrol inc, move back and wait for me to pull" means.

- the wipe in the Drakki room because people can't understand what "Patrol inc, move into the corner and mana up" means.

- The 10 minutes of 3 different people spamming different tactics for Drakki (tactics that usually involve the 58 warlock fearspamming).

- The wipe on Drakki due to people being plain poor at playing their classes.

And finally, finally, FINALLY -

The pleasure of seeing Wildheart Kilt drop (with no druid present) and the 27th useless Brigam Girdle in a row.

But well, at least the random loot in UBRS is so incredibly good!

- 4 runecloth

- 1 roasted quail

And that's if you're lucky.

I seriously dislike Upper Blackrock Spire.

There's an awful lot of arguing post L60.....

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