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Everything posted by Okonokos

  1. Just putting this in here. Apparently someone on Reddit who has ITK status in the past. Could well be a load of nonsense but why not put it here and hope he's right eh?
  2. He's correctly called Leon Bailey 24 hours early, reading his posts so far.
  3. This guy? Does he have a ITK history? Never use reddit.
  4. Can't blame the club for that. As ever, they know what they're doing but unfortunately sometimes your hands are tied.
  5. Apparently the club shop ran out of e's and people we're somehow linking it to Grealish leaving.
  6. Liverpool in for a Southampton player? Rubbish.
  7. I'm convinced he did want to go. Basically, every time there has been interest in him in one way or another, he has wanted to go. Only difference now is that the interest appears that it may be followed up, whereas it never really got off the ground before. I actually used to sit near him at games back when he was in the youth team. He was there with the rest of the youth team squad when we had the likes of Harry Forrester. Obviously they'd all been given tickets to the games. He used to mess around the entire game. Never showed any interest in it. Maybe he was being Jack the lad in front of his mates as he was only young then but he never really came across as a die hard fan watching his team to me, which I've always found a bit odd.
  8. Football is a chavs sport whereas golf is a gentleman's sport. (In general). It absolutely does bring out the worst in people and the worst of people.
  9. Agree with the first bit Flaps. He's shafted us big time IF he does go, which is looking more and more likely. 2 weeks before the start of the season after saying those words 10 months ago. Really, really poor. But I don't agree with the last paragraph. I trust NSWE to continue their good work. Keep the faith in them. We'll be fine
  10. I think he's a horrible man personally. Definitely overrated though.
  11. Sickening. Yet he's lauded as a genius who develops players haha! Give me a break. He's had probably the 3 easiest jobs in world football on his CV. The man's a cretin.
  12. Definitely. We have a club to support because of NSWE. They are the true heroes here. I trust them 100%. We had plenty of players before Grealish and there will be plenty after.
  13. It annoys me when you run out of likes on this site. This is spot on.
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