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Everything posted by Mantis

  1. Who has suggested that drink driving now makes him a bad footballer? Well, considering before this incident nobody said they thought he should be sold, now all of a sudden he's shit and half the forum hates him. Ridiculous, especially regarding the headers. His job isn't to win headers. With his height what do you expect? Bent doesn't win many headers either, but that doesn't make him a bad player.
  2. The reason its not front page in spain is because they are a country that accepts racism in football. Sour grapes for not winning the World Cup? what a load of crap, our bid was by far the best and for it to go to Russia says it all really. Zatman in anti English shocker. Agreed. To be honest it didn't bother me much that we didn't get it - it's the fact that Russia, a country that was not as well equipped to host the World Cup than all the other hosts, won it. Also racism is pretty rife in Russian football.
  3. Come off it. Are we not allowed to dislike Blatter without being accused of sour grapes? His comment was ridiculous. Nothing to do with the World Cup.
  4. Indeed. We can't afford to compete with the very best financial, therefore Randy's a bad owner and he should sell to somebody even richer.
  5. What he did was a disgrace, but at the same time that suddenly doesn't make him a bad footballer like some are suggesting.
  6. I agree. Also, why do people think that if Randy were to sell that would suddenly mean mega rich Russians/Arabs?
  7. **** of Barcelona. Always hated that club.
  8. But Richard, how can you say that when you've never met the man in real life?
  9. Anyone else in row 20 upper?
  10. yes because Blatter had brainwashed all them members of the World Cup committee including some who were black to vote for Russia. I never said he did that, but there's no doubt that it was rigged.
  11. Which is why I think he is overrated because people believed that of Gazza. He had the potential to be, and a decent world cup, but Beckam, Platt, Scholes, Lampard and Gerrard are all better players then Gazza was, with far less talent. How can you be a better player if you're less talented ? Talent would be my first point of call when classing a player . :? It's all about the application. Look at Stephen Ireland for example. Supposed to be a very talented player but not very good at applying it.
  12. agreed, added to the fact that he's an average footballer Agreed. Bring back the great Ethan Moore.
  13. Which team have you been watching this season? :shock:
  14. Well, we all knew Blatter's views on racism in football and how he denies it exists, just look at the decision to give Russia the World Cup.
  15. Maybe it's time for Gary the English Zidane Gardner to step up?
  16. Behave. he's a disgrace, i'm fed up of youngsters taking huge football clubs for a ride What he did was wrong but he's a very good player none the less. Unfortunately it's this attitude that allows these words removed to keep acting like words removed. Imagine the comments if Heskey or Ireland had done this Hopefully he'll learn his lesson. I don't really see why we should get rid of him based on this?
  17. Poland, England, Sweden and Ireland please. Easy enough to get through, but also has the England Ireland game which could potentially have over a dozen Villa or ex-Villa players in it.
  18. I'm more scared of Walker than anything else. I know not everyone rates him but I think he's a beast.
  19. Gareth, I was hoping for something amusing like a Street Fighter picture with Houllier and Ginola's head's photoshopped on
  20. Behave. he's a disgrace, i'm fed up of youngsters taking huge football clubs for a ride What he did was wrong but he's a very good player none the less.
  21. Mantis


    I was wondering this too.
  22. Bale's gotta be up there, at least for current players.
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