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Everything posted by MrBlack

  1. 75 million is no where near enough. We wouldn't sell him for less than 100, so it's clearly rubbish. Also, I don't actually think he'd leave us for Chelsea.
  2. Given we're banned from trading players with them while we are in the same competition as them, maybe we're exploiting a path via Saudi Arabia to sign them further down the line ... would hate it if we were.
  3. Yeah, I wasn't claiming you did say it did, just more reflecting my annoyance at the op from twitter. Some real garbage gets posted there and the love of McGrath podcast is usually better that that The rest of your post is basically an expansion of what I said. Agreeing twice in 24 hours ;). I should add, i do normally agree with your posts, last nights exchange was more just me being over worked and miserable so sorry for the ranty exchange!
  4. That graphic has absolutely no relation to the comment added above it. Diaby is better than Bailey in every metric on that graph. How does that tell you they're not the same type of player? Your comment is right that they played in the same team together, so that's the really important factor Also, it would be better to compare Bailey's last season in Germany than his previous season at villa. Those stats are pretty meaningless when you compare the respective abilities of the league they're in, before you even bring in the quality of the team they played for, the style that team played, and countless other factors. All that said, sign Diaby please villa.
  5. Wtf....so when I have a panini, I'm actually having a panino? How has this monstrous incorrect use of Italian come to be.
  6. Yup. Old one...new one...different one...whatever it is, it has to be a multi-decade long legacy. It's kind of a joke we've already had as many lions as we have over the past 20 years, so part of me thinks another one makes it even worse and would be bad, the other part of me thinks ...**** it what difference does another one make. So yes....whatever we do, it has to stay around for a long time.
  7. Thanks. I agree with a lot of what you say, and I was happy with it until I saw the new one. But then the new one came out and exposed all the issues I had with the old one mentioned above. Imv it just looks out of proportion compared with the new one, and no longer looks like a lion to me. I honestly don't see how they'd come up with yet another version that both you and I (not to mention the hundreds of thousands of other fans) agree on. So yes, will be very interesting to see where we end up.
  8. You said it looks like it's going thin on top. Which is blatantly wrong. You've obviously not had the misfortune of going bald yourself because that is definitely not going thin. And just look at the arms on the old lion. They're way too long and spindly thin. They're just not good. And the as the scale gets smaller they look even more spindly. The bottom paw looks likes it's been through a mangle. The new one is just... better. Not to mention the definition you can draw from the new one with just a few simple additional marks.
  9. New lion please. Its so much better. Old one is all out of proportion with its long fore arms and blobby scaling down to small size.
  10. They don't play the same position. They both played in the same Leverkusen team at the same time and were very effective together. Also Diaby has had 3 seasons with similar stats, so not really one breakout season. Whether that means we want to keep Bailey to play with him or not I'm not also sure, but they definitely can play with each other, and Diaby has a more consistent performance history.
  11. Ridiculous that they went with the other option over this. I question the sanity of the designer for the monochrome version.
  12. See my post on the very same topic and how to view it positively...
  13. It's your first post since we signed him though... I think i get the sentiment. I naturally imagine the worst. Especially where Villa are concerned. But I think Emery has finally released me of the "something will go wrong" curse. Maybe that's not what you're feeling, but if it is, you can let it go. Emery is here and he's the best in the business.
  14. You spend all of your post explaining your concerns and none of it highlighting anything good. I just found it a weird way to show you think it's an excellent signing.
  15. 95% of your post is negative, yet you think the signing is excellent. Something not right there.
  16. Check the one in the bottom left of the pic
  17. Explains why he wasn't smiling with delight in the airport on the way here. Clearly a huge decision for him and one he would absolutely only have made if he was certain it was the right thing to do. Doesn't mean there won't be some sadness to go with it. But does mean he's going to give everything to make sure and prove to himself this was the right decision. Welcome Pau, we'll make sure you have a new home to be proud of, and a claret and blue tinged heart to join your yellow one.
  18. It is looking like we overpaid for him. But he's not a bad player. We signed a player that looked amazing playing a very specific role behind a very in-sync forward. This has not transitioned to playing to the same level for us. Not sure if Emery can adjust the system to work with him, but I'm not sure we'll see Buendia get any better than he is already in the current system. He works ok in it, but doesn't look like a £33m player in it.
  19. Probably started all the following media links that actually then have no basis in truth. Although I'd quite happily be proven wrong. Please...
  20. Love it. And we're free to drop the AV whenever we want and just use the lion. Looks so good on the kit and alongside the other PL badges.
  21. At a quick glance I didn't even clock that the black and blue shirt was a Chelsea one. Those badges are so similar in monochrome at a distance.
  22. I hear he has a really high roe gif game. You want fish egg gifs? He's your man.
  23. Prefer it to what we've end up with. Our old sponsor makes it really look like a villa kit too. We should stick with the Luke theory of mostly claret and just blue highlights imo
  24. You meant 10am DST I guess? So that would be 11am BST.
  25. Just got on to the first page.... you know what this means
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