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This is all very well, but have any of you actually managed to kill and camp that Demonology slutwhore yet?

If you ever do I want a nice screenie for my collection.


:twisted: Will do

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I still don't quite get what you're saying. Should I be doing what I'm doing or not?

And what are you doing? The post wasnt specified one you, but the fact that a group can save shitloads of mana, and keep aggro on tank if you let renew etc. work, is true. Im so sick and tired beeing asked to be healer, then some shammy decides to power heal every target who loses over 600 hp. Thats the biggest problem for PDX in ZG IMO. They keep waisting their mana when there is no need.

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What a shit night, got invited into a group as a healer for RFK so I went as I wanted more experience in an instance. I think they had less of a clue than me, if they weren't all steaming into mobs at the same time they were all disappearing in different directions which made my life healing shite. In the end i ran into a mob and got myself killed and left em to it. I wouldn't mind running through a few with u guy's to learn the ropes but u will make it look too easy :lol:

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Nays, a Priest in your Guild called Ro, owes me big. I led a raid of Strat, and had a choice between him and another Priest, I let him in, he wins Devout Sandals, and then a greed roll on KROL BLADE! It **** dropped in Strat! At the Baron we all knew what was going to drop, and we were proven right, the damn Dreadmist Skirt, he also needed a nice chest piece that he dropped.

Hmmmm, I'm not sure I've ever seen someone so lucky in an instance, nor ever will. Well done to him though!

Krol **** Blade! If I hadn't bought it the other week I'd have shot my load! (Not that you can need something that expensive though, I think theres a rule that if its not BOP and its epic you can't need?) The Hunter had the nerve to say "Hunter Sword, Need"......Needless to say he was greeted with some choice words....

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In fact its been a really shit night....I got all the way to Wyrm and he didn't drop the gem I needed. I missed out on Krol (and epic mount) in Strat and just now had my fire res gear ninjad by a Dr00d. I've been farming DM all week and its the first time it dropped and I had to have another leather wearer in the group, the thing is, they are rogue shoulders. Fact.

I also quit PDarkX after they booted a load of people (including a certain Norwegian Priest) so I'm currently guildless.

Ho hum.

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Im 250 g off epic mount now! But thats not interesting. On the other hand, what is interesting is, that pdx lost 4 healers and 10 members total within 20 min :lol: A dry joke from me, started all havoc! Siongest has influenced me to much with his dry humour :winkold:

Dan lost a roll on Krolblade! I won a nice ring Clicky!

And TBH the darkmoon fair card is **** brilliant! Saved my arse twice grinding today. And when we wiped first time at boss in DM, i used SS, then we wiped again and the twisting nether kicked in to save the day!

Then i was grinding in Darkwhisper Gorge and i died, then tank died, mage went into iceblock. Twisting nether rescued me, i ressed tank, healed the mage and we **** made it! Best playing ever witnessed! You should all get that **** card!

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Interesting, what's been going on in PDX then?! Sounds like a "joke" to rank alongside the great Rissok/Evildan "You did remember the mallet?" fiasco from a few months back!

So what happened then?

And I really don't think not being in PDX is going to harm your endgame experience much.....them being as much help as Thora Hird in a tug of war contest!

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Did another UBRS. Lost on my ring again, probably the 5th time, devout shoulders didnt drop ofc. The Beast dropped rogue leggings AGAIN, and on drakki the loot was plate and mail as always...

And now im getting tired of people trying to escape from the Egg boss. Either get priests who doesnt want devout mantle or stfu and kill him as every other boss.

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Sorry Tarj, didn't know the egg boss dropped your shirt or I'd have been all too pleased to kill him. It's just that 9 out of 10 times, the groups let too many guardians escape and they end up hatching all the eggs at once and a wipe ensues due to all the adds. Though we did it pretty easily though.

And typical. Vest of Elements doesn't drop in first 10 run I did, then it drops twice in a row when I don't need it. Great! Won the chromatic carapace though, and am well on way to some nice epic armor.

Oh and, EPIC MOUNT FTW!! It's the gankiest thing ever, chasing down allies is a dream!

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Did another UBRS. Lost on my ring again, probably the 5th time, devout shoulders didnt drop ofc. The Beast dropped rogue leggings AGAIN, and on drakki the loot was plate and mail as always...

And now im getting tired of people trying to escape from the Egg boss. Either get priests who doesnt want devout mantle or stfu and kill him as every other boss.

Last time we did the Egg Boss, i cant belive how easy it was because of the tactics.

