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I just completed UBRS again, I only do it for the skinning dagger, but this time 3 pieces of rogue kit dropped, and I lost all 3 to the other rogue. On the Shadowcraft chest he rolled a 12, I rubbed my hands, shouted with glee and then rolled a 6!


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Well, im glad i passed on it if only Rogue items dropped! Ive got my Dreadmist Robe and Bracers from out of there, so ive got nothing really pulling me into it now.

Anyway, i think im going to try Moltern Core soon. The guild does it, and im up for the experience, even if i dont expect anything other than death. So, ill need to do the Moltern Core key quest, which doesnt seem to be anything more difficult thant a Blackrock Depths raid.

Anyone up for it?

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For the love of prickly pete!


GM=Game master

WR: Id like to file a report on a shaman using hacks.

GM: Certainly tell me his name and what happened.

WR: Well his name is OvErPoWaReD and this is what happened, I see this guy mining some stuff so I decide to leave him alone, Then he lighting bolts me, Then when im running at him this is when the first hack comes into play, GET THIS he uses his frost shock move that has a 50% slowing speed FOR EIGHT SECONDS!

GM: No, that's not a hack. That's the correct time.

WR:...But isn't the cooldown six seconds?

GM: Correct.

WR: Wait a min...nevermind anywho after he kites me with this for awhile I finally resist one and come in for some melee (Keep in mind im at half health from the shocks) I expect this wimp caster to pull out ya know like a staff or dagger...What does he whip out? A frickin Arcanite Reaper!

GM:Yep shamans can use 2h axes and 2h Maces...


GM: Ya rly.

WR:uhh..ok then but HERE IS A DEFINITE HACK. While I was fighting him in melee, Im getting struck with 300 plus damage every time I swing! Then he's throwing in hits that come in 3 swings a flash and each hit a higher number than the last!

GM: That would be his lightning shield and his windfury.

WR: Woah, Isn't that kinda cheap?

GM: I don't program the shaman sir, but please continue.

WR: Well by this point I have to hamstring him and go back to use a runecloth bandage for a heal bringing me back up to 75%, Then when im about to reingage a rouge comes up from behind him and starts killing him, when he starts fighting the rouge, I rejoin the attack, after awhile we kill him... the rouge hearthed and as I was walking away not more than eight seconds after we killed him HE POPS BACK UP LIKE A NINJA ZOMBIE then casts an insta heal for 1700 health!

GM: That would be his natures swiftness and his resurrection ability.

WR: Oh cmon! What the hell is this!

GM: The shaman...but please continue.

WR: Well then he starts setting down totems and I thought "Phew ill just destroy these little things with a thunder clap" I thunder clap, none of em go down! Definite Hack, Correct?

GM: Yep.

WR: Really?

GM: Nope just kidding, Totems arent affected by AOE attacks.

WR: For the love of Prickly Pete!

WR: Well after that a friendly druid ran by gave me some buffs and went on his way, then right as im about to reingage, he makes all the buffs go away!

GM: Yeah, that's his purge ability...

WR: Holy crap.

GM: Tell me about it.

WR: Did I mention this whole fight took place in the water, and he was walking on it?

GM: They can do that.

WR: o.0

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Oh, and can we have a pop at those elites that you summon in Silithus with the Twilight Cultist gear sometime soon?

I think if we all go up there, we should kick ass.

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nope, you need to be 60 to wear them.

They summon a boss when you touch one of the stones at the Twilight Cultist place. I think the robes get destroyed in the summoning, but the boss drops good loot.

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A 50 man Alliance raid is approaching Crossroads when a Shaman runs up to the leader, spits on him and runs behind a hill. The leader, feeling pretty insulted, sends 5 of his men after the Shaman. After 5 minutes, he still hasn't heard anything back. He's furious by this point and sends half the raid. After 10 minutes, he sends the rest of the raid. Another ten minutes pass, and he still hasn't heard anything, when he spies a Night Elf Druid running over the hill, barely alive. "It's a trap," says the Druid, "There are two Shamen!

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Superb Baron Run tonight. Great group, and the Tank was the best ive ever ran with. Even allowed me to outdamage the Rogue, didnt it Dan? ;)

Up to 5/8 on Dreadmist now, one off the 6 bits i need for the Buff. Bit of a **** that it was the shoes that dropped, and not the leggings as i already have ace shoes, but hey, i cant complain.

Carrying two sets of gear is what ive been doing for ages anyway. Spell Damage, and Stamina. Now i think we are all just reaching the point where the second set of gear you carry is as good as the "main" gear.

Just cant decide which shoes to put Spurs on, and which to put Speed Enchant on.

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Have you got the chest piece? That dropped off Drakki tonight.

Again i lost a roll on a decent sword, in fact I don't think I rolled higher than 30 all night, its beginning to piss me off.

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Dreadmist Robe?

Yep. I got that. I got all the Dreadmist that drops in UBRS. Just need Legs (Baron) Shoulders (Frostwhisper) and mask (Darkmaster)

Also want Crimson Felt Hat (Magistrate Whateverhisnameis) and than i think im happy with my gear.

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