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I dont think there is any animosity towards the Giants from BB, quite the opposite infact. If anyone has screwed anyone its the Giants screwing themselves by thinking he would clear waivers and come back to us.

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A bit late, but I think the move was a little cheap personally. A few have pointed out to BB that despite his "I did nothing wrong" that he threw a little tantrum when the same happened to him.

Anyway, Shockey to the Giants? I think it would be a good move. He and Eli had good chemistry and I don't think he'd be a cancer anymore. Eli's grown up and isn't going to take shit or get upset about anything. All that could be said about him has been said and he's won it all twice. Bring Shockey home!

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I'll pass on Shockey and while we are on the subject of old washed up players, no to Plax and Tiki also! lol

Too injury prone now for me and is always a distraction, me first player. No thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just watched the NFL Films highlight (22-ish minutes) of Super Bowl XLVI on NFL Network (it had been sitting on my DVR for a couple of days).

I probably won't upload it to youtube until my 6-month account probation expires, but... ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Camp day 1 today! Conditioning tests etc are underway and football is almost here again!

Eli, Tuck and Cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuz to narrate America's Game making Eli one of the few if not the only (Levi!?) person to appear on more than one America's Game!

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T2 might have done his knee in again, bad times! Tyler Sash suspended 4 games for using Adderall which was prescribed to him to help with anxiety i believe. Andre Brown and a punter were suspended for the same thing but appealed the suspension and it was overturned. Sash appealed and it wasnt overturned. Goodell consistent as ever!

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TC will also be on Americas game meaning that it is only the 5th time they have used 4 narrators.

Spoilers below i guess!

3:18 p.m. UPDATE I'm an idiot. Forgot to mention this thing airs at Sept. 4 on NFL Network. Holla, fellow Cablevision customers!

One of the more hotly anticipated parts of winning a Super Bowl for fans is the "America's Game" broadcast NFL Films and the NFL Network produce each year.

They do such a tremendous job with those productions and I know you folks can't wait for the details on the fourth installment featuring the Giants, so here are a few that were emailed to me today by the NFL Network's public relations staff:


• Giants maintain cold tub video was just horseplay in good fun

• Giants' 'America's Game' broadcast: A few details on the production emerge

• Giants' Hakeem Nicks to practice with team for first time since breaking foot

• Giants stories and columns

• Giants photos

• Giants videos

--Alec Baldwin is the narrator. He also did the one for the 1990 team.

--I know I tweeted this a few weeks ago but I'm realizing now I never mentioned here: Justin Tuck, Victor Cruz and Eli Manning are the players interviewed. And there's this: Tom Coughlin is also taking part. I haven't watched all of the broadcasts but I was under the impression there were only three voices for each one. I've asked the folks at NFL Films if this is the first time they're using four. (1:43 p.m. UPDATE Per Andrew Howard of NFL Media, this is the fifth time they've used four narrators.)

--There's a clip of Coughlin's speech to the team the night before the Super Bowl.

--And now, some quotes from the production, starting with Coughlin on the "Finish" theme and the video they showed the team of a collapsing runner finishing: "One particular girl who really was their best runner, coming down the stretch she began to struggle. She collapsed within feet of the finish line. She said to herself, 'You have to finish, that’s the point.' She literally crawled across the finish line and her team won the state championship. When the movie ended, you could have heard a pin drop in the room."

--Let me stop right here and say if you didn't see Kevin Armstrong's story from the Daily News on the runner, take a few minutes and read that puppy.

--Tuck on the video: "Normally when coach shows us videos, we kind of look at him and go, 'Okay, I got his point.' But seeing someone not getting paid give that much effort, guys really, really took that to heart and it really set the tone for this season."

--Coughlin to the team: "You’re going to hear me say this a thousand times: finish, finish, finish."

--A candid Manning on the loss of Steve Smith: "I was worried about that slot position (and) who was going to fill that role. I knew we had a couple of guys who were going to compete for it, but I didn’t know if anyone would be as good as what Steve Smith was able to produce for us the last couple of years."

--Cruz, the guy who was better than Smith, on getting a chance after struggling in the first two weeks of the season: "There was a little voice in the back of my mind that was telling me in this league, chances come few and far between, and if you don’t take advantage of them they can slip away just as fast as they came. Thank God I got another opportunity."

--A relieved Manning on Cruz's emergence against the Eagles: "I (said), 'We found our guy.' There are some things that other guys might do better, but when you get the ball in his hands, he makes special things happen."

--Cruz on the single-season receiving record: "I never dreamed of doing anything like that. It was just awesome. No words can even describe the journey each and every week."

--Tuck on the Jets' covering the Super Bowl logos: "Rex (Ryan), him saying all of those things (before the game), I didn’t necessarily care about. But covering up our Super Bowls? That’s different."

--Coughlin on Cruz's 99-yard TD: "If you wanted to define the defining moment in the season when things really came together and took off, that was it right there. From that point on, we started to combine confidence with cohesiveness, with intelligence, with masterful play."

--Coughlin on the momentum heading into the playoffs: "The idea of everybody telling you that you can’t do something, I like that. That’s a good thing. These guys took this to the extreme."

--Tuck on people not giving the Giants a chance (even if that's, uh, you know, not really 100 percent the case): "We thrive in people not giving us a shot. We went through the most adversity this year of any team. That made us that much stronger. We were all-in and we were going to lay it on the line for what it was worth. When the dust cleared and the last man was standing, we expected it to be us."

Manning on his second title: "It probably changes the way I’m viewed. I don’t think it changes the way I view myself. It doesn’t change the way I’m going to improve as a player to make sure I give my teammates and the new guys that will come be a part of this team an opportunity to have those same experiences."

--Tuck on Manning's throw to Mario Manningham in the Super Bowl: "It’s the best throw of Eli’s career."

--Coughlin on the loss to the Eagles in 2010, reiterating what he told the media back then: "I literally sat in the dark for the whole evening. I didn’t talk to anybody; I sat in a room with no lights on and I just reflected."


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