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The Other Mat

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Everything posted by The Other Mat

  1. Just looked at that ITK's past posts and picked out a few of his predictions and looked at the corresponding speculation around the dates (I'm bored OK). I can't see anything he's said that wasn't already being touted around in the rags etc before he posted. Also, looking at the actual posts he's got a lot of other things wrong outside of transfers. I'm not saying he's completely full of crap and he's probably got things right but he's defo not an oracle.
  2. I've seen lots of Norwich fans saying the same. He was never quite as good playing centrally, said it stifled him a bit. Better coming in off the left and drifting into space. Seems he's also really good defensively and covers the fullback really well.
  3. I think he signed a £180,000 a week, 5 year deal after the bayern interest. No way he comes to us and earns even half that. Edit: Seen two reports one £120,000 a week the other £180,000. Mental either way.
  4. Yeah I saw that post after I put mine up.
  5. That's much, much nicer than the home. They've got the balance colour balance right between the vertical lines. However being a graphic designer, the club badge sitting over the line, instead of between the lines is causing my eyes some serious stress Haha. (also why is the line visible in the O of the Cazoo on the Watkins pic but not the closeup? Hope the closeup is the correct version).
  6. Hopefully the powers that be won't renew it. Kappa are way off with the brand, the urban styling just ain't the Villa vibe.
  7. I hadnt seen the close ups, less is definitely more. The horizontal ribbing of the material and the different widths of vertical lines looks well weird too. Also, by making the main sponsor logo so big across the body it wraps round into the sides, cutting it the start/end letters off on the slimmer players. Looks nasty and classless.
  8. That is honestly horrible. I don't normally dislike any of our tops but Kappa have put zero thought into the design of that kit. The colors are way off but the thing I hate the most though is how the badge has become a tertiary symbol to the Cazoo logo and the kappa badge. Together they totally demean the primary branding of the club. How long have we got left with Kappa?
  9. That's very generous of him, especially when it'll mean he loses out on a couple of million quid at least?!
  10. Thinking about it, Keane left a World Cup tournament because he had a public spat with McCarthy. He hadn't even got the balls to figure stuff out and stay with the team. Blokes a hypocrite of the highest order.
  11. And this messed up too... Sky taking keane's comments and validating them and perpetuating the issue, to a point Jack has to tweat about it, 12.5 hours after losing in the final. The media/pundits have been bottling this up for weeks, with faux optimism and now it's over they can really let rip on these players and looks like Jack is in their sights. Especially if he signs a new contract, makes them look ridiculous after months of trying to sell him off to city.
  12. Zero responsibility for his words, I nearly wrote zero 'thought' and responsibility but I honestly believe that's not true. Keane's understands the actions of his words especially the consequences of provoking fans into scapegoating Jack/Sterling. Alternatively if he hadn't thought his words would have consequences on any player he deems unworthy of his own questionable 'standards' then he doesn't deserve to be a pundit whatever the occasion, let alone one as big as last nights game.
  13. Truly amazing the amount of grief Jack and Sterling are getting on social media now. All stems from Keanes comments and it still continues even after SG explained he'd chosen the order. Anyway Looks the norm is restored and we're back to fans hating on Jack again.
  14. I suspect that we didn't sign Olise because we've got a huge batch of talented youngsters coming through. The management team probably see Chuk and a few others as better prospects. Kind of glad in a way we're stacked with mids and I want to see some of the young lads step up.
  15. Just seen this on twitter. I reckon we keep him, could become a real asset for us in the future.
  16. I was about to post that... Can he have his own speculation thread please!
  17. The basics of the situation are; Jack has interest from Man City (primarily), he might leave, he might sign a new contract, he might have release clause, he might not. I'm just happy we've finally got some clarity on all this stuff.
  18. Cant see us spending £40m on Tammy for him to be primarily on the bench. There's no way he displaces Watkins for me. Ollie bullies defenders and works his balls off, he's created goals for himself doing that. Tammy just isn't the right fit for our style of play anymore. I've seen some outrageous comments on twitter that we should sign him because he's Jacks mate and that mean he stays at the club then. Crazy concept.
  19. Someone chain him to Jon McGinn's arse he won't be going anywhere then...
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