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Everything posted by Steero113

  1. Basically sums up this thread in 14 words
  2. Brewster seems to be constantly mentioned in the press. Not that that means diddly squat really.
  3. Aside from the fact that you've never met, seen, (most likely watched) or analysed the player in any way what does the last line even mean?
  4. No way they would announce tonight is there?
  5. Can you imagine Bertrand getting to VP and the whole management team are there in clown costumes ready to yell just kidding brooooooooo
  6. In his head he thinks he should be at Bayern, Juve or Man City I'm afraid...
  7. Exactly £20,000,000 queens english pounds to be exact
  8. Where have you seen that out of interest? I read that it's £17m rising to £19m with addons.
  9. Yeah, fair enough. I will support whoever wears the shirt to be honest. I am hoping though that this is a classic case of new surroundings, right system and a new lease of life.
  10. Oh so now its a group of French fans' opinions and not yours?
  11. I think you might be disappointed mate, as much as it pains me to say it.
  12. sorry dude too easy! Much more importantly however, Sheffield United are now playing like they look on paper. I think they may be a Huddersfield 2.0 this season.
  13. Ah yes the classic “I knew we shouldn’t have signed him” line after one poor performance in the first game of the season. Followed up with the stock “never got the hype” to really add weight. (You and I would have been delighted at the time of him signing for us if it had happened)
  14. Did a quick google search, its the bloke on the left right that you're talking about?
  15. This. Just pay what they're asking, it's not like we've been Levy-esque with our shrewdness in this window already. If an extra couple of million gets it done quick then nail it so he can't change his mind!
  16. Is that a suggestion or have you heard something?
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54145029 Very encouraging this, I think this is the first time a BBC article has been published this summer (or entire year!) on Man Utd. and their transfer dealings without mentioning Jack. It seems more and more likely that they cannot stump up the fee for Sancho, and given the mentality of our owners, they definitely won't be stumping up the fee they would be asking for Jack any time soon for him to sit on the bench.
  18. I've never hoped someone would be right so much since I started watching football to be honest!
  19. I'd take him at £30m, he's that good.
  20. Were we not linked with Swift at Reading at one point?
  21. Fair enough, I did hear about Napoli but they have distanced themselves as per the tweet from the foreign Journo I think on Thursday. Nothing new over the weekend though to cast doubt on us very much being front-runners.
  22. I've seen no hint of a link on any platform to suggest other clubs are in for him. It reeks of agent games to get more money on the table to be honest. Remember, Martinez had the Brighton link etc. but nothing here to suggest that we should be getting overly worried. Having said that, if an extra million gets this done by Wednesday, then pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
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