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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. Would help if Luiz wasn’t so out of form at the moment.
  2. Thankfully my stream just crashed, lol. Just get a point. That’s all I ask for now.
  3. Please see a therapist. Christ some of y’all are despicable and embarrassing.
  4. Not really sure how you’ve come to that conclusion.
  5. Christ. Finally figure out the start of 2nd half’s and then completely shit the bed. Embarrassing.
  6. Hopefully payback for screwing up the non-pen call, lol.
  7. Now I’m nervous. Hope Watkins hamstring is ready to go 90 again.
  8. Oh well then I take back what I said. I was never here...
  9. He's been good, certainly, but why else would we take arguably our most important player out for this game?
  10. No Emi said it all for me. This game was a write-off before we even hit the pitch.
  11. Yeah that would be good. Do you replace Lenglet though?
  12. Luiz definitely needs to be off. Not sure who you put in his place cause Tim doesnt seem ready for this kind of game. I guess Tielemans and go more attacking?
  13. 2-1 is my guess. City looked like doodoo against Arsenal. Even with our injuries I think Duran and Rogers will give them problems. Not always in the best of ways but a problem nonetheless.
  14. Maybe they’re managing his minutes so he doesn’t get burnt out for the tail end of this season? Far-fetched, I know. Just not sure what else would be keeping him on the bench to start games.
  15. Duran better watch out with that elbow.
  16. Really? This is what you’re going to get upset about?
  17. Send him to a massage therapist and he’ll be good as new by Wednesday.
  18. Emery coming out late? No Watkins? What’s going on…
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