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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. Good stuff. Nothing against the bloke except the 3 years of total shit I've had to endure while he's been here.
  2. Does Lerner realize that new TV deal won't apply to Villa when we are in a lower League?? That's a hell of a lot of cash to kiss goodbye to because of loyalty to a uselss lapdog.
  3. Just seen this on Twitter.... 'None of the 65 subs made by Villa this season have contributed an assist or goal'. Jesus wept.
  4. I think I've actually given up and had to accept the fact we are going to get relegated. I am finding it very hard to think of a worse display in the last 20 or so years.
  5. If he isn't gone by 5pm tomorrow, we are down.
  6. I am starting to think that, none of them seem to care, even Clark hasn't put it about tonight like he usually does. Soul destroying performance.
  7. I hope the away fans give him dog's abuse until the final whistle.
  8. Great, Now we've got a jigsaw. I was hoping for a football team. A Jigsaw with the 1000 pieces scattered all over the floor, some missing and the person trying to put it together not having a clue how to do so.
  9. They could park a Smart car and we'd struggle to break them down.
  10. My 7 year-old takes better corners than these players. Absolute joke our set-pieces.
  11. We've had it. Lambert can keep coming out and saying 'I'm not worried, we'll be fine' all he likes but everything points to the fact we won't be. Clueless tactis, this passing 'brand' of Football is a waste of time and no matter who he picks to start the game, we see the same rubbish week-in-week-out. That first half 'performance' (I use the word performance very, very loosely), was one of the most inept I have ever witnessed from a side in the top division of English Football. Only answer to this now, is he goes and goes tonight. If that gives us a 20% chance of staying up, it's better than the 1% we have under his management.
  12. Tonev is officially my new cult hero. I watched the Liverpool game around my Dad's and we were laughing when he came on and wanted to take the free-kicks. You can almost imagine him saying in a eastern European accent 'Give me ball, me shoot'. Was hoping he'd start on Wednesday night but was chuffed when he came on. I was in the North Stand but everytime he got it I was shouting 'shoooooot'. Laughed so much when he did and it went 30 yards over the bar, quality. Thing with him is, sooner or later one of his shots is going to rip into the back of the net and everyone will be crooning over what a goal it is and he should do that more often. Early days, let him settle in a bit more, have a few more game but don't stop him shooting, it's too funny!!
  13. Bannan is a silly little shit. I'd have booted him out the minute he decided to go drink driving. In that article he talks about the Liverpool match and not playing after. Has he not watched back what he did in that game, some glorious 40 yard through balls he put through..... for Liverpool. He's a rubbish footballer and his attitude is all that is wrong with modern footballers. Thinking he's Billy big-time and trying to act the kiddy. Good riddance, hopefully he'll take that bald coot Ireland with him.
  14. Dunno what has happened to him. I remember when he started getting linked with Manchester United, just after his first 'proper' season. Best I saw him play was when he was being used, here and there, as a holding Midfield player. I swear he scored twice against Arsenal playing that role. Think his head has gone for the time being. Why he keeps trying to dribble the ball out of defense is anyone's guess. Shame really, as I think everyone now watches him just waiting for the mistake to happen.
  15. He'll do OK at Blackburn, it's about his level. Would be interesting to see how he'd get on though, if they come up next year, much like it'll be interesting to see how Whittingham gets on at Cardiff this season. I am glad to see him go though, too many times last season I found myself sat watching Villa, shaking my head because of something Bannan had/hadn't done.
  16. Well, I thought he was gone and as such gave him a bit of a slating. However, I am enjoying a MASSIVE slice of humble pie and can't wait for next season to start with him leading our attack again. Maybe coming back to the club, seeing his 'teammates', speaking to Lambert etc... made him realize what a silly thing handing in a request was. No doubt the contract involves a hefty wage rise but when you come along and rattle in a load of goals, then it's well deserved. Brilliant news, add that to the 6 other players who have extended their contracts and the new signings and I'd say Lambert more than knows where he is trying to take this team. Would love him to destroy Liverpool in our first home game, got a feeling VP is going to be rammed. UTV!!
  17. I agree, Benteke is probably worth £25 million, can't be worth no more as he's had one good season. However, because of how he's reacting to wanting to leave, Spurs, or any other club looking to buy, know Villa are in a situation where they can either sell lower and reinvest or keep hold of an un-happy player who has a track record of forcing his feelings onto a club (strike at Genk) to force the issue. I know he has a 3 year contract but in the cold light of day, we've seen enough in modern football to know contracts really don't mean anything. If he stayed and got played, then already you go into the season with a divide around the club. It seemed that everyone started pulling together come the end of last season, started to get behind the team and Lambert and were looking forward to next season to see what this team could kick onto. I can't look forward to next season if he stays, as we then have a possible situation where other players start to resent Benteke or the bickering between fans resurfaces, Plus, how much do you think clubs would be willing to pay next summer for an un-happy player with a 2 year contract on low(ish) wages. Not the figures we are looking at right now, that is certain. Next Summer it won't be about us though, if he stays and wants his big move/world cup football next Summer, then he will have to perform 100% this season rather than sulking. This is why we have the power, we don't need the money if we don't sell it is unlikely that Benteke will want to ruin his entire career by refusing to train or play. Fair comment. But then you are giving a player, who has openly stated his desire to leave, playing time over other players who are at/moved to the club who actually WANT to be here for the right reasons. It's a bit of a catch 22 situation. It's a shame he has joined at the start of what could be a good few years for Villa. He's joined a side that has completely ripped up it's principles about how things should be done and gone back to basics. If we'd finished top 6/7 I honestly believe we'd not be in this situation with the player.
