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Everything posted by AValon

  1. AValon

    Valentines Day

    £6 for half-dozen........job done.
  2. Good move for them then?
  3. But his final ball is sorted...........from the left!! When he's cutting in from the right it loses the momentum of his delivery and is'nt anywhere near as effective. Like you say, get him on the left, Albrighton wide right and lets see DB start getting the service we promised him. And if that means waving goodbye to Young and sticking Gabby in the hole then so be it.
  4. Absolutely agree. The unfortunate thing is it won't be his last red card. He is just one of those players. Tend to agree with this. He's showed a lot of quality, especially against Man U, but quite often with such quality comes the unpredictable. We've seen Ashley Young do the same, seemingly out of nowhere and its just the nature of the beast I'm afraid. Don't know whether it cost us. Got a feeling we could have played on all night and never got another.
  5. This could be 5-5 the amount of chances they're having.
  6. Go for them now. They only know how to attack, so there'll be a shed load of space behind them.
  7. When people say 'you should hear by Thursday'. And its Thursday.......and you know you're not going to hear. :cry:
  8. Come on, be fair....they're saving their benefit for a sightseeing tour of London!
  9. Be very interesting to see who GH buys in the summer. Someone to compliment Makoun could give us a very dangerous, direct midfield where we seem to have been relying too much on the widemen of late.
  10. Makoun is quite something. Petrov, on the other hand, is on borrowed time. Yes I know NRC is very likely on his way in the summer, but I'd have played him over Stan easily today. Its to be hoped Bradley lives up to expectations. Don't need to add anything about players 'out of position' because its already been done to death. But, having bought a tried and tested goal machine, they need to play the simple, obvious passes to him instead of trying desperately to score themselves. Put it on a plate for him and he'll stick it away.
  12. Wheres the great service that Bent said he was looking forward to getting?
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