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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. To be fair, Villa saved themselves because at Christmas it was horrific. Fair play to the lads, they have won some very big games recently and played some good football. As another poster said - here's to next season in the PREMIERSHIP
  2. Never in any doubt. UTV!!
  3. Surprised Mike Dean hasn't got a wad of used 50's in a brown envelope sticking out his ass pocket. He's a **** disgrace, if that Maloney incident is a Free Kick, we may as well call it a day now. As for Wigan, sooner they **** off the better. They add nothing to the League, they just scab results here and there and are nothing but a bunch of lucky clowns. Why everyone loves them so much is beyond me, just been told on FB 'all neutrals want Wigan to stay up'. Why??!! They are shit. Hopefully Wenger will tear his team a new asshole at half-time and they will come out and dick Wigan into The Championship.
  4. Man City were awful on Saturday. They played like a team who know their manager is leaving and that many of them may also be off in the summer. Wigan won the Cup as they fought harder than a bunch of mercenaries. In their last League game however, their defense was truly awful. Because of how results have gone, they HAVE to win. They can't try and park the bus and with the pace Arsenal have, they will score goals against Wigan. Chuck in the fact Arsenal have had 9 days rest, while Wigan will be on their 3rd game in 7 days, you'd be a fool not to think Arsenal won't get the point we need to confirm our safety.
  5. eh? Arsenal can still get Champions League even if they lose their last games and Spurs only get a point. What? Spurs 2 points above Arsenal. So how can Arsenal get Champions League place by losing their last 2 games??!!
  6. I think Southampton are safe. There is not a set of results, that could see us, Sunderland and Wigan all go above them.
  7. Fulham ain't out the woods yet but it'd take the biggest set of stupid results to see them go down. In fact, looking at it, it'd be almost impossible because we have to play Wigan and the goal swing won't happen. I'd love to see Di Canio take Sunderland down but to be honest I couldn't care less as long as it ain't Villa.
  8. QPR really are a huge bag of shit. Wigan HAVE to win at Arsenal or it's all over. A point see's them reach 36, which is 3 behind Sunderland with a big goal difference and 4 behind us.
  9. How about we just call him - better than Barry Bannan.
  10. Barry Bannan = Best work experience placement, EVER. There is no other way to describe the fact he's still here. I watched him when he was warming up at Half-Time vs Sunderland and even then he couldn't pass the ball. He had his sleeves pulled over his hands like a child, was trying to 'slice' the ball and kept making the other subs have to run 20 yards to collect a 2 yard pass. Sooner he is sold/released, the better.
  11. I'll tell you the best outcome from that Stoke match... Spurs win. Therefore going above Arsenal. Arsenal then need to beat Wigan to regain 4th. However, that takes it to the last day and both play teams in the relegation mire. Add to that they are BIG rivals and won't want to see the other show them up, I think you can guarantee Arsenal will look to smash the shit out of Wigan come Tuesday.
  12. As for goal threats, have you not seen the form Gabby has been in?? Agbonlahor, not Benteke, won us that match at Norwich. I firmly believe, come next weekend, we will be safe, this stupid thread will be closed and those of you getting so worked up about all this will be on here banging the 'I always had faith' Drum.
  13. Why would Arsenal do nothing if Stoke win?? There is ONE POINT between Arsenal & Spurs. If Spurs lose today, Arsenal can secure Champions League Football by beating Wigan on Tuesday, making next week's games dead rubbers. I am sure Wenger would rather his side wrap it up at home against Wigan then going to relegation haunted Newcastle on the last day. It's like **** groundhog day on this forum, some people need to relax and realize there is nothing we can do to change the situation. I'd be hugely surprised if Wigan scab a win at The Emirates and even if they get a point, it see's us safe.
  14. How the hell can some of you put Hendrie in your worst 11's?? Get a grip!! My team would be... Kiraly Beye King Bewers Ghrayib Leonhardsen Berson Djemba Djemba Curcic De Bilde Tarrant Looking back, we have had some awful players, especially the squad Taylor assembled second time out.
