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Everything posted by NeilS

  1. Yes this is a worry for me as well. Teams that start their season early usually get off to a flyer before dying just after christmas. I think we will lose 2-0 here but I'm going to this one so am hoping for something better, will be happy with a draw. And me, I see a very hard game here. Fulham have been no pushover the last few years, and with the extra fitness they have I will be very happy if we come away with a point from this game.
  2. Just checked on Wiki, and you're right 5132 to be precise. They're not going to make a lot of money on shared gate receipts in this round.
  3. Allegedly it's a debt management company, or financial control company!! Hilarious! RationalFX apparently, similar style of company to our previous sponsors FXPro I guess. I can't say I know a lot about them, whether they're a good company or not. I would guess the deal isn't for a lot of money though as it is for 1 year only, and they were originally looking at a week by week sponsorship.
  4. Haha, yes I remember that. Which Series/Matt?
  5. Well yeah, that's kind of what i was referring too.... I just wouldnt want them gone as a club. I'm no expert but... if they go into Administration, wouldnt there be a good chance they could disappear? I have absolutely no idea but there has been a fair few clubs over the years go into administration but not finished as a club. Administration is where the banks/creditors appoint somone to run the club and reduce the debts and get things on an even keel ready to run again. So as long as the administrators can do that they will keep running as a football club. It is if they are liquidated that they will cease to exist.
  6. It's the Wigan FC shop, with Glasgow Rangers shirts on sale, and a good luck from all at WAFC message.
  7. By doing the deal now and not on the last day of the window Wigan will save 6 weeks wages (£250-£300k?) Exactly, they seem to be squabbling over peanuts! As N'Zogbia hasn't put a transfer request in, wouldn't he be in line to recieve the rest of his contract with Wigan paid up, ie 1 years pay? No, he'd just be due the loyalty bonus and signing on fee (5% of transfer fee), though if he did go on strike I would imagine Wigan would have rather a good case to say he wasn't due at least the loyalty bonus. Ah right, thank you for clearing that up. That sounds more reasonable.
  8. By doing the deal now and not on the last day of the window Wigan will save 6 weeks wages (£250-£300k?) Exactly, they seem to be squabbling over peanuts! As N'Zogbia hasn't put a transfer request in, wouldn't he be in line to recieve the rest of his contract with Wigan paid up, ie 1 years pay?
  9. I thought that we had high hopes for Siegrist? If so, no need for Smithies. In five years he should be ready for first team action.
  10. Then we sign N'Zogbia on a pre-contract in January and we get him for **** all next summer and Whelan misses out on £9m, Winner = Not Whelan I think you can only do the pre-contract thing if it is to a different country. Unless the rules have changed.
  11. Haha, yeah they well and truely got their revenge that day.
  12. So they have forgotten or forgiven the "Who's your next Messiah, Ant or Dec?" banner that someone unleased at Villa Park? They haven't said a good word about us since.
  13. We certainly better spend the Ashley young money. IMO if we spend less than £40 million this summer it will be a disgrace from Lerner. Agreed, we were always told that money is there for transfers, it was the wage bill that needed taming. We have seen 10+ players leave this summer, so I think its safe to assume that the wage bill is a little better now. Randy needs some signings to get some feel good factor back in Villa Park, otherwise next season is going to be another long depressing season.
  14. It does seem that way, but is it a case of a watched pot never boils? We don't tend to watch other teams transfers quite so intensely, therefore they seem to go through easily.
  15. That cheered me up, thank you. Its a funny i know, but i bet you, that N'zogbia will be somewhere else next season :winkold: People outside the club see us as in decline, a club with no ambition, and a good bet for the drop!!! Do you think any decent player in their right mind, will jion us at the moment? Its not coincidence that we are being linked to the likes of Ethrington and McGeady, and the fact that we are, is just going to reinforce the view that we are buggered. N'zogbia should have been signed a month ago. We certainly may have had a better chance then, now we will struggle. I think we'll be ok, there are some very poor teams in the Premiership. We'll make some signings and depending on the percieved quality of those signings hopefully some optimism will return. I will try not to get too stressed out at this moment in time as it is still early. With regards N'Zogbia I think there is a good chance he'll end up here, he hasn't done enough to earn a move to a top team just yet. So we're the next logical step for him.
  16. Me too, I was impressed with him against England. The Swiss seem to have some promising players coming through. I think going the the time frame mentioned that he was probably a Houllier target, I'm not sure whether McLeish is interested or not. I hope so.
  17. How was he badly treated? I recall he was played regularly for the first team up until December, and he was not playing particularly well culminating in a thrashing at Man City?. Then came his apparent outburst at the training ground. It seemed as though he was against the manager from day 1, which is not how a professional should act.
  18. I think his shoulder would be ok. My main concern is whether he still has the reactions that made him great, they tend to go as you get older, especially if you don't use them as often. It is safe to say that those games mentioned don't compare to the Premiership in terms of speed and physicality of play. I hope he is still a top keeper, we definately need one.
  19. why? this would help unbalance an already unbalanced league. For the good of English football Spurs need to keep Modric and Bale from the Big 4 and challenge them next season Why? because i don't like spurs. I can't say I'm particulary fond of Spurs, but you have to admire their stance so far on this. Modric only recently signed a long term lucrative contract, he was happy to sign so he should honour it until someone is willing to pay for him to leave. Spurs paid £16m for Modric, now with 5 years on his Contract Chelsea offer £22m, I would reject that. Spurs have signed up their best players on long term contracts when the going was good, it is a lesson we should look at with our own players.
  20. Which, although he hasnt directly said it yet, he's strongly hinted that that's what he wants, and the situation hasn't really changed from that apart from Scouse fans jumping to conclusions. I still believe Downing to be a top professional though. He wants to leave, and he probably thought itd be in the clubs interest to 'cash in', but if the manager wont sell him I still think he'll give us 100%. He has to if he has any aspirations of playing for England at next summers Euro's.
  21. I agree. If Downing leaves then it will be yet another signal of Lerner's ambitions. I have stood by him thick and thin, even through the Mcleish saga, but if this sale goes ahead then even I will start to believe Lerner wants nothing but mediocre. For me, it depends on who we replace Downing with. I've accepted that Downing and his agent have been tapped up by Liverpool some weeks back. Now it is up to Randy and Faulkner to wring as much money out of the cheating Scousers as we can. Then we need to go out and bag ourselves a top player or two to raise the teams quality and our fans optimism levels. If we don't do the final part, then I will question Randy's ambitions further. I will admit that the AMc appointment has made my support of Randy waiver a lot recently, but i'll see what he offers us this summer in funds before getting too angry, afterall he did shock us all in January by signing Bent.
  22. Watched the first two episodes and I'm hooked. I'm 5 in myself and I bloody love it. I expect to finish it over the next two days. Game of Thrones was great, I can't wait for season 2.
  23. Exactly, they can't seem to get that into their thick heads. Also, Downing can't afford to waste this season in a sulk if he has serious ambitions of playing for England at next summers Euro championships, assuming England qualify of course.
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