Tank goes into the room to pull out some mobs, Priest shields him.

Tank comes running through door mobs follow him, boom into hunters frost trap. Everything slows down to a snails pace, lots of AOE (three mages and Warlock, Blizzard AOE from the mage to slow them down further) and the melee classes standing in the AOE and hammering away.

Repeat to fade. Hunters Trap and Blizzard AOE on the door, and nothing even gets into the room.

Then its a simple 15 on 1 slaughter off the boss, who will drop Druid gear.

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Oh, and now i just need another 11 demonic runes for robe of the void

49 spell damage! 49!!?! (to put that in perspective, a +30 spell damage enchant is about 250 gold, the best staff outside of High Warlord or Nerfarion kills, the Staff of Dominance which is a Moltern Core bossdrop only has 40 spell damage.)

Cant wait until the Demonic Runes all drop, but with a 5% drop rate, it may be some time!

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I am building up 3 sets of gear at the moment. Shadowcraft, "Chance to crit" and Fire res. My fire res is 101 at the moment and my chance to crit gear can get me 26%, I am 5/8 on my SC and can switch between the 3 with Item Rack, a nice little mod.

Its like Mount equip but works on hotkeys, I'm still keeping mount equip as it works automatically though.

Eye of Rend was a nice little win to stick in my with my Crit gear, but I still need that **** Voone gem, which will give me a UBRS key which is more fire res and a better chance of finding a guild.

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Apparently that little clearing in the woods (Demoníc) was calling me a ninja and an arsehole in Orgrimmar cos i kicked him from our UBRS group.

I think his biggest problem, (other than being an idiot) was that he didnt know where the entrance to UBRS is, and didnt want to admit it.

Think about it, for 25 minutes he was screaming "summon" despite me telling him its impossible to do a summon, because i cant summon while in combat, and the endless stream of allys passing through were making sure i was in combat. For 15 of the 25 minutes, he was screaming "summon" while he was actually inside BRM.

Then when he died. You have to re enter the instance in order to res. So what did he do? Took the spirit res, and the 25% armour loss, and the sickness, and started calling "summon" again. So he wanted us all to go all the way back to the exit portal (you cant summon through portals) just to take in a lowbie hunter with res sickness and without a clue.

Little clearing in the woods couldnt see why he was kicked? What an arsehole.

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Did UBRS again, and ofc the mantle didnt drop and i lost roll at rend AGAIN.

Did Baron run and Clicky! dropped, and the **** mage rolled need! Check the drop rate!!

Ninja ****. Then the healing robe dropped off baron and i said i already have it so everyone claimed greed, then the mage went need and said he needed it. How the hell can i mage need a healing robe?

**** ninjaing ****, alahakazahn or something word removed

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Some tosser in my UBRS run tonight. I said at the start that I didn't think I'd be able to finish the whole run, but that I'd probably have time to get up to the beast.

Bearing in mind I was the only keyholder, the leader said no problem. Anyway we got through pyro, rend and beast no problem, then I said I was leaving. Some pillock then said, "I make it a rule that if I can't finish an instance, I don't start it, maybe you should do the same."

Look rocket polisher:

If I didn't start it, none of you would.

I said to raid leader I'd have to leave

and, I'm not some little 15 year old with nothing else going on in my life.

clearing in the woods.

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Voone, Voone, why do you mock me so? Why Voone why?

I killed the word removed twice today and he didn't drop my gem. That has to be about 9 times now! Its not about the UBRS key, theres always people willing to open it, its not about the fire res, its personal now., I want to make my LBRS runs worthwhile, plus a UBRS key might help me get a guild.

Luckily I have a tactic of going Omokk then Voone so we don't have to do spiders and Wyrm, by the time we've killed Voone most people can't be arsed to do Wyrm or someone quits for some reason. In fact most doing Warlords have done Wyrm already, and because a lot of people leave after him when he is actually killed, it leaves them needing the other 2, which can be done in 40 odd minutes. Still **** frustrating though, I punched my desk and broke my keyboard tray/holder thingy.

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So who wants to lend me 150 g :P

And you should check out the 34 druids downing Onyxia at wowmovies.com... NERF

You already owe me 30 cuntybollocks, for the stick that Risso didnt ninja!



BotS, one of the very best guilds on the Horde side (BWL active) are recruiting Priests Tarj. Remember that guy Eduard who did DM West with us when we 5 manned it to get my Epic Mount? He is a member.

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