  15. 'I wouldn't sell Clark. He is a bit like Paolo Maldini' I will admit, a few months ago I wanted Lambert gone. Looking back, it was awful and embarrassing to be a Villa fan. However, I am willing to take what I give out and admit I was wrong. He is starting to show he does have a plan of sorts, players he has signed are coming good and that like anything in life, things take time. The way to look at it is who would have been able to do the job he's doing? He has been tasked with cutting costs, thus having to bring in relatively unknown lower League players and try to keep us in the Premiership. I do think over Winter he was clueless but that may have been down to picking the wrong players in the right formation. This 4-3-3 suits the best 11 Lambert has to his disposal and when it has really mattered Lambert has got it right. A club like this shouldn't have had 2 or 3 different managers in 2 or 3 seasons. Stability is the key to a lot of things and under Lambert, providing we stay up, the future is starting to look bright again. At least we are playing Football unlike the tripe served up last season. A manager is often judged on his decisions. Two alone this season bode well that he knows what he's doing - 1. signing Benteke and 2. Getting Guzan back and sticking him as number 1 has been a masterstroke. So, well done Lambert, you've got me back onside cos' I was at my wits end.
  16. Funny you say this, cos' my Dad said to me on the way back from VP on Monday he thinks we are capable of winning the last 3 games. Something obviously clicked on Monday night. It seemed that everything Lambert has been looking for from this side turned up for 90 minutes. I think we need to take a step back though and realize we still have work to do, as we went to Anfield and beat that lot 3-1 only to then go on a shocking run over Christmas. I think the key may be with other clubs though. After the Chelsea defeat, you could see it had affected the whole squad and that continued for a number of games. Lambert seemed to panic after that, chucking different players into different roles in a desperate act to improve things. After heavy defeats, will Newcastle & Sunderland have the same reaction? It is more likely to happen to Newcastle as I truly believe Pardew has a team full of players who are there solely for the money. They are also lacking leaders and have hit bad form at a very important time. They are also not scoring many goals which is a vital stat. As for Sunderland, they have winnable games and should have enough to make themselves safe. It all depends on how Di Canio reacts to this defeat. At Swindon, it seemed to be he'd spit his dummy out and swan around the dressing room blaming individual players. Hopefully he'll take this route again as he's such a volatile manager, it will only take one falling out and all hell could break loose. I honestly believe he's in way over his head at this level but those 2 wins he picked up, against a very poor Newcastle & a lucky home win vs Everton, he may have just got lucky. Will be interesting next season though, as he'll no doubt bring a few 'mates' in and they could end up a team of over-rated Italian flops. For me, we should have enough to survive. I'd be suprised if we didn't take at least 3 points from our remaining games. I can see Newcastle getting 3 at the very most - away at QPR, so that would point to them and Wigan scrapping for that magic 17th spot. Still think Wigan are done for though, that fixture pile up will be punishing and they aren't in great form.
  17. What a bunch of clowns them Sunderland fans are, like. 'We spent most our time having a go at Di Canio' - Yes, cos' he's a prick who tried to mock us before and turned to the Trinity like he was the second coming when Rose scored. Least you can understand what we chant/sing. There were a group of about 5-10 Sunderland chavs queing up to get in beforehand and me nor my Dad could understand/make out, what the hell they were trying to say. Jelousy comes in many forms though, like.
  18. I still look back and can't believe some fans got on his back in the last couple of season's. He was being played out of position and that made his form suffer. This season, Lambert has let him go back up top as a 'wide' forward and Gabby has been superb. To see a guy who is Villa through-and-through and what it means to him to play for the club is the best thing a fan can get from a player. Last night, in the second half especially, it was like he had become possessed. The way he chased everything and created chances, it was a big performance from a true Villa legend. As he went off and he came towards the tunnel, the fist pump to the North Stand got a huge cheer, brilliant. Glad he claimed that record for most Prem goals for the club too, he deserves that.
