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Everything posted by Okonokos

  1. Their squad is in pretty bad shape and needs a rebuild. They can't really do that without selling an asset and by far their most valuable asset is Rashica. I guarantee he'll leave. Who knows where though.
  2. He will definitely leave Werder before the window closes.
  3. They let him go because he's finished as a top level player. Sadly his illness has got the better of him. Will probably be retired within a couple of years. Shame.
  4. Really?? That's shocking. I'd rather have McKennie than Doucoure on half that!
  5. Again, where does Rashica beg for a move to Leipzig?
  6. Oh those? No, those aren't Rashica "begging" for a move. Those are stories without quotes saying he'd like to play CL football.
  7. And Rashica is? Where? I must have missed that bit.
  8. Also he would have been well aware we sounded him out in January. If he had no interest at all we'd have known about it then but something made us come back in for him. Teams nowadays generally know if a player has any interest before they get to the haggling stage.
  9. I think this bit in bold sums the thread up really.
  10. Other people in this thread have said they think he won't be coming but people haven't reacted to them the way they have to you. People have reacted to you because you're stating as fact that he's absolutely not interested. That's not fact, as far as we know. It's just your opinion.
  11. Nobody is creaming themselves. This thread has been discussing the links we've had to him and having a bit of a harmless laugh. It's been exactly what a football forum should be for. You seem to be enjoying telling people they're wrong to think there's a chance we might sign him and unable to grasp the fact that nowhere has categorically said he won't be joining. Nowhere. Nobody is saying he will definitely join either. Chances are we won't sign him but the point is it hasn't been ruled out yet. You're entitled to think we won't sign him but don't knock people who think otherwise.
  12. I'm about as ITK as a dead fish. I know nothing at all. I have no idea whether we will or won't get him. We probably won't but I wouldn't say it's a certainty and I definitely haven't read anything to suggest he won't even consider us.
  13. I never quoted a fan as fact. I gave it as an example of how they're laughing at how bad the offer was. Likewise, why are you using quoteless stories as fact? The rumour was we had an offer accepted about 2 days ago. Why would a transfer be completed that quickly if it didn't need to be? There's 2 months left of the window. The bigger the transfer, the longer it takes, generally. Waiting for an actual story is bonkers logic? You're acting like we've had a story from Percy saying he's rejected us. That was my point. I wasn't saying Percy needs to write a story on every player that rejects us. I was saying you're acting like he already has. I would love him to join. He's a great player and exactly what we need. I'm not "invested" per se. The link came up and there seemed to be quite a lot of smoke which led to me following the thread and it's been enjoyable, in my opinion. That's it. I have no idea if he will join or not. I just know that he could do and there's no reason to think he's flat out rejected us. You're making so many assumptions in bold. Who says he will mess us around all window? That's a baseless conclusion to jump to. We've been linked to him for a week and rumoured to have had a bid accepted 2 days ago and he hasn't joined yet so that means he's messing up around? Is he not allowed to consider he options for at least a few days? Why are you so invested in telling people he's not joining? No, what's your point? You're acting like someone has written a headline story about how he's rejected us. Nobody has written that story, that's my point.
  14. Dear me. I gave his name as an example. Matt Law, Gregg Evans etc. If Rashica had rejected our offer, someone would have written the story by now.
  15. He didn't reject us in January. Werder flat out refused to sell due to their position in the league.
  16. No, he was commenting on the news that they had rejected their offer. Yet you keep ignoring that bit. Where is the report that he rejected our offer? All I've seen is reports without quotes saying he would prefer CL football. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that. Any idiot could write those stories. Of course he would prefer CL football. If we had made a bid and he had flat out rejected our offer, I'm sure we'd have heard that by now from a reputable journalist, like Percy. But we have nothing of the sort yet. We might do soon. He might reject us. I'm not saying he won't, he could do. Or he might accept. But we don't know that yet.
