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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. That pics already been posted and quoted loads It's a Swansea bloke not PF. It's on the previous page. His name is Huw Jass and he's the Swansea physio (or something). Could of used Hugh for that huge ass joke. He's Welsh. ...and it's 'could have' not 'could of'. lol you got me there, I don't know why but I've always used of in place of have :/
  2. That pics already been posted and quoted loads It's a Swansea bloke not PF. It's on the previous page. His name is Huw Jass and he's the Swansea physio (or something). Could of used Hugh for that huge ass joke.
  3. Hobbit feet.. Hairy hands.. I see a resemblance..
  4. The ox? Could at least make something reasonable up. Arsenal are plagued with injuries at the moment.
  5. I don't care if Ronaldinho is the wrong side of thirty (and would never come here) get it done Villa!
  6. Watching teh replay from behind albrightons view shows that it wasn't as bad as it looked.
  7. Surely you've seen the disaster of playing Benteke and kozak together?
  8. Aren't all of Benteke, Gabs and Weimann injured?.. make way for Tonev!!!
  9. Just claimed Sylla may go unnoticed by the fans....
  10. Stupid to put the ball out of play right then, our momentum will disappear. ANd coudl someone please tell Trevor Francis to shut the **** up?
  11. Is it wrong that I read that pretending to be Jack Woodward? About as wrong as your avatar is right!
  12. Anybody criticising Benteke here is stupid, its the team aroudn him that can't play football. What in the name was that from TOnev!?
  13. Kozak should have run wide instead to create space but he just added to the congestion.
  14. We're out of this game now, gotta wait for half time. Counter attack won't work with Kojak on the pitch.
  15. It's not his fault, the supply has been utterly terrible. but his passing and movement have been abysmal!! West Brom well above us now. Pissed off is a understatement!!! Think he's still injured.
  16. I said it last week, I say it again. We should have considered that bid from Spurs in hindsight. Stupid. He's done nothing this season. Except score 45% of our goals. Yeah I suppose you're right.
  17. I said it last week, I say it again. We should have considered that bid from Spurs in hindsight. Stupid.
  18. I swear they've got an extra man... actually more likely we forgot to field a full team.
  19. You're mistaken, we always rush it. And naturally ask too much of our players when we pass it super hard.
  20. To be honest that Sylla shot cheered me right up, you had to laugh XD
  21. If Benteke is fit enough to play we should play him, screw the risk, he'll be off in the summer anyway so I couldn't care less about his long term health.
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