  19. Just like to thank everyone who got themselves down to VP last night. As with the QPR game, I honestly believe we made a difference last night. I was sceptical the QPR atmosphere could be replicated but it was even better. The fans were superb, the Holte was in full voice and I even heard noise bellowing out the Trinity. We sat North Stand lower, right near the corner flag. I am getting the feeling the North Stand could easily start to be a 'mini' version of the Holte. Seem to be a lot more supporters going in there who will sing and support for 90 minutes, not just sit on their hands. The section near the away fans were truly class, especially when they were mocking them for cheering the dissallowed goal. I've been going to Villa since I was 10 and have to say that is by far and away the best night of my life up there. The importance of the win, the manner in which the team got the win and the support from the fans. It was a humbling experience. UTV!!
  20. As the title suggests, starting next Monday night, we need to sell every ticket available for our remaining 4 games. I read the bitching that went on during the Manchester United game and can understand frustrations with certain players but we don't have time to assess players right now, we need to get behind each one of them and make them feel that we as fans believe they can get out of this. It is not there fault they have been put into this side, most of it has been through not having nothing better or anyone else. I admit, I was calling for Lambert's head during them dark Winter months and certainly had a pop at several players. However, I have got to as many games as possible, cheered and sung until my voice has gone and will continue to do so come what may. People can point fingers and lay blame all they want in the summer but right now, we need Villa Park rocking for Monday night. We need that QPR atmosphere recreated because, in my opinion, that is worth a goal to any side. The easy option is to sit at home, moaning. I will have to drive 2 hours up to Villa on Monday, after work, won't get home till' midnight and will be up at 7am for work the next morning. With the added intensity to this game, I will be shafted the next day but I'd do it 5 days a week if it plays any part in spurring them onto getting 3 valuable points. Time to back up what we say on here and support this fantastic club of ours. Up The Villa!!
  21. Eh? Is this one of those "man who watched game on TV has a pop at people who actually went to the game" posts, or is it something else? I'm with him. I couldn't make today, as having a family and living nearly 2 hours from Villa Park I can't make every match. However, when I do go, I will shout, cheer, sing until my throat is sore. Today, it seemed that most that 42,000 had taken their kids along to see Liverpool. The atmosphere was as flat as the performance. So you would prefer empty seats? Good attendance, more money. I'm fine with that. No, I'd prefer those who went got behind the side. I'd rather see a crowd of 32,000 that created an atmosphere than 42,000 on a day trip with their kids cos' a 'big team' is in town. As for money, most of it goes in Randy's pocket so makes no difference.
  22. It's one from Villa, Sunderland, Norwich or Stoke. Next game is massive.
  23. Eh? Is this one of those "man who watched game on TV has a pop at people who actually went to the game" posts, or is it something else? I'm with him. I couldn't make today, as having a family and living nearly 2 hours from Villa Park I can't make every match. However, when I do go, I will shout, cheer, sing until my throat is sore. Today, it seemed that most that 42,000 had taken their kids along to see Liverpool. The atmosphere was as flat as the performance.
  24. That second half was awful. No tempo, aimless passing and uninspiring substitutions. I'd also like to mention the crowd. I was at the QPR game and even when we were losing and QPR equalized, the place was buzzing. I honestly believe the crowd drove Villa onto the win that day... Today, it sounded like there were 20,000 there. No singing or anything from what I could hear through the TV.
  25. Why does Bannan make the game look so difficult? He could play simple passes, keep it ticking over yet he's trying outside of the boot glory balls which are putting us in trouble. I'd get him off now, he got caught early on dwelling and nearly cost us. Plan for the second half should be to get it in behind Carragher. He's used every trick in the book so far and got away with it but I think Benteke could get a lot of joy out of him in the second half. Have a go at him, run at him, just cause' him as much hassle as possible and he'll make a mistake (or give away fouls). Need to up the tempo second half. Start pressing them again as that's what helped lead to the goal. Lucas looks shocking so far sitting in front of the back four. Big.... HUGE second half, win this and we are laughing.
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