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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. Form-wise I think we’re too fractured to really worry about beating Spurs. Say what you want about them but they wouldn’t give up 3 to Brentford at home right now. And I’m not saying to give up hope but 4th really is Spurs to lose. Just have to make sure we stay 5th and do our part in the ECL to ensure the PL gets 5 UCL spots.
  2. Am I crazy or was that clearly a punch to his stomach? Surely there’s video of it on Twitter already.
  3. I’m sure there are reasons for them not being able to sign an adequate RB and DM during January
  4. Yeah a bit of recency bias with them bottling the league title last year. Didn’t think beyond that.
  5. I dunno. I think Arsenal and Totty are still ahead of us in that category.
  6. Not sure what's worse. The reactions or posters validating their reactions.
  7. What a disappointing point. But it moves us further from Man U. So that’s a positive.
  8. DC has been screwed over several times today. Such BS.
  9. It’s almost impressive how bad they’ve become in a matter of minutes. It’s like a completely different team is currently playing.
  10. Would help if Luiz wasn’t so out of form at the moment.
  11. Thankfully my stream just crashed, lol. Just get a point. That’s all I ask for now.
  12. Please see a therapist. Christ some of y’all are despicable and embarrassing.
  13. Not really sure how you’ve come to that conclusion.
  14. Christ. Finally figure out the start of 2nd half’s and then completely shit the bed. Embarrassing.
  15. Hopefully payback for screwing up the non-pen call, lol.
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