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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. GFN France just tweeted saying he is basically what we need and will always look to be first to the ball.
  2. If he is half the player Yaya Toure is at times, we could be laughing. Well, Lerner will be laughing when he sells him in 2 years.
  3. Apparently, Vieira told Man City to sign this Sylla chap. Compared him to Yaya Toure. ****.
  4. Let's see how he goes. At least he plays CDM. Can't wait to hear Lambert describe him. No doubt the words 'hungry' and 'young' will come into play.
  5. Pat Murphy has just confirmed that Sylla is joining for £2 million with one more to follow...
  6. Rumor that Villa have booked '3' rooms in their 'usual' hotel. Don't tell Nile Ranger, Ched Evans or Lewis Dunk...
  7. Nursey has just tweeted that we are 'looking abroad' for a possible central defender.
  8. Would be a start if we can get him in. Not sure how good he is but compared to Bannan it's not hard to look it.
  9. Hopefully some 6ft munt from the school of hard knocks.
  10. Interesting news doing the rounds about this guy.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacouba_Sylla
  11. Thing is, it could be true. He's said 'tabled bids'. We could table a bid for any player we want, doesn't mean they will join. I think everything hinges on Bent going.
  12. I got a bit of an inkling that we will pull off a deal or 2 tomorrow. Villa have never really made it public knowledge where transfers are concerened. It's very much done 'on the quiet', so here is hoping that is the case this very minute. The 3 players mentioned would make a big difference. Strength, height and pace. I just can't think that Lerner would just let this club go pop out the League without the slightest effort to stem the tide. Surely, as much of a dick he is, he won't want to be the first owner of this club to oversee relegation from the Premeir League? Financially, he must be aware of the hike in TV money next season and that by staying up the club would be easily better off, even with a few 'high' earners still kicking about, than if we went down and then basically had to re-build from scratch. Surely.
  13. Could of done worse than got Pogatetz in 'till the summer.
  14. Yep, you are right, Hendrie was totally shit and never contributed anything
  15. 6/4 now for us to sign Kenwyne Jones. WE NEED A DEFENDER AND A MIDFIELDER What the hell does Lambert actually see when he's waching the game?
  16. Kid? Hendrie created, scored and was a dirty pest. Bannan does none of them 3 things. Easy to get good passing accuracy when all your passes are sideways or backwards. Only thing he has incommon with Hendrie is he likes to drive cars after getting on it.
  17. Maybe we do, but to sell him for quarter of his actual worth would be shambolic and a complete statement that this club is a joke. For what it is worth, with his form and injuries this season, I'd happily take £10 million this minute. That should give Lambert more than enough for a central defender and a central midfielder. Or, more realistically, it will give Lerner more money not to re-invest and donate to **** galleries.
  18. Hendrie was 20x the player Bannan ever will be.
  19. Why? In a decent side, he scores goals. That is a proven fact. Our Midfield would make Messi look shit.
  20. I'd ask Stoke for £8 million plus Etherington.
  21. Lambert is basically an idiot. With him in charge, we are totally ****. Weimann has been scoring goals and gives 100% so he leaves him on the bench. Wonderful. He really doesn't have a clue. I can't name one manager who I think would do any worse than Lambert. I'd take Bruce, Curbs, Di Matteo, Adkins even McCarthy over this fool. To stay up though, we need TWO midfielders and John Gregory.
  22. I ain't sticking with him. He's **** clueless. Mcleish got pelted for a lot less so why is this clown above it?
  23. Are you on a wind up about Mcleish and Lambert?? How the hell can you say Lambert is better when nothing points to that. Has he got a team a top 10 finish in the Prem? No. Has he won a cup. No. Is his record at Villa painfully worse than Mcleish. Yes. Sorry, but there is NO evidence that Lambert is better than Mcleish. You're clutching at straws if you believe otherwise. As for tonight, he has to go. 3 home defeats to relegation rivals, out of both cups to lower league dross. Worse defence in Prem and we hardly score. We can't defend leads and we can't comeback. Under this joker, we are down. Nothing in that second half showed me otherwise.
  24. Richard, you need to sort it out mate, Lambert is a **** joke as much as Lerner.
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