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Everything posted by est1874

  1. It's the ~10% I was referring to! /who concern me
  2. Me too. It's alright to be wrong so long as you come to the light and admit it. Some genuinely want him to stay - **** insane.
  3. Playing 2 DMs is turgid and nonsensical, partly because if you're a #6 and you've got another one beside you, and 4 lads behind, that's already the majority of the team in its own half of the pitch. So in possession you've got zero incentive to 'try' anything, and unless you're magic then the majority of the time it will not come off. No point playing a safe pass to the likes of **** McGinn in front of you, as he'll just lose it. We're poor passers anyway, so that doesn't help of course.
  4. Yayyyyyy, all is forgiven! .......just kidding, get the **** out of my club.
  5. We are absolute dirt and more to the point, so is our manager. I challenge anyone to defend him now on the basis of actual facts. He bizarrely still has some supporters left here, I'd really love to know why. We're playing close to a full strength side and losing to League One Bolton. Pathetic tbh.
  6. Hilarious mate, you should do stand up Scratch that, sit down.
  7. It was so obvious from the off that we're going to lose, or at least struggle massively, with this game. I can't be **** arsed with Gerrard anymore, I really can't support him or his football. Want Villa to succeed in spite of him, but it's too difficult to watch us so weak and spineless. Wake me up when he's gone.
  8. Death, taxes, and Villa fans having a go at each other because something's gone wrong at the club (again). Twas ever thus.
  9. You're acting like that's not one of the biggest transfer disasters they've ever made, next to Shevchenko.
  10. What's weird is pretending that there's nothing weird about this deal. Been a strange one from the start as he's not what we need. I rate him as a player but why are we suddenly prioritizing a winger over CM, striker, or even a CB? And the manner in which it's fallen apart, very strange. As others have queried, if Gerrard and the recruitment team (presumably that means Lange and his scouts) had reservations, who made the bid and agreed the deal? V weird indeed.
  11. He'd passed a medical apparently. Lol
  12. Go on then. Defend him. What would you use, pray tell, to defend a manager who's won 3 league games from a possible 14? Who's got the best Villa squad in years at his disposal, but has them looking like they haven't a clue how to play football together, can't string 3 passes together, can't convert chances into goals, can't defend?
  13. Interesting that Gerrard thought he could push it through by calling Sarr to convince him. Maybe he had the opposite effect. Either way it didn't work and this tells me that Gerrard's pulling power is no longer an asset to us. Basically the last good thing about him as a manager has failed, and we're now in no man's land with a guy who can't coach, can't motivate his players, and can't convince players to believe in the project anymore. He's done.
  14. Percy is saying it's basically off, I'd take his word.
  15. Fraudiola didn't make a single second-half sub? Lol.
  16. Saudi must have called the Batphone.
  17. Sadly, yep. The only hope here is that big players continue to resist going anywhere near the North-East, which is a problem Newcastle always had when trying to recruit big players, even when competing from trophies, with the exception of Shearer and Owen.
  18. They have not submitted a bid, or if they have we haven't heard about it, hasn't been accepted if they have. He can't choose West Ham if they don't bid for him can he?
  19. As usual when we run into trouble and it's time for the manager to go, people are overanalyzing a bit. Bottom line is, he's a shit manager. That's all that needs to be said to justify what needs to happen next really.
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