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Everything posted by Okonokos

  1. I would imagine there is just a shop manager like the way each individual supermarket has its own manager. The Sainsbury's local manager won't have a clue what's going on at the top day in day out so I don't see why our club shop would either. May even be someone who knows nothing about football but is good at managing retail. I really wouldn't read much into it either way. No way would someone involved in the transfers think to let the club shop know what's going on. Imagine the leaks. We don't let anything leak anymore, especially after the Dean Smith's sons mate incident last year.
  2. Has anyone thought that maybe the club shop manager is just like us and has no idea whether he will stay or go, so just to be on the safe side has taken down the Grealish shirts to maybe dissuade people getting theirs printed. Doing this would just save the hassle of possibly refunding or replacing them if he does go. There's no way the club shop know what's happening. Why would they?
  3. I even hate his picture. Just look how smug he looks. Vile specimen.
  4. Let's all just trust the powers that be. I honestly believe that they will do everything in their power to keep him here. If he does leave, I know it won't be because of a f**k up by the club mismanaging the situation. They'll have done all they could. Plus, I would then 100% back them to spend any income very wisely and bring in absolute top quality. We wouldn't just throw it away. It would be calculated and well thought out and we'll be absolutely fine because of it. If they manage to persuade him to stay then obviously fantastic. Either way, I won't worry until we lose NSWE.
  5. If he saw his future here when he signed the contract, like he said he did then he would just reject a move anywhere as he wouldn't want to leave. Simple. My City, My home, My club. Did he only mean that for the next 12 months then?
  6. Why? We're not in the Championship any more. The club is at its highest point for a very, very long time and the future looks extremely promising. I would seriously question his sanity and motives if he goes now. If we win something or become a real force at the top and he's not here to be part of it then I think he'll regret it. It would mean so much more doing it here.
  7. Would you call signing a new contract because the owners sold their ambitions and plans for the club to you and then leaving 12 months later honest then?
  8. Don't mistake having some of the best players in the world currently with being one of the biggest clubs in the world. Two very, very different things. $hitty will always be smalltime.
  9. Has he though? He's been on the verge of leaving 3 out of the last 4 summers. If he does leave for that $hithole of a club then why would I want him to win anything? That would mean wanting them to win something and my hopes for them involve things like liquidation etc. I absolutely will begrudge him a move. He said he was sold on the owner's plans last summer so what's changed since then? Nothing except we've advanced so surely he should be even more convinced by the owners now? If he leaves this summer then I'm afraid he wasn't being honest last year when he said that.
  10. If he stays then great. If he's off then he can do one. All the "My Club" stuff would have been nonsense all along and I'd sincerely hope he never wins a single trophy in his career. Either way, VTID.
  11. Didn't @Pissflapsconfirm that it was his boss (who happens to live next door to Jack) who sold his house?
  12. OT but Caribbean food is too good! Has he signed yet?
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