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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Rutger Hauer...with a shotgun...shooting things...in a Grindhouse stylee. It's **** great. Few reviews here
  2. Watched Memories of Murder last night, and can highly recommend it. Based on the true story of South Korea's first known serial killer, it's a fascinating watch. Worth pointing out it's directed by Bong Joon-ho who made the brilliant 'Mother', so you know to expect quality (particularly in the performances which are all excellent).
  3. Whichever one has conquered their gag reflex.
  4. What did Mourinho say? iirc he accused him (Wenger) of being a 'voyeur' and concentrating more on other peoples teams than his own.
  5. I'm doing a charity show tonight for people who struggle to achieve orgasm. Don't worry if you can't come.
  6. Try this one next then: x2. Very good movie.
  7. Just got back from watching The Lincoln lawyer. And well, **** me that Matthew McConaughey can actually act. After a career made up in the main of badly performed dross (imo anyway), he's very good in this. Cracking story too, certainly kept me entertained.
  8. Great stuff. Love a bit of Lalo. Scorpio's theme being a particular fave.
  9. Not as good imo. The bits of updated graphics look impressive, but they don't really sit well with the original style.
  10. Fair enough - decent price for a double Blu-ray though.
  11. District 9 in a nutshell. Superb movie imo.
  12. That stuff'll make you a goddamned sexual Tyrannosaurus; just like me. :wink:
  13. Very much so. Forget about 3 though, just pretend 2 is the last movie and you'll be fine.
  14. Put this right IMMEDIATELY. Planning to watch it, you know once I get a bit of dosh to spend. What's so classic about it? It's got everything that makes a great movie. Fantastic performances Superb direction Wonderful characters Memorable scenes Well written dialogue A very involving story Oh, and the fact that it manages to surpass it's predecessor which was always going to be difficult as GF1 is quite rightly heralded as a classic too. Watch it, I doubt you'll be disappointed.
  15. He refused to dine at Cybil Shepard's open legged cafe. Enough said.
  16. Would have 100% agreed with you before I saw him play live. Couldn't think up enough superlatives to describe him after the show though. (Think I've probably mentioned this before in here somewhere). :? Prince is actually underrated IMO. Most people only know his pop hit songs and have no idea he's actually a great guitarist. All 3 feet of him. Prince (when he's not hunting down jockeys) is a phenomenally good live act.
  17. Never, ever got the fascination with Elvis. Glorified club singer.
  18. Apart from the obvious culprits like U2, Stereophonics and Coldplay (**shudders**) there's also predictable churned out, over-polished, trite shite like Nickelback and Kid 'bastard' Rock. Also 80% of the absolute gubbins played on Kerrang radio that I occasionally have to suffer through (Linkin Park, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Toilet and all that copy and paste corporate cock-sucking bollox). Oh, and Bucks Fizz.
  19. Mystic River is a fantastic movie, Penn and Robbins both very deserving of their Oscars.
  20. Hahahah! Roger Corman + Eric Roberts = OTT Tacky Win!
  21. I thought it was great fun to be honest mate and it certainly didn't get many bad reviews (currently on 87% on RT which is very, very positive).
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