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Everything posted by nik986

  1. Says who ? And the "accurate"information you provide would be irrelevant as we fans aren't involved in the hiring process. Seriously, what could we "use" that information for ? To change the poll from 2% to 3% ? Our very own Bickster and Chindie have given me far more interesting information about Benitez than you have and they're Villa fans . Benitez is nothing without his old assistant, but you don't mention that very often do you ? (which is strange for someone with the inside track on Beneathus. ) VT is only a tiny percentage of Villa fans and of that tiny percentage , only 2% would want him as our manager . You're fighting a losing battle and calling people "**** mugs" whilst doing so . Thanks for proving my point. Search the forum and you'll find I've debunked the Pako Ayesteran myth at least twice already. I'll do it again just for you: Pako was the fitness guy. A bloody good one. And popular. But a bit of basic research will tell you that he left in the summer of 2007 and Liverpool's best form under Rafa came in 2009. That was when we finished second, twatted you lot 5-0, twatted Real Madrid 5-0 on aggregate and twatted the Mancs 4-1 at Old Trafford. Where was Pako then? Tw at is such an ungly word, but i think it sums Mr Redman up perfectly. Do you not have some kind or plop forum to post on? Or have you been barred for being a tosser? I'm sorry, I can't take this post seriously because your avatar is a cute rabbit. Hes actually a very angry little man, especially when he doesnt get his daily dose of strawberry!
  2. I posted a similar question earlier, fulham have got a better manager now, if Hughes does come to Villa then that makes our expectations less than Fulhams I'm not sure it's the right thread for discussing it, but what makes Jol a better manager than Hughes? Err... Only he has been far more successful than Hughes Oh right, I must have missed that period of Jol's career in managerial terms, what has hughes won? ever? what has been hughes top finish in the league? jol, while no master has won the dutch cup 2 times and finished 5th in the premiership, both things beat anything hughes has done. i cant understand this love in with hughes, an average manager who has never done anything people like david oleary havent done. hughes has been a manager for 11 years, yes thats right, 11 years. he is not some new manager learning his trade. ancelotti has only managed 4 years more than him and has won shed loads of trophies for his clubs. And that is all Jol has achieved in a 20 year career? From Wikipedia: Some cracking signings there for the outlay... Arguing over two managers who wont be villa manager? shouldnt this be elsewhere? I dont care about Jol. Move on.
  3. Says who ? And the "accurate"information you provide would be irrelevant as we fans aren't involved in the hiring process. Seriously, what could we "use" that information for ? To change the poll from 2% to 3% ? Our very own Bickster and Chindie have given me far more interesting information about Benitez than you have and they're Villa fans . Benitez is nothing without his old assistant, but you don't mention that very often do you ? (which is strange for someone with the inside track on Beneathus. ) VT is only a tiny percentage of Villa fans and of that tiny percentage , only 2% would want him as our manager . You're fighting a losing battle and calling people "**** mugs" whilst doing so . Thanks for proving my point. Search the forum and you'll find I've debunked the Pako Ayesteran myth at least twice already. I'll do it again just for you: Pako was the fitness guy. A bloody good one. And popular. But a bit of basic research will tell you that he left in the summer of 2007 and Liverpool's best form under Rafa came in 2009. That was when we finished second, twatted you lot 5-0, twatted Real Madrid 5-0 on aggregate and twatted the Mancs 4-1 at Old Trafford. Where was Pako then? Tw at is such an ungly word, but i think it sums Mr Redman up perfectly. Do you not have some kind or plop forum to post on? Or have you been barred for being a tosser?
  4. He also looks funny, an almost bulbous head. Even if we were losing we could turn to the dugout and laugh.
  5. I think the two at the top of the pile are Ancelotti and Moyes. After that its Coyle and Martinez. All this 'doesnt want to get someone who is already employed' is just old re-hashed stuff from last summer when the pool of candidates was really, really underwhelming. When any decent manager wouldnt have walked out on the club a couple of days before season started.
  6. Betting is always suspended of an evening. Think the Coyle surge is because he is one that has been overlooked - then suddenly everyone realises. He fails Randy's loyalty test which could go against him "You learn something new everyday!" night all, heres hoping for some positive news - not in the shape of an adopted dutch-ginger man - tomorrow.
  7. Carlo with Sargent Wilko joining will be good. Laursen on the team (speaks italian) would also be great alongside Taylor, Dublin etc.
  8. That's very presumptuous. As a matter of fact, the new Liverpool policy is to report nothing until there is something to report but that won't stop agents leaking, journalists digging and other clubs briefing. Not really. We've experienced such tactics from Liverpool previously when you tried to sign Barry and come to think about it I seem to recall reading quotes from Comoli talking about your interest in Ashley Young. So no its not presumptuous actually. Like I said, it's the new policy. Newpolicy = bollocks. Same old plop, trying to throw their ever decreasing weight around. They are currently less appealing than spurs for mr young.
  9. haha. I know you're joking, and I also realise it's ridiculous. But as soon as I saw Ancelotti linked with us, that was the first thing that popped into my head! Surely if carlo is ocming here we have the ambition and money to back his plans for world domination!
  10. I hate this 'Liverplop are suddenly good again' shit. They arent. They still have Lucas and Konchesky. Downing may well go, and that is fine if he doesnt want to play for us, but for £16m? They must be having a laugh! Seems to me liverpool are adopting the scatter gun approach to transfers - bid for enough and you might actually sign one. Unless its the spurs approach - have a list of some of the best players, let the media know you have bid for them and your fans actually think you have money.
  11. I think it'll be Moyes or Martinez. Something someone close to the club said to me. 'Not adverse to taking a manager from another club' - was in reference to Hughes' resignation however.
  12. Martinez for me, not everyones favourite but i want our next manager to be here for 5-6 years and build a dynasty of good attacking football.
  13. +1 Speculation is growing the Mourinho may leave - he might bring Hiddink and Clough with him.
  14. Bent has more to his game? all he does is score goals. At times yesterday he was watching the crowd.
  15. Bent has been outstanding but world class? That term is banded around far too often, surely you have to have done something at the world level to be world class?
  16. Signing of the second half of the season for sure. Only Hernandez beats him over the whole season.
  17. This. We need a 'football' brain on the board. Houllier or Taylor spring to mind. We also need to bring the likes of Laursen etc back to the club in coaching roles.
  18. David Moyes, David Moyes, David Moyes.
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