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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. Don’t think the first one is a pen. Second one could go either way since he’s right next time him when kicking but still a handball. Third looks like he reached over Young and steps on him. Haven’t seen a better angle of it though.
  2. Would like to see some changes soon. Just to have fresh legs on there.
  3. lol that’s a whistle but not Diaby getting kicked in the back? Interesting.
  4. Yeah that was a bit cringe. Claimed VAR is a Luton fan too.
  5. Damn I knew I should’ve put money on Rogers to score.
  6. He’s already dismissed that game because of a fluke cash goal.
  7. Bournemouth loves a good last minute/stoppage time goal to win or tie their games. Fatigue towards the end of the goal is the main concern. Can’t give away that late, sloppy goal to them.
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