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Everything posted by parisvilla

  1. at all of them bar the 5-1. shit always goes down at the sty, but I dont usually see much at our place hence the stuff pre-game and post-game today surprised me a bit
  2. in my defense i unknowingly stumbled into it and had me hands full with these delicious pre-mixed rum and cokes i discovered in tescos 8). few punches thrown and loads of mugs shouting zullluuuuuu but not a whole lot else. didnt want to risk some sort of banning order cos the cops were right in there with cameras.
  3. no doubt, seems more heated than ever would have been a better way to put it.
  4. i sort of half got involved in a scrap walking past where the words removed were waiting to get in the ground by the doug before the game. policing was pathetic and there was a bit of a melee. saw this cop with a camera in the midst of the ruckus taking snaps of those involved so thought i'd get out of there. retreated a bit and started sing SOTC and this fat mug turned round and was wearing a b-lose shirt and went 'Yeah?!?!... Yeah' then he just wandered off which i thought was a bit strange. first time i've seen really seen much happen at VP, the rivalry seems really heated right now.
  5. exactly the same as the previous two derbies; they play with 10 behind the ball looking for 0-0 its just unfortunate they actually managed it this time. **** embarrassing that their fans celebrated like they'd won the league and gardner was over by the doug fist pumping, so small time. glad coker refused to shake johnson's hand, i know i wouldnt. my favourite moment: watching the unwashed arrive on their £12 coaches attempting to give it large, priceless. need attacking options and fast. reckon b-lose could go down.
  6. bbc description makes it out to be a sick goal. nice one DJ
  7. dont like the prospect of big E in a penno shoot out. then again it'd be typical of the ref not to award us any of ours the way our luck has been recently
  8. i'll take the plaudits for that one. whacked on me lucky shirt about 30 seconds before the goal. BIG EMILE
  9. 0-0 vs WHU in january last season maybe? we should have had about 7 that day
  10. who the hell is 35. Johnson that the BBC is reporting we have on the bench
  11. parisvilla


    haha that is a nice gif, gotta love brian wilson. Game 1 of the WS tonight, given the fact that Cliff Lee pretty much guarantees a W surely got to put the house on the rangers tonight? (they're -1.5 runs at 7/5)
  12. lets go clips. hoping for a .500 season then follow in the path of OKC who i think could be a top 3 seed in the west this year. I'm also rooting for the Heat and in particular LeBron, cant stand the Lakers, particularly Kobe, Pau and that prat Fisher.
  13. unless im going to the game, i also attempt to sleep through them. the closest i came was the 5-1 but my phone went crazy after ash's goal so i watched the remaining 4 goals on a stream . pretty concerned we havnt got gab this time around.
  14. only saw the second half, thought we were impressive. thought sidders played a bit of a blinder tbh, him and coker in the middle of the park were really mobile. downing looked good again as did big E, shame he missed that sitter.
  15. i'd just like to inform VT of a sad loss, my heroic pet Gabby the guinea pig has passed away. hopefully other gabby can honour her with a goal against b-lose next weekend.
  16. what are our defenders like this year? last years game dunne, collins and cuellar were all wank for me. was forced to spend all my budget replacing them, bizarrely Stephen Warnock went to Real Madrid for many monies which was fortunate, and then like 2 years later took charge at Derby.
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