  18. I can honestly say, I want him gone. I am grateful that he came in, scored goals etc... but I can't stand players who bring this attitude to Villa. One season he's had, one. If he believes he has 'cracked' it and is a fully fledged star then that's up to him. However, in my opinion, Aston Villa is a big enough stage for this player at this time in his career and he's a fool to think otherwise. If he'd given us 2/3 seasons of consistent quality, then yes, I'd be sad to see him go or gutted he wanted out but I'd understand. However, he's just being a idiot and conforming to the stereotypical view, which is sadly a very accurate one, that people hold of the modern day Footballer.
  19. I agree, Benteke is probably worth £25 million, can't be worth no more as he's had one good season. However, because of how he's reacting to wanting to leave, Spurs, or any other club looking to buy, know Villa are in a situation where they can either sell lower and reinvest or keep hold of an un-happy player who has a track record of forcing his feelings onto a club (strike at Genk) to force the issue. I know he has a 3 year contract but in the cold light of day, we've seen enough in modern football to know contracts really don't mean anything. If he stayed and got played, then already you go into the season with a divide around the club. It seemed that everyone started pulling together come the end of last season, started to get behind the team and Lambert and were looking forward to next season to see what this team could kick onto. I can't look forward to next season if he stays, as we then have a possible situation where other players start to resent Benteke or the bickering between fans resurfaces, Plus, how much do you think clubs would be willing to pay next summer for an un-happy player with a 2 year contract on low(ish) wages. Not the figures we are looking at right now, that is certain.
  20. If he stays, I'd rather not see him in a Villa shirt again. He's the second player in recent years to try and screw the club that gave him a 'chance' over. We took a punt on Downing when he was injured, he had one good season and swans off to Liverpool. Benteke gets plucked out of relative obscurity, does the same and now believes he has a god given right to be strutting his stuff at a 'big club'. If he has been talking to Spurs illegally, or his agent has, I'd be quite happy to see him go for £20 million as at least next summer when he does the same thing it won't be our problem anymore. I have no time for players with his attitude and £20 million is more useful to Lambert than a sulking wannabe, forced to train with the kids to learn a lesson. It's a reflection of how far we've fallen that certain players regard Villa as a 'stepping stone' to better things. You never heard this crap from Olof Mellberg or Ian Taylor or Dion Dublin or Paul Merson etc etc... Even Barry, Young and Milner didn't really kick up that much of a fuss and probably could see the distinct lack of ambition that the club was displaying at a vital point in their careers. Lambert needs to remember what he's trying to do here. Build a team that wants to be part of a (hopefully) bright future. He deemed that Given, Dunne, Ireland, Bent all had no place in this and I hope he sticks to his guns because it takes just one player like Benteke to **** it all up in the space of a few weeks. I've supported Villa for over 25 years. I've had to see Yorke, Barry, Milner, Merson, Boateng, Mellberg, Ehiogu etc... leave the club but I could see their reasoning and deep down knew it was the right move for the player. This all just smacks of greed and lust from Benteke and his agent to coin in as much as they can. I mean, Spurs ain't even in the Champions League, so it's clearly not ambition to test himself at the highest level. Only one player has ever left Villa who I've wanted to fail and that was Downing because of his pathetic attitude. I can now add Benteke to that list, and the sooner he goes the better.
  21. Would anyone want a player, who has lumped in a transfer request, to stay at the club?? I wouldn't and I am sure Lambert, deep down, won't want that in the dressing room.
  22. Get rid of him ASAP. Yes, last season he basically kept us up but Bent did the same the year before. We knew from the stuff he spouted before joining it wasn't going to be long term so to at least triple our outlay on him by moving him on is the way forward. Lambert has started to build a 'team' at Villa, and this clown doesn't want to be part of it. Many others will. I do believe his agent has a lot to answer for, probably knows he can get a nice fat pay cheque elsewhere. The whole situation is an example of what the mentality of most professional footballers is these days. They want quick buck, believe their own hype and are woefully advised. I'm sorry, but he's just another Downing-esque mercenary. He did it to Genk, he's doing it to Villa and he'll probably do it again in the near future. Unless he moves to a Champions League side, then it will prove he's an idiot as next season I think we could spring a few surprises. UTV!!
  23. Keep this side together, continue to play good Football, couple of additions here and there and let's kick on. For the first time in 3 seasons, I am starting to trust the manager and players we have at the club. UTV!!
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