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Everything posted by est1874

  1. Why are our fans even discussing the race for Europe / "best of the rest"? As if we're involved. FFS we'll be lucky to finish 14th again.
  2. Fair enough! Can't really argue with that mate
  3. I don't get the argument that we shouldn't have a round badge because Citeh and Chelsea have one. They didn't invent them. They simply brought them back into fashion. We should pick the badge that's best for Villa. The logic appears to be that we shouldn't be seen to be copying the johnny-come-latelys. I think it's just as dangerous to strive to make the opposite choices to those clubs. Of course we shouldn't lose our identity. I don't agree that having a circular badge will result in that. There is loads that is unique about our club. Having a shit shield (or a floating lion) that only the hardcore traditionalists are happy with won't safeguard our identity.
  4. If Dave Woodhall is on your side, you might be on the wrong side.
  5. Agree to disagree then I don't want to see the Scouse Fraud given another penny. The only circumstance I'd accept this in is if he's somehow still here in January and we're in the relegation zone. Which I guess, with him in charge and his anal plug Christian Purslow calling the shots, is actually quite possible.
  6. Worst thing we could do is stick with Gerrard much longer. Second worst thing we could do is give him more money. No more incomings is probably for the best just now.
  7. Exactly the problem we had around the time of the Lerner rebrand. "Wow AVFC is a really strong rhyming acronym, great branding opportunity", not at all thinking how iconic the name ASTON VILLA already is. They also heard lion and star and just plonked them wherever - irrespective of how lame and useless the lion looked, and how the star was just floating pointlessly in the top left. All the latest version did was fix the lion and make the rest sharper, it's inherited all the issues mentioned above, so whatever we go with next, it needs to be smarter and have more say from the fans.
  8. Good question that. Really hope it's not a case of "Well, they worked on rebranding Liverpool........."
  9. No offense, but what does that matter? I take the point about the round badge not being around for that long in our history but it is nonetheless very popular with a lot of people. I would challenge a little bit the tenor of what you and OutByEaster are saying, playing devil's advocate a tiny bit because I actually agree with you largely (tradition and uniqueness being hugely important to our club), but that doesn't mean our way is the right way. Take for instance the group being consulted with tonight, that you mentioned. I'm much older, as I'm guessing you guys are too, but I'm sorry to say that tonight's group better represents the future of our club than we do. When we are dead and gone Villa will live on, and frankly in 100 years time I would expect the club to look and feel a lot different to now. I don't want Villa to be some sort of time capsule. We're a living a breathing club, and the word club is important because it's made up of its members. And whilst our tradition, and the legacy of our HEITS (my own late mother included) are hugely important, what's more important is our club stays at the top end of English football, in every possible way. Villa Live is a good example - I'm a bit old fashioned so I personally have no idea why we would need a 365 commercial space with seated restaurants etc, but that is the way football is moving as a business. It's not for me to say nah just because it's not traditional. Myself, I think we should be striking a very fine balance between traditional and modern, but I think seeking to rule out a circle badge just because you don't think it's actually a traditional element of our club is a bit too far. If it's what the majority want, then fine.* * Again, for the record, I didn't put down the circle as being an element that I felt important in the survey. I'm just saying, it's not about me, or you, or OBE. It's about the whole club, including the younger members who might fancy some change.
  10. Yeah I voted for Palace tbh. Great badge.
  11. Edited as apparently I can't read. I'd be in favour of that.
  12. Perhaps the club could unveil CGI images of what a new signing might look like.
  13. My effort, for what it's worth.
  14. About time. No idea why that quick survey took so long to put together, the design phase will take ages now so it'll be next season at the earliest before we see any changes.
  15. Thanks, I've been watching Villa so long I wasn't sure!
  16. We will never spend that on 1 player. Just isn't happening.
  17. Play like we did in the first half against West Ham and we'll be 4-0 down at half time, and I promise our second half response won't be what it was tonight. This lot are a League One team and made us look like fools for 55 minutes. It *was* embarrassing. Coming on here after a decent half an hour of football and trying to claim a moral victory is cynical tbh. Look at our recent results and upcoming fixture list... We've yet to play a top 10 side yet, and we've been struggling. We're in big trouble when we go up against decent teams.
  18. You can't make this shit up. Shit football for 55-60 mins, skin saved by a bunch of players he doesn't even know how to use. You're on borrowed time, Steven. A heavy defeat from West Ham is coming I fear.
  19. Lol, FFS. Glad we've won. Sort of wish it had been narrower margins, as on paper Stevie G can now claim this as a comprehensive victory and well executed game plan.
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