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Everything posted by MCU

  1. I don't know if that was meant to be a joke OBE but there's 13 players there capable of playing for any top 4 side.
  2. i thought this was a pretty good line up replace barry/milner , adebeyor/balotelli if we get them of course Poor Lescott, Bridge, Onuoha, Zabaleta, Wright Phillips, Adebayor, Robinho, Adam Johnson, Santa Cruz, Barry, Viera, Jo, Kolo Toure and Bellamy.
  3. No they're not. It's funny how the official webby is making them out as the 'Spanish giants'. I just checked their wiki and I only know 1 or 2 players now Villa, Silva, Zigic have gone. Mata, Pablo Hernandez, Del Horno that's about it...
  4. Nah, they will ask for your address to make sure it's you.
  5. Phone the ticket office, Rainer. I ordered mine early Tuesday morning and they came the next day. Shame, Valencia have got rid of their 2 best players although I'm not sure what kind of team they will play tonight considering they have Man City tomorrow aswell.
  6. I know it's beta but when the game does actually come out...
  7. I hope one of you gets to answer me on this regarding Cataclysm, whether you've got the add on or not will EVERYTHING still have changed? I mean I don't know if any of you guys have started as a human before but take this for example; and you're see the whole zone's been revamped/damaged etc which we all knew. But if I haven't got Cata will it still be like that?
  8. Thanks Rev or Nayson if that's okay calling you that. Enjoying reading some of these. I wouldn't dare enter Horde at my level now.
  9. Hey less of that, Alliance ftw! I do honestly believe I wouldn't have managed that and I would have quit in no time. I've also noticed there's an automatic quest add on when you play now so I just stick to that. I heard in the ancient times it was co-ordinates. Jesus. It makes me wonder though how guys like you get as much credit as an average guy like me who's leveled to 40 in no time.
  10. Don't know how you guys leveled up back in the day when you got your first mount at 40, hearthstone per hour, Ret Pally's not as epic, no random dungeon. /clap
  11. As much as I like what he has done at Villa Park..I do think it is time for him to leave. I honestly cant see him taking us higher with his tactics and strategy. That is not me being unappreciative on his efforts..it is just me wishing more and better for Villa..and I believe Villa can do it. I have huge doubts that MON is the man to do it. Honest...I think MON has done a great job to get this far but his results is not a miracle. Me too, don't worry. I hate comparing us with other teams but there's 1 team that always screams out at me because I admire their manager and his ability tactically, aswell as his ability to buy players on such a tight budget and that man is David Moyes and Everton. No way in hell they should have finished where they did last season and believe me, if they had the strongest squad they'd be up there and definitely above us. I'm a season ticket holder and have indeed been in the last 5 years so I'm not posting for effect here. At the moment it's looking bleak for us and although he lifts us during an easy cup run x2 to get to Wembley you have to look how he's handled his transfer policy amongst other things. Don't get me wrong I appreciate and admire his well doings for us. In conclusion I'm in awe over him. Wouldn't give a toss either way what happened but I'm probably 60/40 of him going at the moment. If he pulls the finger out and signs some decent players then yeah, hats off.
  12. Don't worry Luxa, I agree with pretty much everything you say even though I still think your the next ianrobo you postal menace. Your another one for MON out then?
  13. Level 40 and still going!
  14. This Luxa is gonna give ianrobo a run for his money. I put good money on it.
  15. IF we sell 2.3k though that's still alot for a Sunday lunch time kick off 5 hours up north and on television.
  16. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Are you here just to post shit and troll or are you going to be a bit more constructive? wat teh hellz, stevan irelandz is teh own!!!11
  17. Just ordered 2. She said 1000 tickets left so here's hoping we sell out!
  18. :?: ? 'We will make purchases. Eventually' He's right though. The roof will explode if we don't.
  19. Don't agree at all. They hammered Everton and they gave Liverpool 2 hard games last season. Does it hurt that much to admit they are better than us?
  20. I wouldn't find excuses, Benfica are a quality team and we should be attracting the exact same players as them ie Saviola, Cardozo etc. I think we might be getting carried away with the youngsters too. A great game against Feyenoord but then they did meet their match last night. Credit where it's due to Benfica though!
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