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Everything posted by newhavenhibby

  1. Aye........out in Australia about 10 years ago, nearly drowned when caught by a sudden tide change and then contracted pneumonia due to all the inhaled sea water. OK now I believe.
  2. My first year of going down Villa Park. Some great favourites there, especially Rioch, Chico, Lockhead, CharlieAitkin and Ray Graydon. Looking again, I forgot that Geoff Vowden had come to Villa......always associate him with SHA ......for some reason.
  3. Agreed they don't create as much from wide positions as they should and Kent more often than not is not playing in his best position. Even when Barker was fit he wasn't really used. At the time of signing Kent they were still in with a good chance of overhauling Smeltic and were still on for a run in Europe..........so worth a punt and as you say would have upped his sell on value. As for the tyke Morelos, we will have to wait and see if anyone comes in for him now. There was interest for him at the turn of the year but the rumours were something went on behind the scenes with SG, and his form certainly dropped off in the last couple of months. However, post covid.......who knows? Sevco are a little like Hearts......constant speculation about their finances but somehow mystery benefactors etc keep them going. Afterall, they have just paid 3 mil for Hagi so cannot be too worried.
  4. He is a good player especially in this league. Unfortunately was injured not long following his official transfer after his loan. He could certainly do a job in the lower half of the English Premier League and the Championship. SGs links with Liverpool certainly helped landing the deal. Trouble with both the uglies is that they control most games and so some players ( not saying Ryan does this) can coast through games and not show their true potential.
  5. That was down to his magic hat.....
  6. More pressure this year with sevco starting to claw their way back into contention but agreed in the last few years, with their money, it has been easy for them with Glasgow Rangers going bust and then awaiting Sevco to get fully established. I would have said , before this pandemic, he may not win it next year.......but now, who knows? Up to this point the Smellies fans would have accepted nothing less, so probably more relief than anything else. Will have to see how the face of football up here ( and in England) changes after the effects of the pandemic?...........hopefully in one way there will be positive changes and move away from this pandering to 2 bigoted clubs. As has been said earlier in the thread many Leagues, especially in Europe, are being dominated by 2 or 3 clubs and the English Premier League will be no different in time..........once they can shake off that pesky Leicester City.
  7. From previous post......... Chris Price at Villa.............
  8. Bit late to the party here! I take it your old man was Mark Jones? If so, pass on my regards ..........watched him many times playing for the Bulls at Edgar Street at the end of the 80's / early 90's when I lived there as well as a couple of early career games at Villa. Did he play the Man United Cup game at Edgar Street?.........some atmosphere that day. Just as he joined another future Aston Villa player left Edgar Street.....Chris Price. (via Blackburn)
  9. Agreed, all leagues are heading towards domination by 2 or 3 clubs due to the disparity in money. ( agreed also that Scotland was one of the first leagues to show this type of dominance.) Many of these "big clubs" will be urging the return to playing games ASAP, so they can once again get the obscene payments from the TV and satellite channels so they can get back on the gravy train. ( the uglies are not on board this train which is why they now don't do well in Europe etc. Big fish up here but small fry in the big leagues as they don't have the income to compete........this is why they keep muting the possibility of joining the English Premier League who rightly don't want them. Back to up here , the SPFL have not covered themselves in glory ( once again) and I believe the season should have been null and voided. ( as in Holland) Tough on the likes of Dundee United and of course Smeltic, but who cares about them. What with allegations of unjust votes and incompetence the governing body needs a good shake up ........but since they pander to 2 clubs only and don't give a damn about the fans up here this is unlikely to happen. I wonder if they would have called the season if sevco were neck and neck with smeltic? Its all about the uglies up here. Turning to Hearts, this was totally unfair and from a personal viewpoint we lose the derby games now if things stand. As you know with SHA , fans look forward to these games, they are a great money spinner and there is no feeling like turning them over , especially on their own patch. Still a chance of reconstruction with Queen Anne which should be presented on Friday. This may become necessary if clubs fold due to the pandemic and they may well still be in the top flight if this happens. Anyway off now to prepare for the anniversary game tomorrow .......have my halftime draw tickets, a virtual pie and bovril and booked in for the pitch invasion at 4.45 Happy 21st May. Stay safe you villains.
