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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. **** you you stupid piece of ****. Bamford is gutter trash.
  2. What? He was in front of the goal. The ball just had a perfect bounce off Emis hand.
  3. Lol keep stroking off Bamford. Emi would've stopped it even if it was on target.
  4. As great as Trez's workrate is this game is showing we need someone with more control/ skill in place of him.
  5. Leeds are a fantastic attacking team. This is exactly what Robbie and Robbie were talking about pre-game. Our playing style suits their attack.
  6. Well they got it right at the beginning. Classic pre-covid break Villa thing to do. Start off strong but bungle it right at the end “Villans revolutionise the Premier League. https://as.com/futbol/2020/10/19/internacional/1603129935_830235.html To see an unbeaten start like this from Aston Villa, you have to go back to the 1930-31 season. Then in the old first division, the Villans of Birmingham were again in second place, only behind Arsenal who also started with 4 wins.”
  7. Why would he ever want to leave. We're clearly qualifying for Champions League this season, lol.
  8. It was more of a "not fully playing at his best" kind of day. I wonder how much of it stemmed from frustration with the ref not giving him calls he so easily gets.
  9. That +10 GD! Lots of really sloppy passes and slow/frustrating play that needs to be stamped out. Guys may have been a little tired from the international break but my word that GORGEOUS strike from Barkley. Once again, we didn’t get away with a win. We rivaled Leicester today. Brilliant.
  10. BARKLEYYYYY!!!!! Let’s goooooooooooooo!
  11. This is the wrong side of a frustrated player. I blame Southgate.
  12. Yep. Straight line walking only. It’s the twisting, pivoting or any lateral movements that can’t be done.
  13. Deano on Grealish not getting picked: 'He has just got to maintain his form with Aston Villa. He has made a great start to the season. He has made a great start to his international career and that is what he has to make sure he continues to do. It's Gareth's job to pick the team and Jack has to do as much as he can to get Gareth to pick him.' Pretty much a condensed version of what Mings said. Wonder if he’ll get the same level of criticism though.
  14. Poor fella. Yes, we reportedly bid £20 million but it wasn't enough for them.
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