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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. How the hell has he not gotten a card yet. Unbelievable.
  2. Sorry for what? He’s been excellent most of the day.
  3. Landed straight-legged, hopefully it’s just a tweak and not a pull. Moreno’s been fantastic for us. So unfortunate.
  4. It’s a shame cause it’s started out fine. As the intensity picked up the ref just couldn’t properly keep up with it though.
  5. Wtf is wrong with you? These reactions are obscene.
  6. I still think the Ronaldo thing would’ve been fine if he accepted that he’s not the same player he used to be.
  7. Didn’t Watkins get a yellow for simulation doing the exact thing either last year or the year before?
  8. It’s ridiculous. Kane makes zero effort to go after the ball. Just flicks it and falls.
  9. Yeah emi doesn’t come close to touching that. Still shouldn’t have been a penalty for falling into another player.
  10. Great win but feeling quite agitated about it.
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