  10. Brian flying high in that "extended" League Cup of 1977. This shot is taken at the second replay at Old Trafford where Villa eventually won 3 . 2. Remember at the first replay in Sheffield parking in the wrong area and when asking where Hillsborough was, the guy burst out laughing ( we'd already walked about a mile by then!)..........fortunately a local stopped a couple of minutes later and gave us a ride in his skoda all the way to the ground. Finding our car afterwards was fun.
  11. I, for once, was at the Witton End / North Stand end for the game, as I had gone with my Dad and didn't want to take him into the melee......from what you say it was a good decision. It was the 77 / 78 Europa game. At least the guy gave some warning ........its when you get that warm feeling on the back of your legs .......the joys of the terraces.... Having said that I miss them.
  12. Remember the Santos game.......I think over 50 odd thousand inside Villa Park for a friendly! I think Villa had to hire a generator for the floodlights as it was in the midst of energy cuts and blackouts.
  13. He retired in 1980 because of his knee but was youth team coach for about 4 years, so still around the club..........certainly looks like him One of my favourite players from the 70's.
  14. Villa v Notts County was my first game, I think around November in 1971. I could not believe the size of the crowd for the third division and just being in the Holte was an experience as a young lad that hooked me back to Villa Park for the next 20 years plus. Great days.
  15. Vic was manager when I first started to go to the Villa.
  16. Football Supporters Act that followed Hillsborough and brought in all seaters, only applies to England and Wales so Celtic were able to get a "safe standing" certificate in 2016 from Glasgow council. ( Scotland went down a voluntary route to all seaters) They got the "rail" type system installed and I know some Premier League clubs have been looking at it with a mind to obtaining permission to install them in England. How this works with the original act, I don't know........obviously Man U have found a way round it. Legislation will be under review and Spurs and Wolves I believe have already got a type of safe standing but unsure on the system. To my knowledge it is very popular and has not caused any health and safety issues .......and you can't get any more "nutty" than the green brigade at Celtic Park which use it.
  17. Celtic have had it for around 3 years now for 3000 ( Shrewsbury were the first club I think). Their "green brigade" are housed there but their vocal support has led to a much better atmosphere within the whole ground. Hopefully more clubs in the UK , especially in the English Premier League, will follow suit to improve the match day experience.
  18. Remember that now with the fence Dave........and I was at the game too.........it must be something to do with age!
  19. Correct John, later I remember they had a metal fence / barrier that could be left open for home games and then closed off for segregation for the Cup semis etc. I can imagine the scenes with everyone trying to get a piece of the stand! Same happened up here when Hibs ripped down the old East Stand......I've still got 2 seats in the loft.
  20. Correct.......back to Irish history and the IRA etc. Only have to see the response to the minutes silence at Remembrance and some players refusing to wear a poppy on their shirt. Sevco on the other hand , its like going to the Last Night of the Proms.
  21. In Hibs experience we find sevco worse than the smellies. That goes for the old Glasgow Rangers and The Rangers (sevco) I would not worry about walking amongst Celtic fans to and from the game ( end of last year, we were travelling back to the centre of Glasgow from Hampdump, on the bus which was full of Celtic fans, but even when they saw I was Hibs they were great,.......helped they won I suppose) but there is no way I would be anywhere near sevco fans......total scum. ( of course all teams have some roasters but I am talking in general) Celtic may seem more arrogant at present,. as for 9 seasons they have had no competition leading them to believe they are Barcelona.
  22. Been trying for years but who would have them................ I would not wish a city or town being invaded by their supporters ( loose terminology) anywhere in the World.
  23. Couldn't beat the sway of the crowd and everyone closer together gave much better singing and atmosphere than you ever get now at any ground I have been to since all seaters came in. You could easily get out if you wished as you got used to people pushing past etc. The singing which created the atmosphere started in the middle at the top and unlike now where you are assigned a seat or choose a ST, and may find out that all those that want to get the songs going are spread over an area with no real nucleus, in the old Holte you could all congregate on mass which gave a much better vocal start and invariably would spread around the ground easier. It also helped that I am over 6 foot as at times viewing could be challenging . Will be interesting to see if safe standing becomes the norm as has been trialled at Celtic Park for a while for the "Green Brigade". Not quite the same but a step in the right direction for the creation of an atmosphere.
  24. Some Some of my greatest memories growing up in Birmingham happened right in the middle of that stand.........well started off at the back in the middle...........great atmosphere, especially through the 70's and 80's...............
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