  17. That made me sick in my mouth. Absolutely cringeworthy.
  18. They didn't spend anything in the last two windows due to their transfer ban so it probably just cancels that out.
  19. This is what one Werder fan said on here... Leipzig's offer was well below the asking price and Werder are currently not talking to them. Just read their forum. They're laughing at how poor the offer was. As of now, Leipzig are out of the runnning. You asked why isn't he here yet? Read my previous post. Millions of possibilities. All we've heard is that he would rather play Champions League football. We have not had a report saying he has rejected us, have we? Maybe the fact that we haven't heard that he's rejected us suggests that he might have some interest in us and is currently weighing up his options. If he was flat out not interested, like you keep saying, then why haven't we heard he's rejected us? Surely we would have done. But all we have got is the translated reports saying he would prefer Champions League football to a relegation battle. Who wouldn't? I don't blame him. He's clearly considering all his options and well done to him.
  20. Right let me start again... It is in the press, online, papers with quotes that Leipzig bid £15m and Werder laughed them off. That is fact. I'm really not sure why you're questioning it. You seem to have taken the small hints here and there that he might not be interested in us and ran with them but have ignored the very clear and multiple sources saying their offer was well below the asking price. It's been well known all summer Leipzig have a tight budget and their offer wasn't good enough. They've even been linked with other targets instead now. Secondly, please tell me how Rashica not yet being a Villa player means he doesn't want to join us? What if we haven't agreed a fee yet? What if we have agreed a fee but haven't had chance to speak to him yet? Maybe because he's at Werder's training camp and will meet us when he gets back? What if we have made an offer and he's currently mulling it over? It has only been a week since we were first linked with him after all. It's a big decision for him so no need to rush it. What if he needs a work permit? What if Werder want a replacement lined up first? Those are just a few scenarios but there are literally millions of possibilities. Saying he isn't here yet so must not be interested in us is a ridiculous thing to say and I'm really not sure if you're even being serious when you say it. These are the facts; Rashica informed Werder he wants a new challenge. Leipzig made a derisory offer, which was rejected. We have been linked with him through multiple different sources (too much smoke for us not to be interested). He's gone away to Werder's training camp and has been left out of their friendlies so far. That's it. It's only been just over a week since our interest came out. Why don't we wait a bit and see if there's more to it in the coming days? He might reject us. He might not. We might even pull out. What is for sure is that this transfer would never have been completed in a week and because "he ain't fecking here" yet is not a good enough reason to suggest he's not interested. Watkins isn't here yet either, is he not interested? etc etc...
  21. Yes. I like. Maybe even a triple swoop and go for Koopmeiners too. Or a quadruple swoop and get Wijndal too.
  22. But it is fact that Werder laughed off Leipzig's offer. They were absolutely nowhere near the asking price and they are currently not negotiating with them. Who knows, next week RBL might come back with an improved offer and meet the asking price but currently, as of right now their deal is dead. There is nothing to suggest he doesn't want to join us, as you were claiming. That is peoples opinions (which they are entitled to). But until it comes out that he has rejected us then who knows? Who knows if we've even spoken to him yet? There are a million reasons why he hasn't joined yet. No reason to assume he doesn't want to.
  23. That's a re-hash from the old story that he said to them he wanted a new challenge before the end of the season. It's not a transfer request and he hasn't told them that in the last few days. It was weeks ago. Also, that's nonsense. How do you know he'd be here by now? There could be all sorts of things holding up the deal. We might not have even agreed terms with Werder yet. Nobody knows what stage any of our transfer deal are at except the people working internally on them at the club. I know it's dead in the water because Werder's sporting director Frank Baumann has said he's not listening to offers from Leipzig any more. Have a read of the Werder forum. They said that on there days ago.
  24. But there's nothing to say he does or doesn't want to come here. There are still no quotes from anyone at all. He hasn't submitted a transfer request. That is a re-hash. He told Werder he wanted a new challenge before the season had even ended. They knew he was going to leave and Leipzig were the very first team to be interested in him. The ONLY new development since he was first linked with us last week is that Leipzig are out of the running. They've basically insulted Werder with their offer.
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